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Make it harder to rob banks


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What you want to see? - To make it harder to rob banks. have a system where you have to carry bags to a person or spot on the map to be able to get the money. and when you rob banks bags drop and you have to carry them to your car then drive to the spot 

Why should we add it? - to make it harder to rob banks more RP and more fun

What are the advantages of having this? - more RP and harder to rob banks more fun

Who is it mainly for? - crim and gov 

Links to any content - for example use this bag but their probably better bags then this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=685014557&searchtext=money+bags 


What you want to see? - if the other suggestion gets added then remove the rule where they can shoot you when 1 min is left

Why should we add it? - for the other suggetion

What are the advantages of having this? - it's to make the other suggestion fair

Who is it mainly for? - crim

Links to any content - N/A

EX Secret Secret Service ASAIC, EX DOC CPL, EX EMS, EX ARU MSGT, EX Staff Moderator 

PD MSGT, Secret Service SSA Reserve

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