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Rose/Willow Vice Marshall/Vice Commander Application


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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : SF Squadron Leader Rose (CPT)


2. What Regiment are you applying for? Starfighter Corps


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? Recently, our branch has lost not 1, not 2, but All 3 of it's command members, and while i hardly think i am the greatest pick, I do certainly think I am the only officer capable of doing the job in it's current state, i wish to improve the battalion while there is nobody more capable of doing the job I am applying for, Considering I am now the 2nd highest ranking in SF, and the person whom outranks me is currently on LOA.

While I know my reputation is, for lack of a better word, Fucking horrid, I have never abused a rank position intentionally, and especially in Starfighter corps have been *EXTREMELY* well behaved for my Mingy reputation.

I do not want my whole battalion to be without a Commander or Vice Commander for several months and have to rely on acting VM or Acting Marshalls, (Although, Chrono was a good A M & A VM don't get me wrong) it just generally feels.. Wrong, without a command member.

With the Reserves given to Bonez (One of our greatest Marshall's since, well I dunno, anyone really) While i don't think I can step up to *his* level, I can certainly step up to a level of that which is suitable for the current position of the Starfighter Corps.

Generally & Genuinely, I want to improve this entire battalion, I have not a want, but a Need to ensure this battalion, the battalion i love, and enjoy, remains active, Has command, to ensure it CANNOT die out, and I feel if nobody else can/will, I probably should at least try my hand, yknow?

I'm rambling, but i feel i *have* to do this.

For More Info, i have 1 strike for Disrespect on a member of Naval Personnel whom i have since (attempted) to rekindle something more then a disrespect match every time we are on at the same time.


4. How much game time do you have on the server?




5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

To lead, supervise and ensure the battalion/Branch is in proper shape as a battalion, to be the Deciding factor before HCOM, and be an overall leadership figure for their battalion's Lower ranking personnel to look up to for guidance.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

While Certainly not the best pick, i am the only active, capable of applying officer in the Starfighter Corps, and have proven within SF to be a majorly less Mingey person then in previous battalions under previous leaders, due to the more strict management of the battalion by it's previous leaders.

The only bad thing i can think of, is the fact that i *am* a minge, but i do know where to stop, and what lines to *not* cross. (Such as MRDM, RDA, or whatever else)

I Completely understand if this automatically denied, i am, as mentioned.. 10 times? not the best pick for a VCMDR position, but again, am the only person who can apply other than rebel, and he is on LOA.

I have changed since my time in Shock, and i believe that is for the better, while Antonoff, Cans & all other Members who saw me then can agree, at that *moment* in time I was not ready for a command position, after gaining officer for a 2nd time, I truly believe I have what it takes to be an SF Vice Marshall.

Infact, i would agree that, if in my first week of being a Vice Marshall, if i Royally Fuck up, I would gladly take a demotion back to an Officer or Removal from the Officer Corps as a whole.

Recently i have worked better with Other Battalions, and people as a whole, Lessening my Minge-ness to a degree acceptable of an Officer who, while messing around, still wants some fun, and i do agree that even then, the mingery i continue to display has been higher then that most Command teams allow.


7. How often can you be Online? : Max of 24h a week, min of 8 hours a week.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

Server warns, 2, ERP, RDM (If you want to know what happened, DM me on Discord.)

Long live the Starfighter Corps.

Long live those great Command We Lost:

SF Marshall Bonez (Reserved)

SF Vice Marshall Titan (Retired)

SF Vice Marshall Razor (Removed)

SF Acting Marshall & Vice Marshall Chrono (Retired & Reserved) Untitled.jpg.a782f1f6af269cc062b067203ec3d548.jpg

End Notes & Responses;

I admit i am not the greatest member of SF, i never *will* be, i admit my past mistakes and really want to learn from them, the last thing i will ever do is mess up in a command position like this, as a response to the -supports,

I have never talked shit about a GM messing up unless it's a serious fuck up, i have never intentionally been disrespectful apart from something i was struck for, I am a Minge and i know it, i haven't minged in quite a while,

If i Ever Minge, or you have an issue you'd like to discuss, like something i did, i'll be completely transparent, i will listen, i will take *whatever* you say to heart, i have, can & Will improve.

