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Removing the AOS/KOS warrant rule

[GL] My Pet named Steve

Removing the AOS/KOS warrant rule  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they remove the AOS/KOS warrant rule?

    • Yes (Reason)
    • Maybe (Reason)
    • No (Reason)

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What you want to see? - I would like to see the AOS/KOS rule removed of when you have the red worded text above your head and when they don't have proof. (Don't remove the text, just the rule where government can AOS/KOS off this)

Why should we add it? - I am really getting sick and tired of this rule. It is completely meta gaming, and there is no RP involved whatsoever in it. It is super annoying to be shot and arrested for it, and they don't even tell you it until after you are in cuffs and already pretty much at the PD. 

What are the advantages of having this? - I believe we should have this rule removed due to the RP being outragous, as there's no RP involved. If no government sees you commiting the crime, then you shouldn't be AOS/KOS, unless called over by radio. This would greatly increase RP, have less staff sits about false arrest and what not, and all around just have a better view of everything and everyone in the GL PoliceRP community. 

Who is it mainly for? - Non-government classes

Links to any content - N/A

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