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Merge BMD and Advanced Gundealer


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What you want to see? - Merge advanced gun dealer and black market dealer into one class: Black market dealer.

Why should we add it? - For the non-VIP players, there are never BMDs in which means that they can’t get keypad crackers, restraints, etc. Merging it into advanced gundealer (and probably renaming advanced gundealer to black market dealer) would remove an unused class and also provide non-VIP members opportunities to buy the things they need, since advanced gun dealers are a lot more common.

What are the advantages of having this? - Removes an unused class and allows non-VIP members to buy stuff easier.

Who is it mainly for? - Non-VIP members, but also just generally helps since it’s just a little bit of a performance improvement.

Links to any content - N/A

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Black Market Dealer is completely unused. I hate having to beg people in ooc to get on BMD so I can buy restraints, etc. when there is almost always a gun dealer/advanced gun dealer on. 

SX CEO ViperKimg | EMS/FR Reserves | Gaminglight Member Since 2017 | Donated Over $850 | Ex-PoliceRP Staff | $1,000,000,000 Achieved In-Game | Married to @EmptiedSkies ❤️

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Literally makes no sense. Why would a GD sell these things, makes no sense.

PoliceRP: Former PD LT.

ImperialRP: Starkiller, former 8th Brother, StarFighter Vice Marshall, 501st CPT, and Admin.

MilitaryRP: Captain Price, former USAF Lieutenant Colonel.
JVS:  Former Darth Vader

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