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Everything posted by G4M3R

  1. +/- Support I think people are getting the wrong idea here. No, 049 should not be able to turn doctors or researchers into zombies, if that's what he meant by 'attacking'. However, SCP-049 in lore can and will kill people who don't have the 'pestilence' in order to achieve his goals, or perhaps to clear the surgery area. Nonetheless, unless I'm incorrect, 049 in-game doesn't have a weapon by which to attack Researchers/Medical other than the 049 swep. Which, he shouldn't be using to attack them anyways. I also think that fists would be a bit ridiculous. So, no. SCP--049 should NOT be able to attack Medical or Researchers by using his swep- he attacks them using the zombies he creates. Giving him something like fists would just lead to a bunch of minging, to be honest.
  2. G4M3R

    SCP-504 - Denied

    Now, what I'm suggesting isn't the addition of these tomatoes into the game. Whoever got the 'role' would just be invisible behind some basket of tomatoes. Boring. However, I think the Event Team could maybe host an event or two in the future featuring the tomatoes! It's kind of like that trivia SCP event. Researchers would bring D-Class, and they'd attempt to make jokes. Good jokes resulting in XP, bad ones resulting in damage, and REALLY bad ones resulting in death. Here's a link to the scp's wiki. http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-504
  3. +/- Support While he definitely has the creativity for Field Agent, he has a tendency to concoct some extremely outlandish ideas that break lore and immersion such as telepathy serum, 'hacking Serpent's Hand', and etc. I feel if he could limit his creativity to a level that doesn't push the lore to its absolute limit, he'd be good for the role.
  4. +Support Soviet's already proved his competency when it comes to positions of high responsibility such as Research Command. He's serious about what he does, and I see that a number of times whether he's on a Research role, or working in Gensec. I absolutely can't deny the fact that he'd make a great Field Agent.
  5. +SUPPORT! I support this just about as much as I support Brigand's Command App. Sven is extremely mature and responsible when handling other researchers, putting the safety of them before anything. I've experienced firsthand his willingness to help others and give them advice for things such as actions and behaviors to appeal to work their way up the ranks. He's a good dude, and definitely fit for Research Command.
  6. - Support I gotta' agree. 2 weeks is really low. (Also, Trev, you rejoined Research like a month ago, dookie head.)
  7. +/- Support! + I've worked alongside Horruss before. He's real mature in his work, and shows real potential. He's in an unfortunate position where he gets on during a different time than others- which plays into people not getting to see him a whole lot. - Er... Yeah, I don't know where you got the 3-4 month thing from. Hoping that wasn't intentional.
  8. - Support I love ya', Vlad, but I don't think Command is right for you just yet. The reasoning for why you should be Research Command seems to be less about leading Research, and more-so about you doing more tests. Especially ones that demand the game add things to MTF such as advanced 'regeneration serums' or something akin to that- which would make them broken. Plus, you also want to get rid of Utiltiy/Tech it seems, and instead shift that over to the Research Division- that extends far out of our branch. I think you're a cool dude, but I feel like the ol' noggin needs to be in the right place first!
  9. +/- Support! + I feel that a number of things play into him getting Command. The previous Command experience helps, but also a willingness to help other researchers when so required to make sure that they have a good time, and good tests. I've seen him jump at opportunities to conduct things such as mass testing, and it's nice to see. - I feel as though he could work on one or two things. The first is a more up-there goal! Promises of activity is nice, but expected from Research Command in general. He should really be aiming for the stars when it comes to things Research could work on. I suppose the other thing is more grace under pressure- debates with him can get a little heated. A calm and patient mindset, as well as an ability to not get heated helps. Overall, I think Trev would make a good Command.
  10. +SUPPORT! Brigand's one cool dude, and definitely a fit for Research Command. While he does like to mess around sometimes and have fun, he's never been one to go against protocol at inappropriate times from what I've seen. He's open-minded when it comes to issues involving him, and he's down with the role-play aspect of SCPRP. I feel that Brigand would be a good addition. My only negative is that I feel like he could interact with researchers more often. From conversations I've had with him, he could definitely be a valuable person for researchers to go to for help or advice.
