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Nivek's false warn


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Your In-game: Nivek

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:102772116
The admin's name in-game: Gust
The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A
What warning did you receive: Racial Slurs and staff dis?
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 
Why do you think this warn was false: I have never said anything racist on this server. If I disrespected him it might have been because I was loud and come across rude. I am just a louder person. But if that is disrespect to him then I believe that there is something wrong. Its offending that I would be accused of racial slurs when I never say anything racist.
Any extra information: 
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I don't entirely remember what happened, I get so many cases I don't memorize each of them. The only way I'd warn someone for racial slurs is if they use the "n" word in any form. For the staff disrespect you must've called me an idiot. I'm 90% sure that's what happened.

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I never used the n word in the server and idiot is a silly insult I didn't say that but don't get offended by that it means nothing. If you aren't an idiot then don't let it offend you. I don't roast admins because that's dumb. I would like it removed but if not then its whatever but I know I didn't say that.

Edited by Nivek
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