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Player Report for Cole, Wolf, Craft, RTMM- Accepted


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Your in game name: CeCe


The player's in game name: Cole (Main person Im reporting), Wolf, Craft, RTMM


The player's steam ID (required):

Cole- 76561198153526337

Wolf- 76561198027820665

Craft- 76561199403474414

RTMM- 76561198440949403


What did the player do:

First video- (Cole is the only one involved) I seen a suspect murder someone and went to pursue them since they evaded in their car and Cole which ran to my car and hopped in didn't know it. I told him multiple times to get out of my car which he didn't I told him why I needed my car and he showed that he did not care. At that point I was very overwhelmed and stressed that I ended up leaving the game.

2nd Video- (Everyone listed above was involved) were all in teamspeak combined ops and at the end multiple people were telling me to leave (One of those ppl being Cole) I will quote his words "CeCe Get the fuck out this CeCe, No one asked you to be here" Which then after that multiple other people joined in on it. I ended up leaving.

3rd video- (Everyone listed above was involved) During the meeting it doesn't show the whole meeting but here's what happened- Everyone was in a goofy mood and they were all trying to stack up on that one row of seats I was originally already seated but they wanted me to join the fun and sit where it made the seating look funny. after multiple attempts I give up and sit in the second row which then afterwards everyone started yelling at me because I was unable to sit how they wanted me to. This all happened within the span of 2 days. This is not a one time occurrence. This (Bullying) happens almost anytime I hop on. And I have tried my best to ignore it but everyone has a breaking point. 

Evidence (required):

1st Video https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i15j5wkfE_cYGjqYR/d1337CW6bhV0?invite=cr-MSxtTHosMjMxNjU5NzQzLA

2nd Video https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i1tPJw7nwLjUUPX8Q/d1337jh9aDgx?invite=cr-MSxCVHksMjMxNjU5NzQzLA

3rd Video https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i1u2F7kHOO3__CAiP/d1337F1piGJC?invite=cr-MSxGSGssMjMxNjU5NzQzLA

What do you believe should happen to the player: Main concern for me is making sure this happens to no one else. I believe they should be talked to about it and given a warn so that incase it happens again that others will know they have already gotten talked to about it. But in the end I'm not the admin/Mod this is just what I think would be alright.

Any extra information: This coming from my peers hurts a lot more than if it were just some random on the street. It hurts when it comes from people you thought were working together with you. If every time I get on and the reason I'm getting off is because I'm so stressed or upset to the point of a panic attack because my own team cant help but to pick on or bully me then I'm not sure I feel to welcomed there. This concludes my report, thank you.

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"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision"

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Posted (edited)

Major +Support

Vid 1, It was his car don't be a asshole let him drive. Cece owns it.

Vid 2,  He can be in there It's not a fucking private channel. That's just fucking Disrespect.

Vid 3, He was having a problem So let him be. 



Edited by ZackWonder
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Posted (edited)

Oh shit bro, my bad, I feel really bad. I was just messing with you I hope you don't take it too harsh bro. You're a good guy I didn't mean any harm if you wanna talk about it we can. 🙂

Edited by Craft


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Posted (edited)

Obviously as you can see in the first two clips I have not been active during that time due to exam preperations, however in the last one the only reason I mentioned CeCe's name is because we were trying to make a picture with everyone for announcements, after that he said something regarding his family to which when he left I told everyone to stop and let him be. Hopefully everything is ok and I can ensure the previous clips/videos are dealt with.

Edited by RTMM


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Posted (edited)

-Support i was there we were all just joking around and being sarcastic it was not meant to be dissrespectful. i think you just need to tell to stop  us instead of just leaving a ts channel or something like that

Edited by Fudge


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Posted (edited)

Yo I was joking in every clip we didn't mean to hurt you in anyway. if you ask anyone from these clips they will say that's how we act around each other no one of us being serious. I'm sorry you felt this way but only once did you address that you felt hurt or bothered. If youd like to talk to me and discuss what youd like to see improved please message me on discord: hellsviper. 

I am very sorry - Cole

Edited by MagnusNichols
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Posted (edited)

from the clips just seems like they were being assholes not like it was funny at all so idk how they can say its a joke, they could tell it upset them cus if theyd change class you can hear sighs or ppl kissing teeth like you think someones just gonna sit there and be spoken to like shit?, so they know what theyve been doing, funny joke guys!

Edited by TotalbanRJ
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𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 | 𝙍𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙣 | Retired blacklisted

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From handling this already on a department level, I can say that how most of them acted was immature and irresponsible. It is absolutely unacceptable how some of them acted.

As far as RTMM goes, he was trying to organize a photo for SWAT, and was giving orders for people to sit in certain places. I get that all the seats were full, and CeCe couldn't sit, but instead of communicating that and just hopping off was an issue. It wasn't disrespect, it was being a command member doing their job.

Now, Craft & Cole. They have already been sternly spoken to and warned verbally in SWAT for this offense. SWAT as a whole does not condone this type of behavior from anyone Cadet to Co-Commander. After the conversation, I can tell that it was just apart of their humor, but unacceptable none the less.

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+ Support 

Evidence is there 
if someone asks you to leave their car please just leave 
Making someone leave the game because of your selfishness is simply not on! 

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 Insane +Support 


Shows all the evidence you need.

Seeing the clips and reading the description genuinely infuriates me. Regardless if this is "just how they act" does not make any of this behavior acceptable. Quite frankly disgusting given how many ques CeCe provides that he is getting annoyed/upset.

It seems easy to forget but people play games to have fun, alot of people play them to forget about whatever shitty thing happened to them that day, forget that they have work/school tomorrow, and to make new friends or to see current friends.

The thought of already taking on the stress of life itself and then being berated trying to enjoy yourself would make me quit the server entirely.

For "funnies" or not its very easy to be a decent person and realize when someone isn't in on it.

Edited by High Fi2
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The evidence is clear, honestly not really needed. If you insult someone, etc and your annoying them and they leave I think you should think that they don't like what your doing and you should stop for the future.

Also what was stated by High above explains it also very very well. 

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Its the internet and its GMOD, this stuff is kinda expected. If someone gets butthurt about the simple jokes and comments they made, they lowky shouldn't be playing. 

-Its clearly a joke

-1st clip should be an Internal SWAT thing

-btw lil bro that ain't a steam id, that's their steamID64 ... fix the format lil hommes. idek these guys but the info wrong 😕


Edited by [GL] Elapin
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  • Head Admin

Accepted! Thank you for the report. Appropriate action against the player and or staff member will be taken to ensure that they receive the correct punishment.

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