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Apparently I cant reply to previous topic so:

Alexx Johnson

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Your In-Game Name: Alexx J

Your SteamID: STEAM_1:0:32637873

Staff member's In-Game Name: SWAT CoCMDR Josh XBA2

What did they do?

Was false warned for PROP BLOCKING (When you could clearly get around all props, and Building during an ACTIVE RP situation. I robbed the general store and place a barricade BEFORE I robbed the store. That IS NOT AN ACTIVE situation and you could clearly get around it. I had no prior warns or issues with props. Also did not Return me after the sit, he also did not have a mic.


Evidence (REQUIRED):

What do you think is an acceptable punishment?

What just like my warns removed as they do not make sense as for it to be Prop blocking the prop has to block an entrance or exit and not be able to go around it and It was NOT an ACTIVE situation, as I was the only Player there at the time of building and the store was not being robbed.


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The raid wasn't active there for it wouldn't be during.... now would it but fine, But still wasn't prop blocked...….


Posted 14 minutes ago · Report post

-Support No Valid Evidence 

You can't build during any raid http://prntscr.com/jwz2bw therefore that's technically breaking a rule if though it wasn't active   

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