Recently, as i believe SF Command and HCOM can attest to, i have cut back on being a minge and have taken on more responsibilities as an officer, as with the cut back of activity from command and now lack of command.

I am, to say the least, the mingiest Officer in SF, but thats a low bar, there are a total of 3, i don't believe i am the Mingiest Starfighter, but of course, thats my opinion.

As said previously i will take any constructive Critisism, i admit wrongdoing, I have been repeatedly a known Minge, but Since i Joined SF, that has Seriously cut down due to Aforementioned Strict yet chill command.

Also in case you do not Check SF Roster, I am currently the only one Updating it. i understand the outrage of getting warned for RDM while going through a command application, but if someone else got warned for the same, the outrage would be lessened, it's literally all just the fact of my previous actions that causes what is happening here. The Only Stupid things i've done recently is turn the Reactor off for like 5 minutes while RPing, and Shooting someone.


Note: Poll keeps deleting it's self?

Help me Make SF Great Again.

For my Battalions sake, Please.

Edited by Willow
Added Recent Warning & Notes for recent warning.


Current: Wing Commander Willow [Major]
 Former: Shock LCPL & Shock PFC, Shock 1LT, Shock SPC 501st PFC x2 & 501st LCPL & 501st SPC Medical Corps PVT, Purge SGT, ST PVT, Apprentice II, GMII, Moderator Formerly known as Kold

Join SF Today, Fly Ships, Conduct Engineering!

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Posted (edited)


Taken from SF SOP

Edited by Willow


Current: Wing Commander Willow [Major]
 Former: Shock LCPL & Shock PFC, Shock 1LT, Shock SPC 501st PFC x2 & 501st LCPL & 501st SPC Medical Corps PVT, Purge SGT, ST PVT, Apprentice II, GMII, Moderator Formerly known as Kold

Join SF Today, Fly Ships, Conduct Engineering!

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- Constantly minging 

- Disrespectful to people constantly

- Very immature

- Been removed from GM team and now any GM that messes up slightly he talks shit about

Overall I believe you need to mature before you become part of any command team





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Though I may have just went into reserves and think that willow still could use some improvement of their character, it's the best SF will have. And I can say that in the SF doc Squadron Leads can apply for command position as I was the same rank when I went into the command team.

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[Former ST VCMDER] [Former Tank COL] [Former Nova LTCOL] [Current SF Marshall]


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- Constantly minging 

- Disrespectful to people constantly

- Very immature

- Been removed from GM team and now any GM that messes up slightly he talks shit about

Overall I believe you need to mature before you become part of any command team

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Current Gideon Hask

Resigned DT Command AX4/SC0 [Command member for nearly a year]/Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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I’m not +supporting or -supporting but if my memory serves me correct I don’t think the SF SOP can override something decided by High Command. 


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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- Support
- Regularly Causes Issues
- Constantly Minging 
- Immature
- Disrespectful to Server Members

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Imperial RP | Lead Admin | Assistant Head Gamemaster | 501st Vice Commander

Former | IC VCMR Sev | DT LTCOL SV02 | SHG SHGO Vacander Jax

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17 minutes ago, Noshow said:

- Support
- Regularly Causes Issues
- Constantly Minging 
- Immature
- Disrespectful to Server Members

Plus I’ve experienced multiple times you have been disrespectful to other people first hand, you need to change your behaviour and attitude if you want to become a member of Command.

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+ Support

Willow is a dedicated member of SF, sure, Willow was minging back in the day and has an attitude that leaves much to desire, but I believe that with proper guidance and oversight, Willow would make a good addition to the command team. I see the reasons not to give Willow this position, but I also think that SF is in dire need of command members and Willow could be a person to stabilize the battalion for the time being. I also I know that if Willow is chosen, I'd be there to offer all the help needed. Additionally, from personal experience, Willow cares about this battalion and has no ill intentions so I think she means well.

+/- Support

After careful deliberation, I believe that Willow isn't fit for the position yet. I believe it's too early and that she lacks the necessary training or experience to handle leading a whole battalion. She did show inexperience on multiple occasions, situations that were handled roughly and improperly that could've been otherwise resolved in a peaceful manner. I still believe she wants the best for SF and that she's committed, but that isn't enough for this battalion. She can be trained for the position, or at least that's what I want to believe, but SF needs a fully qualified and competent leader to take over and get things done, and I fail to see her as the person for the job. With that being said, my current position stands as follows - Willow can't compose SF command team entirely by herself.



