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Staff Report on SnakierLamb

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-Obvious Player Disrespect.

-I'd say a strike fits the crime.

-if a strike is too much, then a stern talking to will do for that offensive word.

-Lut | Me to YOU

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SM Lut 1D31FBI DCOS Lut SSEA Lut XA9 | NSA Field Agent Lut | Trooper CPL Lut 1T64 | CERT CPL Lut 1CT64 | BSI COS Lut 1I6

Police RP | Senior Moderator | Support Staff | Forum Staff 

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+Was disrespect and is bad

-But I don't think a Strike is necessary because he is a chill dude and I think he is a good staff member 

I think a stern talking is necessary 

〖  PoliceRP Senior Management Team | Manager

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Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

Retired Police RP Head Of Staff

Military RP US CORE S-Colonel  

I can do what you can not, you can do what i cannot, together we can do great things - Mother Teresa

If you give up easily how are you supposed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and victory as well as fulfillment, If you give up then it will never lead way for improvement so don't give up keep swimming little fish - NoOne Yukiteru 2K18





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