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Stealing guns on a gun deal - Accepted


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What you want to see? - Stealing guns during a gun sale being classified as FailRP

Why should we add it? - Because its really annoying when someone spends 500k on a shipment of guns and some random civ steals the shipment, and doesn't make sense in RP.

What are the advantages of having this? - Preventing FailRP and people not going around stealing guns.

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

Links to any content - N/A

Pretty sure this is already a rule, idk though. 

PoliceRP: Former PD LT.

ImperialRP: Starkiller, former 8th Brother, StarFighter Vice Marshall, 501st CPT, and Admin.

MilitaryRP: Captain Price, former USAF Lieutenant Colonel.
JVS:  Former Darth Vader

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Currently that is allowed, citizens are allowed to commit crimes and steal shipments without adverting.

Buuuuuut, I think it is very stupid and I think it should be made Fail RP.
So +Support

No it's not "Nano" or "Noah" it's just "Nao"

EX S.W.A.T Commander

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