Edited by Manio
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- Constantly minging 

- Disrespectful to people constantly

- Very immature

- recently got warned for RDM 


idk wy there is multiple images










Edited by coveredstorm217
had to add image

Current Shock Vice Commander Storm

EX: Shock Vice Commander Storm imperial  RP of 2021

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- Constantly minging 

- Disrespectful to people constantly

- Very immature

- History of power abuse

- Not well liked within the server

Currently〗〖Shock Senior Officer
Formerly〗〖Chief Petty Officer|Medical Enlisted|ISB:IA Operative|Inquisitor Apprentice|
|Shock NCO|Vice Sovereign Protector|Gamemaster|Moderator

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+SUPPORT  Been a real good freind and helpful at time and has the same idea about jerry and shows how good she at leading her sf and i think she is ready for the command team

Edited by BurlyGorilla
thought about it and changed my mine
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Please update your app to reflect the warn you got for RDM on 7/31.


- Also wanted to include this. Constantly complaining to any event that doesn't meet there satisfaction. I have 5 clips of you doing nothing but complaining during event because there is no ai ships, too many ai ships, ships have too much health, no ships.. etc... Maybe next time be responsible and follow the rules and you can be a gm that meets your high expectations. Also you rage quitting shows nothing but immaturity and irresponsibility.  Again and I repeat again "Overall I believe you need to mature before you become part of any command team"

Edited by Smithy





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Hello Willow/Rose. While you may not know me by the fact that I haven’t really been around since 2023 I make sure to pop in every now and then on the server including the forums to see how the server, I spent a part of my childhood is. I used to be the Vice Sovereign for the Emperor's Royal guard and a 1st LT in DT WS7. I was even awarded the “Inquisitors Band of Glory in Quartz" by the Emperor (Bon) for my efforts as an officer and command member for my commitment in IQ Branch. The reason I mention all of this is to establish myself as an individual whose seen it all. While I’m more of an observer now, I felt that it was necessary to put my two cents in on your application.

Throughout your application, you show a remarkable amount of personal responsibility for your actions and the image you've given to people. While it could certainly use some work it's still evident that you're trying your best despite your situation and past. As someone who in their time had to take on the responsibilities of command as an officer, it can at times be difficult to do what’s necessary and beneficial. Still, we manage because of our commitment to the regiment. It’s rare for me to come across an application from someone who not only says they love their regiment but also showcases it by paying homage to the former members who lead it and your desire to continue their legacy and dedication towards the regiment. Working your way up from the ranks to CPT alongside your fellow SF goes to show the trust placed upon you by the higher-ups and the commitment you've given towards the regiment. No one apart from the SF on the ground or in this case the air 😉 understand the state of their regiment because they live and breathe it compared to others who observe it. That's to say that someone within SF will always know what's best because they're SF. Regardless of what happens follow your heart and execute its will.

The History of SF has at times sadly been one of misfortunate during my time and it seems that by looking at the roster and what you’ve said it seems you’re missing your command team alongside the other officers being on LOA. This can be a very difficult task because the responsibility of ensuring the NCOs are blossoming their leadership and the enlisted are working to prove themselves alongside juggling disciplinary issues has always been a tough one. Yet here you are ready to take on the challenge by not only sticking around by having the courage to apply for a command position for more responsibility but also exposing yourself to other's feedback. Truly it is admirable that the regiment once treated as the runt of the litter in my time is now its own regiment again with people who just like back then continue to hold dear the regiment and its legacy.

My message to you Willow/Rose as someone who also viewed their regiment as a home is to believe in yourself and trust your heart. Don't beat yourself up too much with your past because when the issues arose you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and tossed your hat in the ring for a shot at command. As someone who's been there and crossed the finish line, I admire what you've done by posting this. I reiterate that you shouldn't be too hard on yourself for your mistakes because we're human and we learn from them. In the likely case that this doesn't work out then so be it but don't let the past define you, be better than you were yesterday, and you'll make it.




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