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Everything posted by Snarlax

  1. Denied First of all, I would like to thank you for your suggestion! Our community truly runs off of suggestions and it is much appreciated. For the reasons stated above this suggestion has been denied because we do not believe that it will benefit the community or can have foreseeable related issues.
  2. Denied First of all, I would like to thank you for your suggestion! Our community truly runs off of suggestions and it is much appreciated. For the reasons stated above this suggestion has been denied because we do not believe that it will benefit the community or can have foreseeable related issues.
  3. Accepted First of all, I would like to thank you for your suggestion! Our community truly runs off of suggestions and it is much appreciated. SMT has decided to implement your suggestion! We might alter your suggestion slightly to make sure it fits its purposely correctly.
  4. Accepted First of all, I would like to thank you for your suggestion! Our community truly runs off of suggestions and it is much appreciated. SMT has decided to implement your suggestion! We might alter your suggestion slightly to make sure it fits its purposely correctly.
  5. Denied First of all, I would like to thank you for your suggestion! Our community truly runs off of suggestions and it is much appreciated. For the reasons stated above this suggestion has been denied because we do not believe that it will benefit the community or can have foreseeable related issues.
  6. Snarlax

    SCP 131

    SCP-131 Object Class: Safe Description: SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B (affectionately nicknamed the "Eye Pods" by personnel) are a pair of teardrop-shaped creatures roughly 30 cm (1 ft) in height, with a single blue eye in the middle of their bodies. SCP-131-A is burnt orange in color while SCP-131-B is mustard yellow. At the base of each creature is a wheel-like protrusion which allows for locomotion, suggesting that the creatures may be biomechanical in origin. The subjects can move surprisingly fast, covering over 60 m (200 ft) in a matter of seconds. The subjects, however, lack a braking system, which has led to some rather spectacular, if not overly amusing, mishaps involving the creatures. The subjects have also shown the ability to climb sheer surfaces, and have gotten lost in the air vents on more than one occasion. The subjects seem to have the intelligence of common house cats and are insatiably curious. Most of the time they simply roll around the facility, observing personnel at work and catching peeks at other Safe class SCPs. The subjects seem to be able to communicate with each other via an untranslatable high-pitched babbling. The subjects have never been observed to blink, even in laboratories when the subjects have been videotaped for over 18 consecutive hours. Special Containment Procedures: No special safety procedures are to be taken with SCP-131-A and SCP-131-B. They are free to travel about Site-19 so long as they do not attempt to enter any restricted areas or attempt to leave the facility. Casual contact with the subjects is permitted, but it is recommended that such contact be kept to a minimum to prevent the creatures from forming an attachment to personnel. Hourly tabs are to be kept on subjects at all times; failure to account for their presence at these times constitutes a level one lockdown situation. Any report of abuse or mistreatment of the subjects will result in a harsh reprimand.
  7. Snarlax

    SCP 1000

    SCP-1000 Object Class: Keter Description: SCP-1000 is a nocturnal, omnivorous ape, classified in the Hominini branch along with genera Pan and Homo. Adults range in size from 1.5 to 3 m (5 to 10 ft) in height, and weigh between 90 and 270 kg (200 - 600 lbs). They have grey, brown, black, red, and occasionally white fur. They possess large eyes with good vision, a pronounced brow ridge, and a sagittal crest on the forehead similar to that of the gorilla, but present in both sexes. Their intelligence is on par with that of Pan troglodytes (the common chimpanzee). SCP-1000 evolved alongside Homo sapiens, existing contemporaneously with proto-humans and humans in large numbers until 10,000-15,000 years ago, when an extinction event eliminated all but 1-5% of their population. This event was triggered by SCP-1000 contracting an anomalous "pseudo-disease" classified as SCP-1000-f1. This disease is passed on at the genetic level and affects every present-day instance of SCP-1000. The majority of SCP-1000 instances are born immune to the effect; those who are not born immune quickly die. Special Containment Procedures: All media reports related to SCP-1000 are to be examined for potential verifiability. All organizations and individuals investigating SCP-1000's existence are to be kept under surveillance by Mobile Task Force Zeta-1000 and discredited or administered amnestics. All physical signs of SCP-1000's existence must be retrieved and kept in Foundation custody, and replaced with decoy items if necessary. Alleged sightings of SCP-1000 must always be investigated by MTF Zeta-1000, however trivial the claim. Absolutely no contact with wild or captive instances of SCP-1000 is allowed without prior approval by Director Jones. Any interaction between SCP-1000 and humans, including Foundation personnel, must be reported to Director Jones immediately. Addendum 1000-056-D: Instances of SCP-1000 have tried to make contact with Foundation personnel on multiple occasions. Most of these attempts at contact have [DATA EXPUNGED] untranslated, though recent attempts show that some instances of SCP-1000 are capable of communicating in English.
  8. Snarlax

