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Multi Warn Appeal


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At the time  these were given the warn removal system was broken, so appealing a warn was useless. When serverguard was implemented the warn system worked again, but only today am I able to see the !warns menu so I haven't been able to appeal them because i didn't have a way to prove their existences.

Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy

Your SteamID:
The admin's name in-game: Max Thomas, Zayn Yukiteru
The admin's steam name (If you know it): idk
What warning did you receive: Admin Abuse - Max Thomas, RDM|LTAPx2 - Zayn Yukiteru
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):
Why do you think this warn was false:
Admin Abuse - Max Thomas
I was in a sit with another admin and Max came in and kept interupting the sit claiming he was allowed to watch us when he was asked to leave (he had been doing thing constantly that day). The admin in the sit physgunned him away twice and both times was yelled at by Max who claimed he was allowed to watch (apparently "watching" meant constantly interupting the sit asking questions [both stupid ones and ones relating to the sit] even though it wasn't even his sit). The third time I got him and physgunned him super far away since the admin on-duty handleing the sit was trying to get him to leave and the sit was taking forever because he kept interupting it and causing issues. He responded by tping back to me, "saying how do you like this?," and warning me for "admin abuse" which he not only had no right to give a warn for that, but also he handled a situation he was involved in which is against the handbook. He also gave no sit for it which is another thing he didn't do right. Shortly after the sit ended he decided to continously cloak and unclock the ENTIRE server. I went directly to SMTs that day to report that and give them screenshots of it (i still have those btw)
(the admin that was administering the sit he interupted was out of frame, but his name appears in the list of who could hear me (Zayn) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/918046069798095370/64D9A9DC07B3A3CFACB33A311070072F0AF3A657/
RDM|LTAPx2 - Zayn Yukiteru
I called an admin on a guy who MRDMD and LTAPed twice and Zayn got the wrong steam ID... @Zayn can confirm
Any extra information:
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I approve the RDM | LTAP x2 one 


That other warn should be appealed too, explained perfectly and i was the admin who was dealing with the sit.

Edited by Zayn


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Dude these warns are from ages ago.....Why appeal now

as i mentioned, when i got these warns couldnt get removed. when that was fixed with serverguard, i couldnt do !warn to prove they were there so i could appeal them

@Zayn thank you for confirming. I appreciate it :)

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                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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We need evidence of the warning to see the date. Warns Appeals cannot be longer than 3 months.

Until two days before I made this either !warns didn't show up, or it wouldn't matter if the appeal got accepted because they weren't removable

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