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Staff Report Against Matilda- Denied


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Your In-Game Name:DC DOGGO

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:217668805

Staff member's In-Game Name: Matilda

What did they do? Staff Abuse

Evidence (REQUIRED):

I had a talk with Steven about a base issue in an admin sit. Matilda joined and kind of talked down to us because of her higher rank. Even though the issue was about her, she just flew away instead of dealing with it.

In this clip I was pulled into a sit about RDMing a Shadow Legacy member with both Matilda and Russtime present. When the sit started both of them seemed to be leading the sit. I started off by asking the other party if they had a clip. The other party at this time said no so the two admins on this sit went to check logs. When they completed doing this they said it looked like he was holding a gun, however they did not see the physical object. I was a little angry as just before this sit I was in a sit with russtime. As he teleported me and said I rdmed him and I told him he was pointing a gun at me. So I decided to show the clip of me with the gun pointed at me to show that I hadn’t rdmed the other party.

After presenting the video showing that I was indeed not violating any of the rules Russtime and I rejoined the group. I said to Matilda that I showed him the clip and that he could vouch for me that I hadn’t broken any rules, However Matilda cut me off and said he was just a 2nd opinion. This didn’t make sense to me as how could he have a second opinion if she wouldn’t listen to what he had to say. Also why would she let him get involved if he is also in the Shadow Legacy family. Even after showing the clip to Matilda she continued to hold me up until she explained it to the other party. I felt she did this as to prolong the sit so I would be unable to defend the cap points around the city.

What do you think is an acceptable punishment?

I recommend a demotion because I felt like Demonic curses and I have both been targeted by Matilda. I do not understand the hostility as any time we do anything around her she seems to imply we are minges. I have a clip of her also stating “DC moment” almost to be little us and this is not the first time we have had a bad encounter with her. This has led to sits involving her which end up being bias.

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First Clip: No rule regarding how many properties you are allowed to own. General rule of common sense here is don't buy every building on the map. For the sky base point it is generally referred to as the actual base within, not the walls surrounding it. If you want this to be brought up as a point of concern you should think back towards some of the bases the family DC used on Great Lakeside. She explained her part and flew away. She also got it approved by a member of SMT.

Second Clip: Logs sometimes have issues, it is reasonable for them to have thought that you rdmed the guy as sometimes guns don't load and you took the first shot. Don't see where the bias is as they gave you a chance to prove your innocence. If they were truly biased, they would have warned you and moved on with their day.

Third Clip: Continuation of the second clip. Once again don't see where the bias is as she was simply asking for the clip herself so she could review it. You made the sit longer than what it should've been by arguing and not giving the clip to her. As the higher ranking staff member, she has priority regardless of who she brings into the sit to give another opinion on it.

I feel that the phrase "player targeting" is being heavily misused. This phrase is something that members of your family have been throwing around for the past few weeks for simple things because they are unhappy about certain RP situations that are happening on the server. A good example of player targeting is your members going after her for various things to get her punished within staff and departments across the server with no real reason. This is something that I have witnessed myself.

Most of your members seem to have a lack of respect for her for the simple reason of not being happy with decisions or actions she has made which are protected by SMT and the server rules. A big point that you seem to be trying to make is the lack of respect towards your members. If you can't show respect why should you expect someone to respect you?



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Hi everyone. This is a pretty long report so there's a lot to explain here from my point of view.

We can start with situation 1, the base building. The base was and is at this time when im writing this being adjusted to fit the rules! It's a very old base dupe so therefore it needs a lot of corrections and it takes time. As for the wall length it's being adjusted and the properties that the base is on is being owned by two separate owners (this was adjusted after the sit). There also isn't a rule on the amount of properties you can own as a player, however, common sense would be to not buy every property on the map or give up one property if there isn't any other properties left available. I do not believe that two properties is too much for one person and for the base design. Back when the base was created basically the whole base was full of printers and bitcoin so therefore I didn't deem the base too big.

As for the second situation.. well there is a lot to say here. So to start off with SL Warren made a sit on DC DOGGO for RDM. Therefore Russtime couldn't take the sit so I took it instead. Warren claimed that Doggo RDMd him, there was no clip so i pulled up the logs. The logs showed that Warren was in the position of holding a shotgun but the shotgun didn't show up in the log. That is why i called Russtime in as a second opinion. You choose to show the clip to my second opinion which is in the same family that reported you. Even if I trust Russtime he might tell me something that isn't true and the outcome of the sit might be faulty due to that. That's the reason to why I told you to show me the clip instead of showing it to Russtime. A second opinion also gives their opinion and I as the person who takes the report can choose to take what the second opinion says into my final decision. The reason why you didn't get returned before the reporter is in case he had anything else to say that might involve you. I feel like having to do any bringing and returning just because is unnecessary. 

