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Tomato's O5 Research Team Application


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In Game Name: Tomato

Steam ID:  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013080348/

Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + |  Red Right Hand - ANY MTF RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research - Researcher+): Research

If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: N/A

How many Strikes do you have: 1 (i think)

Why do you want to join the O5 staff team:  I want to join the O5 staff team because I want the opportunity to test on SCP's that are typically above my grade as a Research Assistant manager to test on (such as SCP-106). The respect and honor that go along with the title O5 carries a lot of weight and to be apart of that would be a privilege. I would love to work with my fellow O5 members on research that will better the foundation and society as a whole. Having been in the research department for over a year now, I am comfortable facing any challenge that will come my way. I have faced all forms of minges during my time as a researcher and with each one I try my hardest to act as a middle man and offer the offender the opportunity to better themselves.  As a member of the O5 team i will be better equipped to assist with any sort of conflict that comes across on the server. I want the server/research department to thrive and allowing me the distinction of being an O5 staff team member will allow me to better help manage and coach the younger researchers and make research department the best branch it can be.

Why should we accept you:  I have been on the server for over a year now, and my track record is exceptional. I strive to be the most mature, respectful, and fair researcher I can be. I conduct my tests in a respectable and professional manor consistent with that of an O5 member. I am active every day on the server and i am always helping younger researchers with their test ideas and pushing them to think outside the box on their test ideas. A creative test is a quality test. Along with being on the server, I am active on the discord and forums daily. I am dedicated to this roll and this dedication will only increase if I am allowed the roll of O5. My test history and test logs are consistently rated highly (two in the Hall of fame currently) and the ability to test on SCP's that are normally blocked off will allow me to produce more quality and creative test logs. I have also published papers regarding various SCP's on site as well as discovering and classifying several new SCP's during my time with the foundation. The amount of SCP classifications, Research papers, and test logs will only improve and become more plentiful if given the opportunity to be a member of the O5 Team.


Thank you and have a wonderful day.



Former DHOR Tomato

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+Amazing Application

Good Luck!

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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I think Tomato would be a perfect fit for this job. I have known him my entire time in research and he is one of the few people who is actually dedicated to research. Tomato is extremely active and all my experiences with him have been good. He is mature and is always trying to help the department. He recently even made a test log competition where the prize was an amazon gift card in order to try to boost people's interest in writing logs. I can't think of anyone in research more deserving of the role.

Italian Boss Vincent "Vinny" Vincenzo     /   Research Command    /    O-5 Council Research Staff


Sixx's Pussy is NOT mediocre even if SMT says it is!

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