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Jack Crests 05 Red Right Hand Apllication


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In Game Name: Jack Crest

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:458365971

Job applying for: Red Right Hand, Nu7 PVT

If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: No preference

How many Strikes do you have: 0

Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: Honestly? because it sounds fun, that and i'd get to do more on the server, which i like the idea of.  Other than that i was also gonna try and join A1 when they still existed but unfortunately wasn't here long enough to do so, their job seemed kinda fun to play I like the idea of protecting VIPs within and without the site.

Why should we accept you: I feel i should be accepted due to my high activity on the server which will continue for quite a long time, i have no current strikes and my previous strikes were from when i had recently joined so didn't really know what I was doing and ended up following someone into armory as 1048 and something else i don't remember what though. I also feel i could be of use to any 05 I escort as I believe  I know what i'm doing, I make sure i'm never in anyone's way too avoid crossfire, pretty good at avoiding crossfire myself and would happily lay down my life for said 05, or anyone else's life should it come to that

Edited by Meridian

|| Retired GenSec || STARS || J04 "Crest" || Foul Tarnished || 

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You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff

You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic.

The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself.

Application is wrong and is very rushed 


Edited by [GL] Zeus

SCP-RP: Commander of Epsilon-11 || Chaos Insurgency Captain || Senior Admin ||  Forums Diplomat || Rho-36 Arcane Autonomous Scout ||

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2 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff

You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic.

The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself.

Application is wrong and is very rushed 



                                                                             Chad of many names       Professional Shit talker


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3 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff

You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic.

The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself.

Application is wrong and is very rushed 



Former Security Captain | Former RCF Commander | Former Admin of SCP:RP | King Penguin 

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-short and rushed application


[SCP-RP]   Retired Head Of Security   ||   Retired Field Work Manager   ||   Retired OM3   ||   Retired Event Team Member

[JvS no more]   Former FIRST The Grand Inquisitor

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On 4/18/2020 at 4:42 AM, [GL] Zeus said:

You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff

You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic.

The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself.

Application is wrong and is very rushed 



Retired E11 CMDR | Retired Admin | CI CPT |  Event Team Member

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On 4/18/2020 at 4:42 AM, [GL] Zeus said:

You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff

You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic.

The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself.

Application is wrong and is very rushed 


I mean you guard O5 Research team if No one is on, but otherwise -support

Current : 
Former : Nu7 COL, HSU Founder (I wrote the SOP so I'm very important clearly), Nu7 MAJ x 2, E11 2LT, SCP Senior Mod, TTT SA, JvS Admin, TS Support 3,  HSU Commissar (💀), RRH Guardian 01


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On 4/18/2020 at 3:42 AM, [GL] Zeus said:

You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff

You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic.

The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself.

Application is wrong and is very rushed 


the job of RRH is to guard the 05 and the STAFF!!!!
+/- I mean he is doing really well in security. I see him on every day and he does a lot of trainings and knows his stuff. But idk if you have been in MTF long enough to fully understand it. Could be a good fit and  I would enjoy you on the  team but again, I don't know if you fully understand it, and it does seem a little rushed but I can't tell. 


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On 4/18/2020 at 4:42 AM, [GL] Zeus said:

You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff

You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic.

The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself.

Application is wrong and is very rushed 



On 4/23/2020 at 8:22 PM, Gasss said:


No effort in application

You are applying for a very important position, put forth effort


[Former] Director of Containment | [Current] MTF A1 RRH Operative OH0 | [Former] MTF A1 Executive Commander EC98 |  [Former] SCP-RP Moderator
"He who acts on his own desire, breeds Pestilence" ~ Daedran 2019 |  "Director Rangiatea is not allowed to do “!slay director” and claim Director Blackbeard had a heart attack."

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