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Zetas R.I.G unit


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Full Name (Lore Name):
Zeta Addler

Researcher // Research Recruiting Agent

Requested Name(i.e RIG Unit [Number] [Name]):
RIG Unit 9418 "NOVA"

Who gave you permission to apply?:
Slurmp, R.A.M Cancer, Trevdec, Tomato

Why should the foundation authorize your requested unit? (80 word minimum):
The Foundation as we know it deals with some of the most dangerous entities mankind has ever known. While man has done a great job securing these entities, automation has always been the future of our kind. RIG Unit 9418, NOVA for short, is a combat-trained Android created by some of the worlds brightest minds. It's primary objective is to serve the Foundation (its calibrated handlers) in any way its authorized to do. It's highest priority is to ensure any testing environment is secured from any hostile or unauthorized activity while testing is on-going by the Research Team. NOVA is extremely loyal and obedient, with some of the fastest reaction times an Android can have with real-time reactivity. NOVA is also capable of comprehending and understand human emotion and commands, allowing for an enjoyable and relatable experience with this RIG Unit to make all Foundation employees feel welcome and safe in the hands of this unit. Finally, but certaintly not least, NOVA has undergone extreme military training which includes hand-to-hand combat, long-range combat, and close range combat alike. NOVA is the result of years of collaboration of the brightest minds the world has the offer, along with the greatest and most precise technical engineers the Foundation has. Overall, accepting this Unit will greatly increase safety for all of the Research team and Foundation alike. Not accepting this unit would even be considered a mistake.

OOC, I generally want to take the stress off of Researchers and Security/MTF alike when they're occupied. Obviously, I have no intent to take Securities job. However I do want to relieve the stress of having a lack of security or MTF online/available for testing. I'm very experienced in the SCPRP server, with every rule known to man burned in my mind. I'm hard working and a good roleplayer, so I wouldn't disappoint.

Edited by NetworkParadox
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-became a recruiting agent at rank of researcher (I didn’t even know you could)

-exceeded the minimum word threshold greatly

-4 command members gave permission


-lots of time put into the application

[SCP-RP]   Retired Head Of Security   ||   Retired Field Work Manager   ||   Retired OM3   ||   Retired Event Team Member

[JvS no more]   Former FIRST The Grand Inquisitor

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In the past I’ve had bad experiences with you, but you’ve turned yourself and I respect that very much. I can’t comment on how you are as a researcher, but I think that you deserve a role in RIG. 

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