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Pink's Naval Vice Admiral Application


Should I be able to become a Vice Admiral for naval?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Pink become Vice Admiral

    • Yes
    • No

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1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name): Pink


2. What Regiment are you applying for? Navy/Naval


3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

 The reason why I want to be a vice commander/ vice admiral for naval is because I just want to show how engaged I am with the battalion and show them how great of a leader I can be towards my fellow naval and just anybody in general and to be somebody that everyone can come to for questions, concerns and to just assist the battalion the best I can and I believe if I am allowed to move past to ranks of officers to command by me becoming command I can do so much more things for naval then I could as an officer even if it's just a little bit more, I understand how much effort you must put into the battalion I want to become a command member of naval or any as at that point you are at the top and I just want to inspire others to follow their dreams and not to give up and if they do need any type of help that I am there I am willing to put even more time and effort into naval more then I already am putting into it and I just want to make naval great again.


4. How much game time do you have on the server?

I have 7 weeks' worth of playtime of all time, and 1258 hours on the server.


5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

 The main purpose of being a commander or vice commander of a battalion is to of course lead their battalion into greatness, they are to assist the battalion the best they can as they are meant to have the most knowledge about their battalion and what do on a day-to-day bases and overseer everything and everybody and assist them with any problems they might have that made it all the way up the Cain of command or just in general just for something to make it all the way to command in the Cain of command just  means that it was something that others could not answer and having the most knowledge about your battalion you should be able to find something to fix their problem or question and give some tips for next time and to make sure everybody is doing their jobs and they are doing it well and to make sure the officers are helping NCO's, Enlisted and the same for NCO helping Enlisted with their task being a command member is to motivate everybody and help out when those in need and just be a great helping hand to others.


6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

The reason why I should be trusted as an Vice-commander is due to the fact that I have been apart of the community for a pretty long time and the fact that I have been Officer 2 times in the past for naval and now being an active Naval officer and Medical Officer and I was trusted with these ranks even though I know they are not the same as being part of the command team but I believe with all my experience in the past and now I should be trusted to be a command team member as I am grown within the community and I have been learning more and more about Naval every day and I spoke to many and I have learn to understand more and more about everything for this server and for naval its due to all those I has spoken to in the past, I have never abused my powers not even one time and I believe with everything I have done for naval now and the past I know that you won't regret trusting me with vice admiral.   


7. How often can you be Online? :

On school days 2-6 hours and on weekends 5-10 hours.


8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

I have none.



                                   EX VICE ADMIRAL PINK!

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+++Massive Support

Dedicated and constantly active
he is Lightish red
Good Application but needs to fix grammatical errors

Overall a great member to the community

Ω CPT 1136 Darman Skirata

Edited by IMP_Mynithical


Former: Shock ERUO CPT, Imperial RP ModeratorΩ CPT 1136 Darman Skirata

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+/- Support
-Good Application (actually looks like a VA application unlike others)
-Has been in naval a considerable amount of time

-Needs to act more mature at times.
-More dedication to naval.
-Grammatical errors.
-Has been in naval a long time, but needs to go over the SOP & Handbook due to knowledge gaps.

Pink at the moment you are really the only real choice for Vice-Admiral, Even though you are not perfect, you are the best candidate at the moment. So you will have my full support once you mend your current faults (-supports).

Goodluck man 😉


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+/- Support

Overall, I support this application, with a few caveats. The Navy needs another Vice Admiral. It needs someone who can help pull it out of the current slump it is in and while I don't think Pink is the best choice for that right now, I believe he can be as long as he has oversight and support from higher up, as well as the men who serve under him. As much as I love to joke around and poke fun at Pink from time to time, I sincerely believe he cares for the Navy and I respect him for that. He is active and despite also being an officer in Medical, he finds time to be on his Navy life. However, he can be quite immature at times and that is something that needs to change if he is accepted into this position. I believe he can do it and if he is accepted I will support him and do anything within my ability to help him. Good luck, Pink. 

Purge VCMDR Crazy

Former FS1

Operative Kayvel

Former Sub-Lieutenant Yorn

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+ Support

+ is fun, dedicated and helpful

= can be rambunctious at times but tend to be enertaining and engaging when he does it.

+ Is very much active. its rare i dont see him when im on.
+ willing to work with others.
+++ Problem solving Skills

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From what I can tell this guy is great guy

and also naval could use another Vice Admiral.


Forner Senior Commander
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