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Lews H.L.P.R Bot App


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1. What is your In game Name:Lew

2. SteamID :STEAM_0:0:10493908

3. Rank: Maintenence Expert 

4. Time on server: 2 weeks and 4 days

5. Total strikes ever received: 0

6. How many warns do you have on GL: 4

7. Who gave you permission to apply: Cogs and Andro

8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?:8

9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words):  i think i am fit for H.L.P.R bot because  I think I have what it takes and I think I will be a good addition to the H.L.P.R bot team. My second reason I think I will be  fit is because  I am well known  in Maintenance and Iam really  active  and I think i will do the best as I can.

10. CI is raiding, and you see them breaching a keter SCP. What do you do?: first i will repair the keter CC and then when I am done i will call out CI

Edited by le monkey
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+support good guy I mean I’ve never seen him in utility but I don’t look at other utility members and I would just call out the CC if CI breached them it’s not broken so if it was 939 I would like say 939 is breached by CI they are in LHCZ

Edited by pixalgamer99
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