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Hammer/Waltan 501st Vice Commander Application[Accepted]

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): Hammer/Waltan.

2. What Regiment are you applying for? 501st.

3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? 501st in recent months has developed an admittedly dire reputation as a "minge" and "non-serious" Regiment. To me that is an unacceptable fact and needs to be changed as soon as possible. In my opinion, all regiments within our community should strive to set an example for newcomers to the ImperialRP server. Our collective behavior should offer a glimpse into the values and standards that define our community. The 501st Regiment, being a prominent part of our server, should be at the forefront of embodying these principles. I believe that fostering a positive and serious atmosphere within the 501st is not only crucial for the reputation of the regiment itself but also for the overall health of our community. It's important that we actively work towards changing the current perception and reinforcing the commitment to professionalism. I encourage open and constructive discussions on this matter. Let's work together to bring about positive change within the 501st Regiment and reaffirm our commitment to being exemplary members of the ImperialRP server in its entirety.

4. How much game time do you have on the server? 343 hours. (As of 1/23/2024) 

5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? To ensure the behavior and image the battalion projects is a positive one and that the SOPs set in place are followed.

6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?: As members of this esteemed battalion, it is our collective responsibility to project a positive image to the rest of the community. Our behavior should reflect the values and standards outlined in our SOPs, serving as a model for other members and fostering a positive environment within our ranks. To achieve this, I suggest that we conduct a thorough review of our current SOPs and assess how well they align with our goals for professionalism and positive representation. If necessary, we can collaboratively update and refine these procedures to better meet the needs of our battalion. Furthermore, let's ensure that all members are familiar with and actively adhere to the established SOPs. This might involve organizing training sessions or workshops more often to address any potential gaps in understanding and implementation. By collectively committing to these standards, we can strengthen the cohesion of our battalion and reinforce our commitment to excellence. I don't think "I" specifically should be trusted. It's my job as an officer to build your trust and show you that it isn't "Me, My, Mine." In this server it is "Us, Ours, Them." 

7. How often can you be Online?: I am online 5-6 days a week.

8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : No.

Edited by C l o u t l e s s J o s h u a
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Mega +support

-Not mingey.
-Easy to talk to.

501st is currently trying to change it's reputation to be a more respectable battalion. Due to this I believe there is no better option than waltan for vice-commander, especially due to 501st's current desires. Waltan has offered great advice and helped me in many situations, he is easy to talk to & a friendly person. He also knows when to have fun, but also knows when to behave correctly. I couldn't think of a better pick for Vice-commander.

goodluck 😉

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Retired: Star Fighter Group Captain Chief Aviation Officer Inferno Squad Lead | Naval Senior Officer x3 |
Imperial Staff Member

Current: Imperial Commando Officer | 501st Officer | First Ever IC Hazmat LeadImperial Senior Moderator | 
Forum Diplomat

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- Support

- Broke ARC SOP several times in the past
- Tends to lash out at people disagreeing with him
- Disrespected ISB as a whole by saying: "No 'intelligence' division needed"

I really hope you have changed after our last interaction and that my points I've listed don't repeat themselves anymore, but as it stands right now I just don't see you as Command material.

First ever ISB:IA
Senior Commander

Super Admin

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- Support
- Seen breaking ARC SOP
- Caused some trouble with ISB



| ImperialRP |

Current | Senior Commander | Head Admin | Forums Diplomat | ImperialRP SMT
Former Sovereign Protector

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-1 Tends to be rather disrespectful to those outside his battalion  Going to be changing this to a +1. He has proven he has moved past his past issues and I believe he is ready for the next step

Edited by Glorbnob
Changed my Mind
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501st LTCOL Alpha


-Easy to talk to.

Want to see 501st blossom from an ugly mingey caterpillar to the best butterfly

Edited by T0paz
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Mega +support

-Not mingey.
-Easy to talk to.

501st is currently trying to change it's reputation to be a more respectable battalion. Due to this I believe there is no better option than waltan for vice-commander, especially due to 501st's current desires. Waltan has offered great advice and helped me in many situations, he is easy to talk to & a friendly person. He also knows when to have fun, but also knows when to behave correctly. I couldn't think of a better pick for Vice-commander.

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- Support

- Broke ARC SOP several times in the past
- Tends to lash out at people disagreeing with him
- Disrespected ISB as a whole by saying: "No 'intelligence' division needed"

I really hope you have changed after our last interaction and that my points I've listed don't repeat themselves anymore, but as it stands right now I just don't see you as Command material.

Quoting Sonic.


Current DT Commander AX4 

Fomer DT SC01/ Retired Rear Admiral/Naval LT/Tenn Graneet/Nova Maj/Havoc Maj/Naval SO/ DT NCO x2

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Question as ARCL how by chance do either you or sonic have access to my ARC docs? i know neither of you helped us with arc doc and neither of you are in or should in any way shape or form have ARC SOP/DOC and if you read it he hasnt really broken ARCSOP 

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Current ARCL COL Fordo

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-Frequently Disrespects other's
-Caused Issues With ISB relations
-Allegedly Broke ARC Sop?
-Mingy like behaviour
-Previous misconduct experiences in other battalions in past
-Only people +supporting him are exclusively 501st Members (biased)
-Seen patronizing own men

-Hostile leadership

Edited by Salt Salamander

DT Officer XO1/SC01||MC Commander Salt



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- Support

- Broke ARC SOP several times in the past
- Tends to lash out at people disagreeing with him
- Disrespected ISB as a whole by saying: "No 'intelligence' division needed"

I really hope you have changed after our last interaction and that my points I've listed don't repeat themselves anymore, but as it stands right now I just don't see you as Command material.



〖  ImperialRP 〗  Sub Lieutenant BigBoy |  SF FC Swagwarm

〖Ex:〗ISB Junior Operative | Ensign BigBoy | DT CPL HE3 | Senior Security Officer | Aviation Officer | Shock 2LT | 501ST 2LT 



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Waltan has done nothing but try to make 501st as good as it can be. He always advises the enlisted and NCOs to not be minges and is a good role model. I believe he should be vice commander; he's earned it. Also, shouldn't 501st members be the ones whose opinions matter more, since we're directly affected by this promotion and always interact with him? I don't get the argument of the +supports being only 501st as biased?? We as a battalion SHOULD like our potential new vice commander, but that's just my opinion.

501st ARCTRN MSGT Anul 96 | SF Senior Aviator Anul

Former Military RP Senior Moderator

 R US Ranger MAJ Sky |   R SZ 104th LTC Sky

Former Teamspeak Support Staff

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Not how it works whatsoever Anul. If it were solely based on 501st’s opinion of him that’d be this little thing called ✨Bias✨.

A vice commander should have a good public image to those outside the battalion. 


Field Commander

First Ever IQ Branch Senior Commander(in SNRCMDR Program)

First ever No Helmet Second Sister 

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Please speak to a Marshal Commander+ for your Training!

Highest General Resin

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