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Purge Electro weapons rework


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What do you want to see?:

I want to see Purge changing their current electro weapons to ones similiar to the pyke staff

Why should we add it?:

The electroweapons currently are almost useless against fighting Jedi even tho this is Purges main purpose, having electroweapons as lightsabers without force powers made to look like the current electro weapons would give Purge more of an advantage when handling jedi, it would also give Purge more variety in how they could confront a jedi.

What are the advantages of having this?:

It will allow for more dueling within the Temple, where even purge can be able to face off with other IQ or RG and duel, bringing in more for them to do, ofcourse damage wont need to be high, but giving them this would give them more of a chance. 

Who is it mainly for?:


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Former Grand Admiral Thrawn and the only High Sovereign ever


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This is something long overdue for Purge. Purge don't have a fighting chance with the currently electroweapons as they end up dead before even landing a hit on a Jedi and hardly do any damage. These should be able to deflect lightsaber attacks and do some damage overall. Not saying it should be overpowered like a lightsaber, but close to one so it gives Purge their purpose. To FIGHT against jedi! This I KNOW will increase activity for the entire Inquisitorius branch allowing for more trainings along others to improve their combat skills and simulations to test themselves with hopefully the new and improved electroweapons! And guess what? When there's no ammo on the field, we have these to take out those who stand against the Empire! This must happen!

-Purge Commander Tyranis

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IQ Field Commander

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Current ones we use are not good at all against Jedi, you can barely hit them and even if you do it does like no damage 😞. The ones Pyke use would give us a much better chance even if they are a nerfed version. this would make it so much more fun to fight jedi, really want this.

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+ Support

I truly think we desperately need those electro-weapons, As a battalion who specializes in hunting and killing Jedi our current electro weapons don't do enough and we must stay at long range, We don't seem to be as dangerous as we need to be and these electro weapon upgrades would definitely help improve Purge's fighting capabilities and efficiency.  

- Purge Vice Commander BlackJack

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+ Big Support

Having functional electro weapons similar to the Pyke staff would greatly support the ability to fight saber wielders.

First Ever Retired Pyke High Command, Turquos

First Ever Pure Criminal Governor, Turquos

First Ever Criminal Senior Commander, Turquos

Ex. Pyke Boss, Reviver of Pyke, Naval Ensign Joe

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+ Support It should be like the Pyke Electro Staff where its locked to 1 or 2 forms, I don't know which 2 forms would be best for Purge but Defensive and Aggressive don't really make sense for a hammer like the Purge Hammer

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the current electro weapons were broken when I was CMDR and HCOM even tho we made a lot of bug reports after their buff but ever since Pyke were added the electro weapons never felt the same. I fully support Purge getting their own kinda WiltOS electro weapons.

I feel like these stances would best fit the weapons if they’re made:

Defensive for The Hammer (Heavy exclusive)

Arrogant(duel wield stance) for the batons (Brawler exclusive) 


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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- They will now be able to effectively fight Jedi/ saber users

-There current electro weapons are not good


                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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Actually allows Purge to Fight Jedi, As our current ones do basically no damage and super hard to hit with 

Current: Second Sister

Former: Ninth SisterSaber Guard IncarceratusOmega Squad 3222 AtinDT SGT

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