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Sokoloff, D34TH4DD3R and Papa Pasta - Ban Request


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Your In-game: LT Bob Bob 1A51
Your SteamID:
The player's name in-game:Sokoloff, D34TH4DD3R and Papa Pasta
The player's steam name (If you know it):SteamID Papa Pasta: STEAM_0:1:59668277 SteamID Sokoloff: STEAM_0:0:60441786
What did the player do:all 3 of them were ganging togeather earlier whilst i was in a shootout with one of them, D34TH4DD3R started shooting me for pretty much no reason then the other two started spawning props and screaming down their mics to try and distract me. after about 3 minutes i was killed and when i respawned, he started shooting at me as soon as i walked out PD - Sokoloff and Papa Pasta left the game as soon as i killed them and said about an admin getting on.   after this i killed him and then everything seemed fine - Sokoloff and Papa Pasta left the game as soon as i killed them and said about an admin getting on, but about 10 minutes later he came over to PD and started to RDM us again. i have a lot of screenshots of this event and him RDMing us. Also Cashtag has a recording of the whole event but i lost the link earlier so will try and get that again.
this one is where he came back and started RDMing us at PD - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1302926450
tab photo with their names and profile pics - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1302928790
Cashtag vid | D34TH4DD3R Disrespect: https://i.imgur.com/LnGCq0B.jpg
What do you believe should happen to the player: i believe they should a recieve a minge and D34TH4DD3R a longer one.
Any extra information: Cashtag recorded the whole thing and NDSTF Crabs got their steam names but i forgot to ask for them  - edit got most of them now
Edited by -Unknown-

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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Yea that video is more than enough proof 

i think papa roach should get a long minge as well i have dealt with him before ..


                        SWAT PVT Hannah XR39-CPL Hannah King  XC65 - Hannah King 



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Yea that video is more than enough proof 

Also Ryan and Voxxx Should stop being afk on citizen for hours if you're gonna be afk on citizen for hours you're better off disconnecting people need help you know and you guys are just afk for hours. You guys have been doing this for a bit now and its really annoying cause if we need more staff on to help how are we meant to get your attention. I would suggest for you guys too just disconnect from the server if you're gonna do that... Its just not acceptable at all

@Voxxx @Ryan The Epic Guy

Edited by Munchies 5

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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