    SCP 860

    SCP-860 Object Class: Safe Description: SCP-860 is a dark blue key of unremarkable shape. At seemingly random intervals of time, a series of numbers, later found to be UTM coordinates, will appear on the key's blade. In the time SCP-860 has spent under containment, the numbers have changed three times, giving the coordinates for ██████ (Germany), ██████ (England), and Site-██. SCP-860 can fit in any door lock that requires a key located in the area of the given coordinates, and will function identically to the correct key for that lock. SCP-860 only works on door locks, and only if they are attached to a door; it will not work on any other type of locking device. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-860 is to be contained in a small wooden box in a vault at Sector-██. By itself, the object is inert, and no further containment procedures are needed. Incident 860-██-12: On ██/██/████, ██ days after Exploration IV, SCP-860 was found on Dr. ███'s office table, ████ m from its containment unit. The item's containment locker had not been opened. Video surveillance from ██:██ AM shows the key suddenly materializing on top of the table. It is currently unknown how or why SCP-860 was moved. The incident had a profound effect on Dr. ███. Psychiatric evaluation is recommended.
  9. Snarlax

    SCP 5000

    SCP-5000 Object Class: Safe Description: SCP-5000 is a non-functional mechanical suit identified within its internal schematics as an 'Absolute Exclusion Harness' designed by the SCP Foundation. Although SCP-5000 is believed to have once possessed a number of anomalous functions intended to protect and benefit its occupant, damage inflicted to it in the past means that it is currently only capable of basic file storage. For a record of files contained within SCP-5000 upon recovery, see Archive 5000-1. SCP-5000 first appeared in a flash of light within SCP-579's containment chamber at Site-62C on 12/04/2020, containing a corpse1 genetically identical to Foundation employee Pietro Wilson. Pietro Wilson is currently employed at Exclusionary Site-062, and mnestic therapy has confirmed he has no knowledge of SCP-5000 or memories concerning the events detailed within its archives. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5000 is to be kept in a deactivated state within a standard storage unit located at Site-22. All files and intelligence retrieved from SCP-5000 are to be stored on a secure server, with backups available upon request from the Archival Department.
  10. Snarlax

    SCP 093

    SCP-093 Object Class: Euclid Description: SCP-093 is a primarily red disc carved from a stone composite resembling cinnabar, with circular engravings and unknown symbols carved at 0.5 cm depth around the entire object. Deeper cuts are present on SCP-093 with a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm. SCP-093 is 7.62 cm in diameter and fits comfortably into most palms without abrasion. SCP-093 will change hue when held by a living individual. The colors taken by SCP-093 are still being researched to establish a link. Current belief holds that the changes depend upon regrets carried by the holder. Special Containment Procedures: See testing document SCP-093-T1 for outline of testing conditions. SCP-093 must remain on a mirror at all times and under video surveillance. Admittance into the area of SCP-093's containment must be authorized only with proper video recording and subject retrieval procedures in place. Any attempt to use SCP-093 outside of an approved test will be dealt with severely, up to and including termination. Testing Protocols: Subjects testing SCP-093 must wear a Class 3 buckle harness strapped to the chest and attached to a tension pulley system allowing for 300 m (~1000 ft) of movement. Additional spools may be added to extend movement if necessary. The clasps connecting these spools must be high grade and capable of withstanding applied force of 0.2 tons. Additional Notes: No records exist to clarify the nature of SCP-093's discovery or presence in the Foundation. See SCP-093-OD. Since no records exist explaining SCP-093's method of containment, a test procedure was initiated to establish why mirrors must be used to contain it. The results of SCP-093-T1 lead to the discovery of living beings holding SCP-093 being able to move through mirrors and the series of tests in SCP-093-T2 to ascertain the destination reached through this travel.
  11. Snarlax