  11. Applicant's Name : Juno M. Arborius. Juno has been with the Research Division for around a month now, and seems to enjoy trying to break the mold of what's been done time and time again. Dr. Arborius is known to be somewhat sarcastic and humorous in stressful situations as well as a love for firearms. He's currently banned from the use of 'magnums' due to concerns from the interviewer about potential misuse. Nonetheless, Juno has proved to be competent and mature in situations that demand it, particularly when an unknown cognitohazardous anomaly was running rampant in the Site, and he was called to examine the last known location. Branching off of this, Juno has shown a high interest in cognitohazardous anomalies as a whole. You have been granted clearance to recruit personnel of any department (that are of level 3 clearance) to assist in your operation, in an effort to diversify the plan. Describe the team you would assemble, as well as your plan to capture the anomaly: For starters, E-11 personnel are crucial to the success of capturing the anomaly. What E-11 lack in firepower, they make up for in their unprecedented capabilities when it comes to containing even the most elusive of anomalies. However, E-11 can't make up the entire force, let alone the majority. Nu-7 would be the next pick for assisting in the capture of the anomaly. Their presence is required to deal with any armed threats, or tough, hostile, and lethal threats that the anomaly presents, as well as potential GOI interference. Depending on the anomaly as well, Dr. Clef might be an extremely valuable asset due to his reality anchoring nature. The first step of capturing any given anomaly is observation. I would watch the anomaly for a brief time beforehand or with whatever means available to determine what type of anomaly it is. The kind of anomaly could range anywhere from temporal, cognitohazardous, memetic, bio-hazardous, all the way to just plain destructive. After determining the nature of the anomaly, Nu-7 will be dispatched to form a perimeter in a wide range around the anomaly's given area. They are responsible not for terminating or engaging the anomaly so much as threatening or diverting the anomaly back into the area of capture. Afterwards, E-11 will move in once a capturing method has been worked out by the Field Agent (me). E-11 and I will the capture the anomaly using its own tactics against it thanks to the 'pre-game' observations. After successfully executing your plan, you now have the anomaly in your custody. But despite the successful operation, you are then ambushed by a trio of CI, who demand the captured anomaly. How will you defuse the situation?: This question assumes a number of things. For one, the Nu-7 were already prepared for the potential ambush of CI. Their entire purpose, other than to form a perimeter in the middle of capturing the anomaly, were to be on guard and on the lookout for dangerous GOI aiming to interfere. They will take out the GOI. However, there is always the chance that fails, and the CI ambush anyways. In that case, there are a number of ways to go about the situation. The first is to gauge the deadliness of the anomaly. The CI can always be raided for the anomaly if it's something we can risk without losing personnel. However, if we can't risk it, the next step is to examine their weapons. Only weaker weapons? Perfect. Sure, take the anomaly. However, it's a cognitohazard. Two men must look at it at all times. They'll look, and I'll shoot. First goes the man not looking. Then go the two men caught by surprise. If it's obvious I can't match their weaponry, a hostile route is not the way to go. The last option is simple deceit. Sure, take the anomaly. It's extremely lethal anyways. Any story could be made up for an anomaly they know nothing about. Perhaps it'll kill you within a minute if the passphrase isn't said. Maybe if it's still within thirty meters of you after ten seconds of looking at it, you'll suffer instant death- no, no. I'm immune, the Foundation has a good way of making Field Agents immune to the effects of anomalous properties. So many ways to deal with the CI, so little time. After temporarily securing the anomaly into containment, you have been trusted to design its containment procedures. What is your plan to secure this anomaly?: For one, it must be determined what the object's class is. Is it safe, euclid, or keter? In all situations, it boils down to what the anomaly is. There's no solid way of containing an anomaly without knowing its full properties besides just shoving it in a box with a locked door, and hoping for the best. Looking at you, 173. I happen to be very creative when it comes to countering certain parts of something's anomalous properties. All you need are references to practice. 682? Acid. 173? Look at it- otherwise it's just in a box. 035? Keep cleaning its cell, keep the mask behind glass containers. If the SCP is safe, then it will go into the LCZ. If it is Euclid, but won't cause excessive damage or death from being in a highly populated zone, then it will also enter the LCZ. For any other case, it will be assigned into the HCZ. Basically, examine what its anomalous traits are, and then design a containment based around negating those traits.
  12. PLEASE LOCK POST. I've heard different conversations about the whole topic of 'time on the server', and... I agree. Perhaps it's best that I gain standing and reputation on the server first as a different role. I do want to help lead research into a new frontier, but it's best if someone who has been here longer than I have takes the role, such as Brigand or Trevdec. I'm going to instead apply for the position of a Field Agent. Thank you again for the opportunity of applying for Research Command.
  13. +Support. Even if it's a thing that already exists, why not just twist the suggestion then a bit to say that we should have these branches implement those already existing but dusty old systems back? If they really are already a thing, let's pull them off the shelf and put them to use. Maybe rework them a bit.
