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Elapin's Warn Appeal- Denied

[GL] Elapin

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Your In-game: Elapin

The admin's name in-game: Russtime


The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] RussTime


What warning did you receive: Metagame


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett


Why do you think this warning was false? The warning is false because in the MOTD there is no clarification for how far you can advert assist as long as you have a line of sight or are close enough to the situation. My family called out in Teamspeak where Russtime was in Tunnel prompting me to hit my assist bind when i got close. i will admit I was a little off on where he was but it was still close. The warning of Metagame isn't true as using Teamspeak as a means of communication is allowed.
TLDR: I was responding to my family members' call through Teamspeak that they were in a firefight with the government.

Any extra information: 

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Posted (edited)

My explanation I gave many times to at least 3 UMC people were "he adverted assist somewhere near spawn with no line of sight of me and drove over to where I was at after he adverted assist. After he drove over to me he started shooting at me for no reason since he wouldnt have known who I was shooting at". 
Also to add on, that picture shows nothing
(edited comment: whenever I was talking to you about the situation and the warn I was giving you, you lied to me about being able to see me with "suit zoom" through the end of the tunnel


Edited by RussTime
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Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, PD Deputy Chief 1K-4, SL Boss (Family Head), State CPT 1H05, CERT TL 1TL01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF CPL 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33, EMS Chief Car 1

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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"My family called out in Teamspeak where Russtime was in Tunnel"

Examples of Metagame:

- You're being arrested, and you tell your friends over Discord/TeamSpeak where you're being arrested.
- Using information from Dark Web on gov while no FBI are monitoring adverts
- Hearing printers inside a base
-Using your push to talk to see who is near you and using it to your advantage
- Looking through a wall in third person to view inside basses
-Using OOC information and putting it into RP


I mean how is this NOT metagaming?

Mabye im missing somthing in the rules but please show me where it says your allowed to call out your location in teamspeak when your under fire, even theough metagame rules say its not allowed. Not only that but what Russtime mentioned above.

Is this UMC attempting to find loop-holes in the rules? Correct me if im wrong please. 


UMC (Mabye not all of UMC but this was more than 4 ppl) has been trying to get special treatment all day yesterday.

They robbed a bank and murdered people I put all of em in for 6 years and they go to my higher up to complain about how long they have been put in for.

One UMC member tryed following a tac unit we get called over there I detain him and I ask what hes doing and he said he was trying to kiss the Tac unit. Not only is it inappropiate but its ERP. And THEY were saying "oh im going to go to your higher up again and complain". UMC has got another thing coming... 

And then I see this post. Yikes yall, yikes.

"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision"

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I'm going to play Devils advocate here. In no way am I arguing in here but only stating facts and heresays from the grapevine. Before I go into anything, I'm not going to + or - support this post because I was involved in the shootout that occurred in said tunnel, so clearly my post would be viewed as biased. In the video russ posted he debunks that elapin had any direct line of sight when he adverted assist. BUT I want to state ever since I was an OFC many years ago I was always told Teamspeak is considered in-RP. With that said I'm not sure if it really is, its just something we was once told and went along with it since. Secondly, what Cece says is true but is only half the story. He had all rights to arrest everyone involved in that bank robbery for 6 years. The main complaint was no one else was doing any crime on the server and the moment UMC does crime they get max sentence after gov begs people to "Go do crime, we're bored." Ontop of that he tries everything in his power to start a conflict with us, for example: I was a soild 8ft ish feet away from the person who said  "he was trying to kiss the Tac unit" and you came running at me with a gun telling me to back up while i was backing up listing to his commands he kept walking towards me repeating himself probably 3 or 4 times to back up. Cece being a command member should know better. He then detained Noah lee for jaywalking, told noah hes under arrest for a fineable offence then illegally searched him and found a gun on noah just to have a reason to arrested him. He did eventually let him go after realizing he was in the wrong after almost driving the detainee in the back of his squad car almost to PD. And finally while we was basing every 3-4 minutes he would drive right in front of our base and sit in the middle of the road and look towards our base as if he wanted to find a reason to raid. Most people in our family expresses that they feel targeted by Cece as he tries everything in his power to start unnecessary situations. I cannot fathom how he can try to paint UMC as the issue to everything when he tries to instigate and blow up half of any interaction he's involved in. If you have any problems with UMC members @CeCeplease feel free to contact a LV 5 member or higher in the family.

