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Munchies - Admin Application


Should Munchies be Admin  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Munchies be Admin

    • Yes (Reason)
    • No (Reason)

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What is your in-game name?: Munchies


What is your steam name?: [GL] |Munchies|


What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:222609639


Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I'm currently staffing for Gaminglight. In the past I was staff for Gaminglight as well


What date did you start playing on the community? December/January


What date did you make your forums account? January 27th


Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank) Senior-Moderator


How many warns do you have on the server? 4


Have you donated? Yes


What rank are you applying for? Admin


Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yes


Timezone: AEST


Permission (Admin+ need this): Carpenter | MyanDaBeast | Arnold Duck | Reborn


Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I feel like I should become Admin is because I have a lot of experience within Staffing in the Community, I believe I have the standards and the maturity to become an Admin. I have put effort and a lot of work into staffing I'm pretty active when on duty and when needed on duty, I feel like I'm very respectful towards Staff, Players and when in sits I'm always doing my job correctly as a Senior-Moderator I'm always helping lower ranking staff when they need help. I consider myself as a Role Model for lower ranking Staff and Non-Staff because I'm friendly, Really nice when you get to know me and overall just fun to be around with. Being apart of the Staff Team is a great opportunity and I'm so thankful and glad I have got that opportunity to help this community grow and make it a better place for others and overall seeing people just having a fun time. During my time as a Staff Member I have always helped lower/Higher staff and Non-Staff wither it be on the forums, In-game or even teamspeak I'm always willing to help anyone when needed I will always be there for anyone that needs help and any questions that need to be answered. I have been enjoying my time as Staff and I would like to continue being apart of the Staff Team and continuing helping players/Staff Members and making sure everyone is just having a good time. Back in the past I was a Staff Member for Gaminglight I was always on duty and doing what I had to but I did resign before but Coming back to the Staff Team and meeting new people and just overall just doing what I do best getting on duty and doing what I do best. I have been in the Staffing for a while now so I would know how to deal with situations very well and how to work around things, I always do my job correctly I'm always Professional, Respectful and overall a chilled guy. If I was to become an Admin I would like expand my responsibilities and do better as my job unlike the past. As a Staff Member for Gaminglight I'm pretty much in EU Timezone and there's not much staff that get on in those timezone's because they would either be in bed or at school. So being in the EU Timezone I could always be on duty and doing what an admin would usually do. I'm aware of the Rules and the Staff Handbook so I always making sure I read over the Staff Handbook and the rules to make sure I do not break them. I consider myself as a mature and a strict person but in a good way If I were to become an Admin I will show maturity and respect towards my higher ups, low ranking Staff and Players and seeing if they need help with anything. I will always be ensure to do my job correctly and being on duty to help as much people as I can, As I said before I would like to expand my responsibilities and be committed to staffing I'm always committed to be on duty and showing everyone respect, Helping them when needed and making sure they're getting the best service. I have gathered a lot of experience being Staff and being Staff in the past but I would like to get more experience and become an Admin to get that experience and see how other admins do there job and get there experience from. I will always take time out my day to help as much people as possible and I will always hop on duty for anyone that wants to RP, Needs to get off or just get on when needed. I always show leadership skills, Sportmanship skills, Communication skills and so much more I have a lot of dedication towards Gaminglight and I would like to continue my journey by helping people, Acting Professional, Respecting everyone, Doing my job correctly, Making sure everyone is having a good time, Keeping everything clean and tidy and overall making sure we don't have minges on the server. I will always hop on duty when needed or in general I really want to exceed being a Staff Member for Gaminglight and show what I can and be a role model for others so they can lookup to me one day, I would like to show my full potential towards everyone and strive to be the best and keep doing what I do best. I know how other Staff Members work around things and how to deal with situations, I would like be aside them when they're dealing with major situations and get there experience and learn of what they do (Higher ups of course). I'm always putting effort into Staffing, Support issues, ForumDiplomat issues. Being apart of the Support Team gives me something to do and its something that I have always wanted to do was to help people and making sure that they're not waiting for ages I feel like I work a lot for the Support Team and always greeting myself. Being a Forum Diplomat is another thing I have always wanted to do and I'm always on the forums making sure posts are in the right spot and dealing with any reports on the forums. I feel like I have worked very well as a Senior-Moderator and I feel like I should go up to the next rank of an Admin I promise I will be respectful and act professional towards everyone. I will always put effort into Staffing, Support Issues and Forum Diplomat issues I will always keep doing what I do best and making sure to keep the community clean and tidy so that everyone feels welcome and that they will have a good time within the Gaminglight Community. I will always treat everyone with Respect and kindness... No One should never be treated with any disrespectful or treated like they're nothing... everyone is equal they're should get the amount of respect that everyone else gets. I'm willing to do a lot and strive to do my job as an Admin and help any EU Members that need help or need staff on immediately, I always try my best to responds to calls fast so people don't have to wait ages just to get help. My journey as a Staff Member hasn't ended here yet I would like to continue and gather more experience there is so much I would like to do for this community and show my full potential, Dedication and overall just being there for anyone that needs help. My Goal to join the Staff Team was to help people as much as possible and help the community in general, I do admit I have done some bad things in the past but I'm starting fresh I'm having a wonderful time meeting new people and I would like continue meeting new people and showing them around the server, Making sure they have fun and making sure that they're getting the full respect when they join the server. I'm pretty well known among the Gaminglight community I'm always respectful towards one and another, I'm never bias in any situation, I do take situations pretty seriously and I'm always acting professional and making my own decision as I would normally did I always get both sides of the story I never go off by the first story. I'm all about positivity I never let negativity get towards me I feel that negativity doesn't mean anything to me but positivity keeps me going and keeps me achieving my goals. Again being Apart of the Gaminglight Staff Team is an Opportunity and I'm pretty thankful to be apart of this Team and meet new people and overall getting there experience on how they staff like its pretty much being a Staff Member because you have something to actually do and something to take care about and I'm pretty glad I'm apart of this community. I would like continue being apart of this community and continue striving to be the best and to make sure everyone is having good day with there friends. Now I have Senior-Moderator for a month and I believe I should go up to Admin because I'm always doing my job right and being responsible as a Staff Member, I'm always a hard working Staff Member I always strive to my best, I'm very respectful and responsible in situations, I'm always on duty when needed or in general, I'm always helping Staff Members when they need the help, I'm always making sure that if no staff are on duty I'm gonna be the one that hops on, I'm willing to do so much more but I would like to become Admin to expand my responsibilities and continue to do what I do best and get more experience as an Admin. I believe I have put amount of effort and dedication towards Staffing and the Gaminglight Community and this is why I should go up as an Admin and continue doing my job and putting more effort and dedication towards this community. I'm willing to help this community as much as possible to be ensure everyone is enjoying there time playing on Gaminglight!


How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would firstly calm the person down and if they doesn't work I will then gag them and explain what they have done and what punishment will be given, I understand that swearing at staff is staff disrespect but I would keep that in mind for my final judgement. Depending on how disrespectful it was, if they were a repeat offender i would consider issuing a warning and also minge and try and get a higher up to minge for longer.



"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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as a admin i feel like you are not ready to be a admin  you have a bad temper sometimes and can get of on players for no reason. Wich  a admin cant have. and that is why i am -supporting this 

+Support not bad app

it dosent mean that i Think you are  great staff member on policerp it is jsut that i Think that you are not ready for admin just yet 

Edited by [GL] Smiley222
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