    SCP 650

    SCP-650 Object Class: Euclid Description: SCP-650 is a black statue of a stylized humanoid 167cm tall. The statue does not possess hands or facial features: the limbs taper off into rounded points and the head is a smooth surface all around. The default posture while under observation has the statue reaching upwards, head tilted as if facing the sky. Composition of the statue is currently undetermined; materials testing has yielded inconclusive and contradictory results. If the statue is not being observed, it will relocate itself to a point immediately behind whomever is in the containment site and assume a threatening posture. No noise is made during this relocation process, so the precise method of locomotion is as of yet unknown. The relocation point and posture are typically close enough to induce an automatic fight-or-flight response in the observer once they turn around and see it. Special Containment Proecdures: SCP-650 is to be stored in a lockable room at least 4 meters by 4 meters, with comfortable lighting. It must remain under constant surveillance by no less than three (3) personnel. Observers are to position themselves so that the SCP and at least one additional observer are in their line of sight at all times. Observation via remote methods such as security cameras is permissible, so long as concentration is not broken at any time. This method should only be used in case of emergency, however, due to the possibility of accidental loss of sight. Addendum: ██/██/████ - Object upgraded to Euclid class after statue somehow managed to appear on the other side of Site ███ and manifest directly behind Dr. ███████ in his office. Additional observational measures are to be put in place to prevent future incidents. Researcher's note: I don't give a flying rat about the budget; keep this damn thing contained! Turning around in a dim office to see this thing a half-inch away from your nose is guaranteed to take years from your life. And given what we deal with, we don't have many to spare. -Dr. ███████
  12. Snarlax

    SCP 002

    SCP-002 Object Class: Euclid Description: SCP-002 resembles a tumorous, fleshy growth with a volume of roughly 60 m³ (or 2000 ft³). An iron valve hatch on one side leads to its interior, which appears to be a standard low-rent apartment of modest size. One wall of the room possesses a single window, though no such opening is visible from the exterior. The room contains furniture which, upon close examination, appears to be sculpted bone, woven hair, and various other biological substances produced by the human body. All matter tested thus far show independent or fragmented DNA sequences for each object in the room. Refer to the Mulhausen Report [cross-ref:document00.023.603] for details related to object's discovery. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-002 is to remain connected to a suitable power supply at all times, to keep it in what appears to be a recharging mode. In case of electrical outage, the emergency barrier between the object and the facility is to be closed and the immediate area evacuated. Once facility power is re-established, alternating bursts of X-ray and ultraviolet light must strobe the area until SCP-002 is re-affixed to the power supply and returned to recharging mode. Containment area is to be kept at negative air pressure at all times. Teams including a minimum of two (2) members are required within 20 meters of SCP-002 or its containment area. Personnel should maintain physical contact with one another at all times to confirm there is another person present, as perception may be dulled, skewed, or influenced by proximity to the object. No personnel below Level 3 are permitted within SCP-002. This requirement may be waived via written authorization from two (2) off-site Level 4 administrators. Command staff issued such a waiver must be escorted by at least five (5) Level 3 Security personnel for the duration of their contact and must temporarily surrender their rank and security clearance. Following contact, command staff will be escorted at least 5 km from SCP-002 to undergo a seventy-two (72)-hour quarantine and psychological evaluation. If deemed fit for return to duty by psych staff, rank and security clearance may be restored when quarantine expires.
  13. Snarlax

