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OFC Nivek 1C69


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Your In-game: Executioner
Your SteamID:  76561198321710031
The player's name in-game: OFC Nivek 1C69
The player's steam name (If you know it):
What did the player do: tazer rush
Evidence (REQUIRED):  https://youtu.be/VD4kNDPtEuQ
What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn especially since he didnt own up to it.
Any extra information:
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After reviewing the video you did have a gun out but you did not fire any shots and practical reasons you can be tased you did not have the gun pointed at the officer nor did you fire any shots so the taze is legal

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After reviewing the video you did have a gun out but you did not fire any shots and practical reasons you can be tased you did not have the gun pointed at the officer nor did you fire any shots so the taze is legal

agreed.   It wasn't pointed at him or at anyone else. You were also looking at the ground and reloading so he Tasered you from behind. You never saw him there so i wouldn't consider it taser rush


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After reviewing the video you did have a gun out but you did not fire any shots and practical reasons you can be tased you did not have the gun pointed at the officer nor did you fire any shots so the taze is legal


You cannot taze anyone with a gun out regardless of if its pointed at you as it could hit another person/occupied building etc.

But since you were turned around he might not have seen the gun so I'd say he doesn't really need a warn.

-Colonel Bob Bob

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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You cannot taze anyone with a gun out regardless of if its pointed at you as it could hit another person/occupied building etc.

But since you were turned around he might not have seen the gun so I'd say he doesn't really need a warn.

-Colonel Bob Bob

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You cannot taze anyone with a gun out regardless of if its pointed at you as it could hit another person/occupied building etc.

But since you were turned around he might not have seen the gun so I'd say he doesn't really need a warn.

-Colonel Bob Bob


"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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