  14. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15uob72YybzQdMa45W7yedaIs9skoWxKvXmUsJhjcw3o/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Name: Juno Arborius. Current Rank: Lead Researcher. Time in Research (Approximate): Trained on March 3rd, 2020, so almost four weeks. Why should you be research command, AKA what can you bring to the table that the rest of command can't? (100-word minimum): When it comes to Command/Staff positions, I'm no rookie. I have been an Admin and developer on multiple role-play servers, of which many people can vouch for my professionalism and drive for such things that I'm passionate about. I am no stranger to dealing with reviewing sheets, dealing with conflicts, and working in higher ranks to advance communities. In the last month that I've been in the Research division, I have already shown what sort of skills I can bring to the table. I have shown leadership through holding multiple seminars trying to help people get creative with their testing. I've even helped specific people turn seemingly bland tests into something more outlandish that can be praised as original. I have shown maturity and professionalism through some of the issues and conflicts I found myself in with the division. Regardless of what happens, I almost always apologize for misunderstandings, and take responsibility for things I'm at fault for. I've shown drive and inspiration through the various in-character e-mails and letters I have sent to others, as well as reaching out to other researchers to joint-test. Anyone can look at my testing logs and my thoughts on character creation to know that I'm serious about what I do. This server, and this division, already has my highest respect because of the role-play that I get out of it, and now I request that I step up such a position to join Command and help lead Research into new frontiers. What will you do to make research more active and better? (100 word minimum)(Tangible items like activity, expertise or the ability to run trainings, etc)?: I think that Command shouldn't just be limited to grading/authorizing tests. I want to become more hands-on when it comes to Command. As a member of Research Command, I will try to portray myself to researchers not just as someone who grades and approves, but someone they can reach out to for help in making their tests better, and advancing their own creativity. I will, as I already am now, continuously check in on others and show interest in their tests, helping them come up with something that will 'wow' test-graders every single time. As well as that, I want to be able to encourage researchers from a position of authority and respect to research SCP's properly to fully understand what they're tampering with when testing, as I've seen too many researchers not bother with the nitty-gritty specifics. I'll shift this division from shots in the dark to ventures into the unknown.
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13fWX1jK35J69Si7EO3uAxQdtl0PpgTcXULH1hu_2dRU/edit?usp=sharing
  17. What do you want to see? - An update to the toy soldier SCP-5208 now currently in the game. They should have a weapon buff, as well as having keys and physguns. Why should we add it? - The gun update is due to an event that happened particularly while I was 5208 with a full squad of them. One man alone was able to wipe out essentially our whole squad with a scythe while we all unloaded clips into him. I feel the weapons should be buffed to make 5208 a little more dangerous than that. The keys would be so that 5208 can change their colors without having to use the surrender feature or die. It's pretty annoying. Finally, the Physgun came from a little idea of mine. If they're toy soldiers, wouldn't they be capable of using small objects to build forts? I say allow a Phys gun so that toy soldiers can set up a fort in some room of the HCZ made from stuff like takeout boxes and newspapers. It'd be pretty fun. What are the advantages of having this? - The gun update would make 5208 more dangerous than they really are- I feel if one dude with a melee weapon can take clips upon clips of ammunition from all five 5208 and still wipe them all out, they're not really a lethal SCP. Not that much, anyway. The keys I just feel should already be a thing. After all, it's already a rule for 5208 to have their swep out at all times, so it can just be an enforced rule like everything else. Finally, like mentioned earlier, the physgun would just be for fun little fort building. Obviously no stuff like doors or barricades. Who is it mainly for? - SCP-5208. Links to any content - N/A
  18. Be patient, Blue Bird. The more you bump the post, the more likely you are to get delayed in grading. If you're displeased with the time it's taking to grade a test, I recommend using the Discord to ask about it.
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10yv2p71KTYHE1dMTP96pM2xTh8iGoUiLz3jNjgdwVp0/edit?usp=sharing
  20. Lore Name: Juno Arborius Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:67830948 Rank: Lead Researcher Activity Level: 8/10
  21. I see that being understandable, but couldn't that kind of event be applied to any custom job? I feel an MTF job could also have someone feeling as though they can't be punished. Could Research CC's be added back, but with an additional cost or something given the potential clearance and whatnot? There could also be rank limitations applied so that only people of a certain rank already within the Research branch can apply for that custom job. I understand if that can't be done, I'm just bummed the entire possibility of a Research CC is ruined because one person decided to minge on it.
  22. So, I plan on getting a custom job in the far off future and have some questions concerning them after doing some research. 1) I noticed that the additional cost pays for the job to be CI/MTF/Security. I couldn't find any information on research jobs. Does this mean you're unable to have a research position as a custom job? 2) Concerning the player model, let's say I can't find what I'm aiming for in the workshop. Is there a way to just request that an already existing player model on the server be recolored, or if I could get advice on how to do that myself?
  23. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1emgHWHSOtU8sfKgNa4t-hOTZ5laJObCX2LKcriOq7VE/edit?usp=sharing
  24. I did something a bit different this time and tried taking Kuma's advice not to use the first person for this. Let me know if it is better or worse than first-person, please! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jI79l-6-NgJurpcDegXGqcaM5L0dgLgutXJXud9DGH4/edit?usp=sharing
  25. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E23imQPi4gmKGWnUE-phfhaKAlszGMlmKS6kx0Q8KNw/edit?usp=sharing
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