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Juno's Field Agent Application


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Applicant's Name Juno M. Arborius. Juno has been with the Research Division for around a month now, and seems to enjoy trying to break the mold of what's been done time and time again. Dr. Arborius is known to be somewhat sarcastic and humorous in stressful situations as well as a love for firearms. He's currently banned from the use of 'magnums' due to concerns from the interviewer about potential misuse. Nonetheless, Juno has proved to be competent and mature in situations that demand it, particularly when an unknown cognitohazardous anomaly was running rampant in the Site, and he was called to examine the last known location. Branching off of this, Juno has shown a high interest in cognitohazardous anomalies as a whole.


You have been granted clearance to recruit personnel of any department (that are of level 3 clearance) to assist in your operation, in an effort to diversify the plan.
Describe the team you would assemble, as well as your plan to capture the anomaly: 
For starters,  E-11 personnel are crucial to the success of capturing the anomaly.  What E-11 lack in firepower, they make up for in their unprecedented capabilities when it comes to containing even the most elusive of anomalies. However, E-11 can't make up the entire force, let alone the majority. Nu-7 would be the next pick for assisting in the capture of the anomaly. Their presence is required to deal with any armed threats, or tough, hostile, and lethal threats that the anomaly presents, as well as potential GOI interference. Depending on the anomaly as well, Dr. Clef might be an extremely valuable asset due to his reality anchoring nature.


The first step of capturing any given anomaly is observation. I would watch the anomaly for a brief time beforehand or with whatever means available to determine what type of anomaly it is. The kind of anomaly could range anywhere from temporal, cognitohazardous, memetic, bio-hazardous, all the way to just plain destructive. After determining the nature of the anomaly, Nu-7 will be dispatched to form a perimeter in a wide range around the anomaly's given area. They are responsible not for terminating or engaging the anomaly so much as threatening or diverting the anomaly back into the area of capture. Afterwards, E-11 will move in once a capturing method has been worked out by the Field Agent (me). E-11 and I will the capture the anomaly using its own tactics against it thanks to the 'pre-game' observations.


After successfully executing your plan, you now have the anomaly in your custody. But despite the successful operation, you are then ambushed by a trio of CI, who demand the captured anomaly.
How will you defuse the situation?: 
This question assumes a number of things. For one, the Nu-7 were already prepared for the potential ambush of CI. Their entire purpose, other than to form a perimeter in the middle of capturing the anomaly, were to be on guard and on the lookout for dangerous GOI aiming to interfere. They will take out the GOI. However, there is always the chance that fails, and the CI ambush anyways. In that case, there are a number of ways to go about the situation. The first is to gauge the deadliness of the anomaly. The CI can always be raided for the anomaly if it's something we can risk without losing personnel. However, if we can't risk it, the next step is to examine their weapons. Only weaker weapons? Perfect. Sure, take the anomaly. However, it's a cognitohazard. Two men must look at it at all times. They'll look, and I'll shoot. First goes the man not looking. Then go the two men caught by surprise. If it's obvious I can't match their weaponry, a hostile route is not the way to go. The last option is simple deceit. Sure, take the anomaly. It's extremely lethal anyways. Any story could be made up for an anomaly they know nothing about. Perhaps it'll kill you within a minute if the passphrase isn't said. Maybe if it's still within thirty meters of you after ten seconds of looking at it, you'll suffer instant death- no, no. I'm immune, the Foundation has a good way of making Field Agents immune to the effects of anomalous properties. So many ways to deal with the CI, so little time.


After temporarily securing the anomaly into containment, you have been trusted to design its containment procedures.
What is your plan to secure this anomaly?: 
For one, it must be determined what the object's class is. Is it safe, euclid, or keter?  In all situations, it boils down to what the anomaly is. There's no solid way of containing an anomaly without knowing its full properties besides just shoving it in a box with a locked door, and hoping for the best. Looking at you, 173. I happen to be very creative when it comes to countering certain parts of something's anomalous properties. All you need are references to practice. 682? Acid. 173? Look at it- otherwise it's just in a box. 035? Keep cleaning its cell, keep the mask behind glass containers. If the SCP is safe, then it will go into the LCZ. If it is Euclid, but won't cause excessive damage or death from being in a highly populated zone, then it will also enter the LCZ. For any other case, it will be assigned into the HCZ. Basically, examine what its anomalous traits are, and then design a containment based around negating those traits.

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+support - A very nice guy, certainly helpful to other researchers and is always polite. I'm sure he would do a lot of good work as a field agent for the branch!

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Italian Boss Vincent "Vinny" Vincenzo     /   Research Command    /    O-5 Council Research Staff


Sixx's Pussy is NOT mediocre even if SMT says it is!

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A great researcher and I believe would fit this role perfectly in my eyes. Active, dedicated, and knows what he is doing.

SCP-RP - Former Assistant Head of Research | Former OMI-9 2LT | Former GenSec 2LT


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