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Define the Rules of the Banker - Accepted

Duncan  McOkiner

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What you want to see? - I want to see the Banker be much more defined with an actual purpose. As of right now, many people simply do RP Loans. This is fine, however, the Banker could be much more defined.

I recommend defining if the Banker is allowed to legally store Printers/Bitminers for people. It is a bank, and could easily be a "Mint" for Rockford, allowing the legal printing of money. The Banker could charge a large fee or commission for the Printers. Bitminers could also be charged a large upfront fee, given that the Banker would likely be responsible for filling the Bitminers while the Customer has !remotebitminers. It would also need to be defined on who the Banker can store for (Government, Custom Classes, Criminals, Neutral Jobs, Admins, Etcetera). 

Why should we add it? - It is very clear that we are trying to completely revamp the Bank into a much more useful experience. We have added an actual Bank Security Job, and we have largely increased the size of the Bank Vault Value. We have gotten an entirely new addon for Bank Robberies. This would make the bank a centerpiece of the area. The Banker would build a base within the bank, while the Bank Security would protect said base. If Criminals Managed to fully get past the defenses, they would need to rush to "fill up their bags" by taking money from printers and bitminers while waiting for Government to get there. 

What are the advantages of having this? - This is very simply a rule change without adding new content, and it would allow the Bank to be fully rounded out into a positive centerpiece for RP. Good Bankers could make an extraordinary amount of money, while Bad Bankers will likely get next to no business. Bank Security would need to be paying much more attention, given that there may be 10m+ located within the bank, without taking into account the actual cost of machines.

Who is it mainly for? - Players that like money

Links to any content - N/A

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I think it would be a good  idea about the bitminers being able to go in the bank but money printers I wouldn't do since money printers are illegal and it wouldn't make sense if people could just put them in the bank. 


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