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Other Suggestion: SF Mission System.


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What do you want to see?: A SF Mission system {Like IQ mission system}

Why should we add it?: The addition of a mission system to Starfighters could significantly enhance the roleplay experience. At this moment, Starfighters really don’t have any real reason to be in the air except for events and some minor missions. This addition can provide Starfighter members with an objective to follow and accomplish, and we would gain more engagement from our pilots. This mission system not only adds more depth to the roleplay, but helps to promote teamwork and enhances our pilots flying skills. The mission system would create a more immersive, and enjoyable gameplay experience for the members of SF.

What are the advantages of having this?: This system can offer numerous advantages such as keeping players engaged and active in the server, encouraging teamwork and cooperation which will foster a more healthy community within Starfighters. A mission system such as this can greatly assist the Starfighters in both player counts, and in morality. The system could include missions of the following types, Standard air to air combat, Air to air combat with a ship that SF must protect from the enemy ships, Supply runs, Close Air Support , etc. 

Who is it mainly for?: Starfighters

Current: Shock PVT Fred


EX: DT 1SGT XB3, SF Vice Marshall Fred, Apprentice Fred, Support Team, Forums Diplomat, GM0 Fred, Admin.

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-Bring's something to do for SF

-Will make more people want to join

                                                                          Current: Super Admin Former: Sovereign Protector| |

            DT NCO|SHGL| Agent Kallus | Senior Moderator Clarence | First "Agent Kyle"

                    Nova CPT Former Shock LTCOL |Former shock VCMDR| Former Senior Mod                                                  


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SF is in a unfortunate state right now & needs all the help it can get. Adding missions would hopefully give them something to do.

Retired: Star Fighter Group Captain Chief Aviation Officer Inferno Squad Lead | Naval Senior Officer x3 |
Imperial Staff Member

Current: Imperial Commando Officer | 501st Officer | First Ever IC Hazmat LeadImperial Senior Moderator | 
Forum Diplomat

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more things for SF to do, could very much help with SF activity

Last Real Starfighter Marshall Brand


High Five Tom Cruise GIF by Hollywood Suite


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