As for any suspicions about bias, I never take my personal opinion into a sit. Everyone has their own opinion and they might dislike someone which is fine but a staff member should never take those feelings into a sit. I have never done that and if you feel like I've done that I can tell you that it's not true at all. I apologize if my jokes have been too harsh, it shouldn't have happened and I'll improve on that. Last part I want to touch on here is that several members from DC constantly call me different condescending things. Even though this has happened on numerous occasions I have not targeted DC. I'm not sure if you feel like you're being targeted for me simply raiding your base or if it's helping out with a base that needed to get fixed so it doesn't get reported for failbase.

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- Support Not Really Much Wrong Doing In My Opinion, maybe a slap on the wrist for bad jokes but that should be on both ends with the name calling. 

Edited by 00 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 00

PoliceRP Ex CERT Commander 〗〖 Last Dispatch Director 
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- Support 
I don't see anything wrong with any of these clips or any wrong doing by Matilda in fact. I may of missed something but from what I saw nothing was really wrong or worthy of a report this just seems like a petty report to try and get her in trouble.


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She Didnt Do Anything Wrong And There Is No Proof Of Any Wrong-Doing In Any Of These Clips. It Is Just A Waste Of Time. And She Checks The MOTD Before Doing Things If Shes Not Sure About Anything.


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1st clip.

Where is the admin abuse? You are claiming they are breaking a rule. You should be making a player report on the forums rather than making a sit to complain about something that a Moderator can't deal with. You know a moderator can't deal with this sort of sit due to the rank of player you are reporting. Website -> https://gaminglight.com/forums/forum/111-report-center/ this might help you.

2nd/3rd clip is even worse.

Firstly, why are you showing evidence to someone else but not the person who is higher up and assuming will be the one to make the final decision. Showing evidence to someone else and then saying "Take my side" is not convincing enough. Evidence needs to be shown by the one dealing with the sit.

Secondly, you did RDM the dude. Yes, he had a weapon out and yes he was facing towards you. Does this give you a reason to kill him? No. It is only KOS if the player goes inside the the circle, which he did not do. You can't just shoot someone just because they have a gun out. It looks here like you were itching to find a reason to shoot someone, either because you don't like them or just didn't care enough to actually roleplay. 

The correct way to go about the situation would of been to either, warn the guy using adverts or just waiting for him to initiate combat with you. He had full right to kill you as you were inside, but you DID NOT have right to kill him as he was not inside a PVP area.


Once again, where is the admin abuse. 


Quit crying and  play the game. You seem to be more bothered that you're losing points while in a sit over anything else lol

Edited by Eternity

PoliceRP Manager

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@MatildaQuoting isn't working for me for whatever reason but to your multiple property mention,


- Every bases' property line stops where the sidewalk/map road/fence starts. You may not extend your base or a KOS sign beyond your property line.

I believe the concern was your 1 base and 1 KOS sign covering 2 houses.

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The first video from what I've noticed seems like a pretty normal basing thing. I feel like that is more of a player report being honest tho and that I think is more of a mega base which has always been a thing even if it hasn't always been official. 

The second video you know just as well as I know you need to warn them about 3 times before shooting them with 3 /advert warnings in the chat. 

The Third Video I am still failing to see the bias with matilda. Russtime is the only one that could even have a chance of being called biased due to being in the same family. 

-Support over all being honest this report seems to be a nothing burger. 

I am just curious of where exactly is the rule on the buying other buildens?


Edited by [GL] Locus

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

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IDK if I should respond as well since I could technically be involved with the reporting party but in my opinion this just seems like a petty post. Nothing that I've seen Matilda do has been abuse worthy and everything in the clips she has the right to do. Now, you even told us that you feel the sits were taking forever just so people could attack points. I even went to my only other active SL member at the time and asked them if they were taking points which they responded with "no, I'm waiting until your done". Nicc's response is perfect and I 100% agree with it (cant quote as well for some reason)

- Support

Edited by RussTime

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DMs are always open (russtime)

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Quoteing @Nicc

Edited by JayChavez
Can’t spell

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