    SCP 3199

    SCP 3199 Object Class: Keter Description: SCP-3199 denotes a species of sapient Category-5 biological entities of currently indeterminable origin, though tissue samples indicate the presence of Silkie chicken1, chimpanzee2, stoat3, mussel4, adder5, and human DNA. They are typically hairless, stained with a thin layer of an albumen-like excretion, and stand at an average of 2.9 meters. Its weight averages 780 kg for a matured instance, and 360 kg for a hatchling. Autopsy has determined that the cervical vertebrae of a mature SCP-3199 instance is composed of cartilage, rather than bone. This enables the neck and throat to twist and dislocate to around 340° in either direction, aiding their unusual reproductive cycle. SCP-3199 produces large eggs of an off-white coloration and rubbery appearance. An egg will pass through the entity's digestive track, esophagus and eventually out via the mouth, followed by a viscous red substance (first thought to be a form of placenta, chemical breakdown has determined it to be a highly corrosive material). SCP-3199 shows extreme distress throughout the process, with personnel describing the sound as 'not dissimilar to a scream'. SCP-3199 produces its eggs to fill unoccupied space. There is no known limit to the number of eggs SCP-3199 is capable of producing, and the standing theory is as follows: given enough time, a single instance could singlehandedly perform an LK-Class species transmutation scenario. A single SCP-3199 egg can bear a tremendous amount of resilience, maintaining its form and purpose even following continual subjection to: Extreme blunt-force trauma. Pressure exceeding 180,000 psi. High-precision blades (serrated and non-serrated). Long-term acid exposure. Special Containment Procedures: All live instances of SCP-3199 are to be contained on Site-114 within a modified Keter humanoid containment chamber (hereby referred to as primary containment), the walls of which should be coated in approximately two centimeter thick acid-resistant steel. CCTV equipment is installed in the north-eastern and south-western corners. Two meters of empty space are to be allocated between primary and secondary containment. Secondary containment consists of suspending all live instances of SCP-3199 within a block of solid transparent substance (currently clear acrylic resin). A temporary recall procedure is detailed in Addendum 3199-03. Experiments involving the use of live SCP-3199 instances are strictly prohibited without approval from at least two personnel of Level-4 security clearance or above. ADDENDUM 3199-A-01: On █/█/2017, O5-█ dispatched the following notice: All further experiments involving SCP-3199's eggs are strictly prohibited. Hatching periods have proven too unreliable to warrant extensive research, and as the consequences of a containment breach become more and more apparent, the O5 Council have unanimously decided to nip the situation at the bud. Until new and reliable information comes to light, all personnel found acting against protocol will be subject to standard 'zero tolerance' risk assessment training, and a punishment determined on a case-by-case basis. We thank you for your continued cooperation.
  14. Snarlax

    SCP 169

    SCP-169 Object Class: Keter Description: SCP-169 is surmised to be a marine arthropod of enormous size, known as the "Leviathan" by generations of sailors and oral history. Presumed at first to be a myth, SCP-169 was detected on ██/██/19██ by Mobile Task Force Gamma-6 during an investigation of paranormal activity around the █████ █████████ archipelago (coordinates ██°██'S ██°██'W). During Ɣ-6's investigation, Dr. ████ ████████ [Ɣ6-0912] discovered the archipelago to have moved at least three (3) kilometers from its original location. The archipelago known as the █████ █████████ Islands have historically been uninhabited, though claimed by ███████ in 17██. Upon handover to the Foundation, ███████ presence was evacuated on the pretense of rising sea levels. Though the archipelago has remained above sea level for several millennia, any change of depth by SCP-169 could result in the disappearance of the entire archipelago. SCP-169 moves slowly, less than one kilometer per week, but seems only to be adrift. Its method of propulsion is unknown. Regular seismic tremors seem to indicate "breathing" about every three (3) months, causing minor shifts in the islands' terrain, suggesting that the creature is probably dormant. Addendum [0-20]: In 199█, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, an American scientific agency unaffiliated with and unaware of the existence of the Foundation, detected an ultra-low-frequency underwater sound emanating from around ██ºS ███ºW, approximately ████ km from the southwestern coast of South America. Special Containment Procedures: Because of its size, SCP-169 cannot and almost certainly will never be contained—no structure on Earth is large enough or strong enough to contain SCP-169. The location of SCP-169 is not precisely known, but imaging satellites and analyses of eccentricities in the Earth's orbit suggest SCP-169 is located in the southern Atlantic Ocean, possibly stretching around the tip of South America (see Addendum 0-20). Any satellite footage of a shift in the landmasses produced by SCP-169 is to be excised and destroyed by embedded agents.
  15. Snarlax

