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New rule suggestion: Stirpping weapons and comms - Denied


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What you want to see? -  Stop having it where criminals can "strip" someone's weapons and comms during a mugging, the point of it is to be quick so that units coming to it can respond, of course if the person blatantly says "Help" on radio or some shit they die. People should have to try to sneak a message to their comrades' their in danger instead of their guns and weapons just being gone for 20 seconds

Why should we add it? - More RP, alot more danger to mugging

What are the advantages of having this? -Mugging is somewhat dangerous and needs to be fast.

Who is it mainly for? -Gov/Civilians

Links to any content - N/A

Former E11 Captain, D5 Sergeant, V1 [EOI], CI LT,  and Nu7 LT
Current E11 LCPL|Riot Shield Abuser|Cloak hater

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48 minutes ago, Mr. Rob said:


main reason is the fact that players don't know if cops press there panic buttons unless there was an animation / sound effect then maybe this could work

Ok so I think you can strip the panic button but I meant radio cause you can like tap your radio and talk weirdly to try to get your other officers attention and it can sometimes be obv.

Former E11 Captain, D5 Sergeant, V1 [EOI], CI LT,  and Nu7 LT
Current E11 LCPL|Riot Shield Abuser|Cloak hater

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I'll edit this later if I formulate an opinion on this, however right now I mostly lean towards -support because if this were to he implemented, cops can just say "I'm being mugged at (10-20)" on radio and just ruin the entire experience of the mugging. 


Instead I think the mugging player should have to request the other person to give/drop their weapons and radio(if applicable) via /me. And that's their opportunity to get help is before they have to drop it. At that point it would be failrp if they already dropped their radio and then call for help. This would make mugging more entertaining and add a little spice to it instead of everyone's adverts just automatically stripping you of everything that helps. 


Current example: "Mug drop 30k in 10s or die! (Comms smashed/weapons stripped)" 


Example I'm proposing: "MUG 30K, DROP RADIO IN 10S OR DIE. REACHING FOR WEAPON IS KOS(panic jammed)"


or something along those lines. I think the player being mugged needs to drop their radio/weapons via /me before they give the money. Also gives a longer opportunity for another government to see what's happening when they're driving around and possibly help their battle buddy. Adding more risk to a mug and makes the crim want to find a discreet spot to perform the mug. 

Edited by Jbane56
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15 hours ago, Mr. Rob said:


main reason is the fact that players don't know if cops press there panic buttons unless there was an animation / sound effect then maybe this could work

Agreed, this would have to be necessary. Alternatively, there could be a message in chat that says PLAYER pressed his panic.

Edited by David


Ex 2iC of Shadow Legacy

Ex S.W.A.T. Co-Commander

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Tbh it hasn't been an issue at all for years so I don't get the issue. 

I feel like maybe yes an animation would be cool but a sound effect or chat message wouldn't make sense as that can be meta gamed. 


Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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48 minutes ago, [GL] Locus said:


Tbh it hasn't been an issue at all for years so I don't get the issue. 

I feel like maybe yes an animation would be cool but a sound effect or chat message wouldn't make sense as that can be meta gamed. 




i dont care GIF 

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- support 

i feel like this rule does not need to be changed as it works well with the system

as stated above when a cop is being surrounded by multiple people there gonna pull there panic or say something on radio 

i feel it makes both crim and gov fair 


$500+ Donator

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