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EMS 911 Call


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What you want to see? -  I would like the EMS 911 Call stay up longer so we have time to respawn to them

Why should we add it? -  The map is bigger and it doesnt stay up for long so we cant see where the people are.

What are the advantages of having this? - ^^

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

Links to any content -  N/A

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-easier for everyone

-more roleplay

-EMS can revive better rather than go somewhere then the person respawns

-Lut | Me to YOU

 If you need me, Message on the Forums, TS, Steam, or In-game.

SM Lut 1D31FBI DCOS Lut SSEA Lut XA9 | NSA Field Agent Lut | Trooper CPL Lut 1T64 | CERT CPL Lut 1CT64 | BSI COS Lut 1I6

Police RP | Senior Moderator | Support Staff | Forum Staff 

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Definitely needs to be added. If I’m not correct, this map is bigger than the last one. And not to be rude but not everyone is used to this map yet. I’d say just have the 911 call pop up stay on our screen untill they are revived/respawn. 

-EMS LT Fame

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