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Deleck's 501st Legion Vice Commander Application

Deleck Zelender

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1. What is your IGN? (In-Game Name) : EC CPL Zel 1805/ IC PFC Zel 1805


2. What Regiment are you applying for? 501st Legion.


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?   I want to become VCMDR in the 501st Legion because I can lead a successful team and would be very good at it, I also wanna become this honored position because I can follow orders extremely well, but I would like to be the one to gives out orders and be respected more often then I am. And I think I'm worth being a  VCMDR and leading the 501st Legion to their glory. as well as I want to join a group where I can grow to bigger and better heights within the 501st. I want to take this experience to get in the big leagues and better myself. And I also want to become A VCMDR because it is one of the Biggest next steps that I need to take in order to fight better and improve my skills because it gives me the ability to use better classes and weapons. It would also I would be extremely honored if you guys gave me a chance to join this admired branch.

4. How much game time do you have on the server? I have been on since the server was released to the public.


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? To be an effective VCMDR you should be aware of what your subordinates are doing and have a clear objective for them to accomplish next. Equally important to issuing orders is staying in communication with other Battalions Leaders. On the opposite side of the communication spectrum, listen to your subordinates and take their suggestions seriously. They can be an excellent resource most of the time. And Also a leader is to be decisive and tough while remaining likable. Barking out orders like R. Lee Ermey is going to cause your squad to evaporate as they leave your server and search out a new one.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :  I think I can be trusted with this high rank because of my hard to trigger temper and the positions I am holding at the moment. I also pride myself in positions and jobs I hold which hold me from doing something totally whack and screwing things up. I am also a calm enlisted with a clear mind who’ll think about something deeply then do it if in reason. I respect my higher-ups and my branch along with the server and I believe myself to be a trustworthy man. I know this is a rather high rank in the 501st that can easily be abused from my past I have not abused my power and I plan to keep it that way. And I love to help others I'm a serious Role player so I act like this is my legit life. so yeah pretty serious but I am also really good at training others when I was a VCMDR on Mil Rp on that I don't play anymore, I Trained about 10+ Cadets / and my own troops every day for about a year, but yeah I think I would be pretty trusted because I have quite some experience with being an HC (High Command).


7. How often can you be Online? : Almost every day.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : Only old warnings.

Former SZ CMDR / USN LTC (MILRP) | Former 501st CMDR (SWRP) | Former Gamemaster (SWRP)


season 1 mystery of a thousand moons GIF by Star Wars

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57 minutes ago, KyleTheOne said:

Great Sergeant In EC and I think he would be great for this role


2 hours ago, (Blrp) MasterChiefWM1 said:

+support good trooper followed orders etc


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