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Posted (edited)


To be honest, this seems more of a Fail-RP rule or just NITRP. Reason? Well he adverted assist legit entering the tunnel which is about 250-300 feet away from where russtime is shooting. The only reason russtime turns around is to reload and he sees car drive up on him. Which if you time the clip you can see when he entered the tunnel and adverted which was about like 5 seconds in the tunnel. From my experience, crim has adverted assist in the most crazy timed things such as crim adverting assist 5 minutes BEFORE ACTUALLY shooting at someone for getting their guy outta jail.

Reading more into this forum, the argument of "giving 6 years to a criminal and complaining to higher ups, it's stupid how they do that" The basic knowledge of that and I was a victim of getting in trouble for this I will admit. The only reason why they do it is not to make you angry its only to get more crim and activity onto the server. Their not trying to guilt trip you, if a higher up tells you not to do it just don't do it and not get yourself into more and more trouble. Now the kissing tac unit part I don't know where that came from but, just report that on a seperate forum or something else.

Also if your gonna say large clans are loppholing i recommend grabbing evidence and either send it to the owner and report all parties or send it to a JMT member or SMT member if needed and they can do something about it. JMT are some of the people who deal with large groups of people for breaking rules. I did it a ton as JMT and did it to large clans if I found them breaking rules, so do that.

Anyway, - Support from looking at the clip and also parties explainations and also this is common sense.

Edited by MiniEpic


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Reasons are Above



{Trial-Moderator Pyke Captain Purge HYVTO, SSGT | Gamemaster | Royal Guard 1}

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Whoever was asking crim to do crimes because their bored is in the wrong. In no way is it appropiate to encourage crime simply because their bored, i have always been against that. I dont change anything for anyone if you do somthing your getting put in for what you did and the time that my SOP and Penal code say you should be in for. Y'all had no chance getting a lesser sentence from me. Y'all didnt even attempt to get a lesser sentance everyone was pushy and rude. And then the fact that you go to my higher up for somthing like that knowing damn well the crime you did couldve got you 8 instead of 6 years but you got revived, i mean really? You guys are fully aware of which crimes get which times. I dont give princess treatment not even to my friends. 


And for the second thing. We were told over radio that said Tac unit saying one of you were activly and consistently following him to the point where the Tac unit feared his safety, I respond to the call as useal get on scene and I see the guy following the tac unit, I go up and detain him, Question him, find that hes acting suspcious and cannot provide a good reason to follow the Tac unit. Then another person shows up I tell them to backup multiple times and he backs up but stays in the area so I moved the questioning to the car drove around the cornor away from the other citizens to prevent chaos, as im driving he is still detained not arrested I question him more and he finnally says his goal was to go up and kiss the tac unit which is ERP and Sexual harassment which couldve led to sexual assault if lets say we did not get there on time. So I then tell the Tac unit what their intentions were because they had 3 things that couldve got done to them 1. Aressted for sexual harassment 2. Reported to an admin for ERP 3. Forgiven, warned, and let go. This Tac unit went ahead and decided that he was not going to charge him for said act so that is when we took him back to his spot and let him go.


For the last thing you said. I patrol the whole map this includes the dead end to your base at the time and did not linger there for any longer than a minute. While I am there im looking at all the cars (there was alot of cars) useally to see if any match a bolo we have out if not I go about my day.

"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision"

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Keep this shit to + / - Supports don't turn this into an argument
any new replies that seem to be an argument. The User in question will gain warning points from forum diplomats

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Chief Of Security

H.I.R.U. Shiro

Head Admin // Head of Support


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@CeCe Realistically, criminals can have cell phones, radios, or etc. like devices to communicate with one another. Just like how government have their own proprietary radio channels in-game to communicate, criminals too can also use other forms of communication to collaborate with one another.

For clarification, the only reason this warning was issued and will stand is exact reasoning Russtime provided further up on this thread. Please refrain from posting conspiracy statements on reports or appeals of any kind. If you yourself have questions regarding the rules in that way, you're advised to speak with a staff member in a private channel, or in-game during a sit.


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