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Creamey's ACM Application


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1. What is your Ingame Name: Creamey

2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it): STEAM_0:1:419318201

3. Rank: Medic/Surgeon

4. Time on server: 2 weeks, 5 days

5. Total strikes ever received: 0

6. How many warns do you have on GL: 0

7. Who gave you permission to apply: Doctor Jack and Surgical Supervisor Smokey

8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: 10

9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words): I believe that I am fit for ACM because across all branches, I have never been striked or demoted. Along with that, I have never been warned on any of the Gaminglight RP servers. I have also recently joined the Surgical sub-branch and look forward to climbing the ranks. Additionally I am a 1LT in Security so I am experienced with combat and the tactics needed to effectively support your team. I would use my new role as an ACM to support Security during partial lockdowns by healing them and defending from D Class. With the knives and the Jacks, Security has been struggling on occasion to maintain control of D Block, and therefore I want to assist them as much as I can. I have always enjoyed providing people with the aid they need, which probably explains why Medical is the branch I appreciate the most. Finally, I plan to stay in Medical for quite some time, because some of the best people on the server are in Medical and it is an extremely fun branch to be a part of. Thank you for the opportunity. 

10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do: Finish healing the CPL, then go assist the CPT. Following the gunfight, tend to the CPT's wounds and anyone else who needs medical attention.

Edited by CreameyCheesey
Rank change because I was promoted.
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[SCP-RP]   Retired Head Of Security   ||   Retired Field Work Manager   ||   Retired OM3   ||   Retired Event Team Member

[JvS no more]   Former FIRST The Grand Inquisitor

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SCPRP Former Head Of Medical Staff | "I was hom" | PhD in botching surgeries
ImperialRP Former 69th Medical Corps Senior Commander and Former Commander "What do you mean the patient needs to have a spine to survive?"-Some researcher (probably)  Former ImperialRP Senior Admin


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  • Trustworthy Player
  • Has helped out Utility branches before with events
  • Clean history, 0 strikes/warns
  • Good at RP
  • Committed to helping D block
  • Good answers to App questions

He'll do just fine with it 👍

Edited by CanOBeanz
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O5-9: "Misfortune"  A.K.A.  "Mr. Unlucky"

"Accidents Happen-- Mostly to me!"


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Your ACM application was accepted! Please ensure you're familiar with the rules of ACMs. If you have any questions please ask me!

You're a Junior ACM.

"Pay increase declined. Welcome to the Foundation, get used to it." -O5-6

3rd time Head of Medical Staff Ex-Director of Research and Security Ex-Director of Utility | Ex-Senior Admin for SCP-RP |  Ex-Admin for TTT 

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