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Joey Hoodine False Warn

Mr Yobo

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Your In-game: Yobo

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:96930298
The admin's name in-game: Joey Hoodine
The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Joey Hoodinie
What warning did you receive: Demote Whilst staff online.
Why do you think this warn was false: Permission from the staff member who it was for
Any extra information: Velvet and many others were in a team-speak group channel together, Velvet was heading to bed because he was tired, he himself said he did no care because he was heading off anyways and was 100 Percent okay with it going through. I unfortunately was not recording at the time but Velvet is the person to ask.  I do understand this was still rule breaking, but the person said it was alright.


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