    SCP 105

    SCP 105 Object Class: Safe Description: SCP-105 (formerly known as Iris Thompson) is a female human of European descent. Records indicate that SCP-105 was born in ████, making her ██ years old at the time of acquisition. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, and at the time of this article, is 1.54 meters in height and 50kg in weight. She does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal human being in good health. SCP-105-B is a Polaroid One Step Express camera, manufactured in 1982. SCP-105-B does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics and appears to be, for all intents and purposes, a normal Polaroid camera, operating normally for all persons aside from SCP-105. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-105 is implanted with a tracking device and is currently housed at Site-17. SCP-105 is currently allowed Class 3 (restricted) socialization privileges with approved site personnel, granted based on continued good behavior and cooperation with Foundation personnel. SCP-105's personal camera (designated SCP-105-B) is contained in a locked safe-deposit box at Site-19's High Value Item Storage Facility. Standard positive-action defenses (explosive, chemical, biological, and memetic) are to be in place at all times while SCP-105-B is within containment. SCP-105 and SCP-105-B or any other camera are only to be allowed to come into contact with approval of the current managing researcher. Appendix 1: Circumstances of Acquisition: SCP-105 was brought to the Foundation's attention shortly after the murder of her boyfriend. SCP-105 claimed to have been on the phone with the victim at the time of his murder, prompting her to hurry to his side; however, telephone records did not correspond to her story, making her suspect in the murder. SCP-105 informed her lawyer that she had, in fact, witnessed the murder through a photograph she had taken with her boyfriend several days prior. The attorney in question disregarded the story and recommended that the subject plead guilty. Subject refused to do so and subsequently told her story in court, offering to demonstrate her ability. This lead to Foundation contact. Subject was immediately contained by the Foundation. Foundation Personnel retrieved SCP-105-B from SCP-105's home (replacing it with an identical model), and returned it to her. SCP-105's parents were informed that she was killed during the botched escape of another patient while both were in custody of the █████████ ██████ psychiatric care facility.
  16. Snarlax

    SCP 073

    SCP-073 Object Class: Euclid Description: SCP-073 appears to be a heavily-tanned male of Arabic or Middle Eastern descent in his early thirties, 185 cm (6'1") tall and 75 kg (165 lbs), with black hair and blue eyes. Arms, legs, spinal cord, and shoulder blades of the subject appear to have been replaced with artificial versions of unknown make and metal. Subject only takes notice of this when it is pointed out, and states that it has no knowledge of how, why, or when these replacements took place, stating it had had them as long as it could remember. There is a symbol engraved into the forehead of the subject, which appears to be of Sumerian origin. Symbol has of yet been untranslated, and subject appears distressed when the symbol is mentioned at all, refusing to speak on it. Subject does need to eat and drink on a regular basis, but is strictly carnivorous owing to its effect on plant-based items. SCP-073, who refers to itself as "Cain", is generally polite and genial to all who speak to it, though it has been described as being cold and somewhat mechanical in its speech. It is very helpful, and enjoys aiding personnel in their daily actions, whatever they may be. It has highly detailed knowledge of ancient to recent events in history, and most commonly spoken languages in the world, including ones that have since died out. Subject has professed to having a photographic memory, remembering word-for-word all text in an eight-hundred-page dictionary that was flicked through in a minute and a half. It has scored above average in all intelligence tests given to it. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-073 is to be kept in a two (2) room cell furnished with all non-organic furniture and items, and a bathroom. Subject is allowed to freely wander the facility and eat in the main canteen. A tracking device has been attached to SCP-073's person and is not to be removed. Subject is disallowed any contact with the surface, and is not allowed outside the facility. Subject is allowed no contact with plant-based SCPs under any circumstances. Violence is not to be used against SCP-073 under any circumstances.
  17. Snarlax

    SCP 055

    SCP-055 Object Class: Keter Description: SCP-055 is a "self-keeping secret" or "anti-meme". Information about SCP-055's physical appearance as well as its nature, behavior, and origins is self-classifying. To clarify: How Site 19 originally acquired SCP-055 is unknown. When SCP-055 was obtained, and by whom, is unknown. SCP-055's physical appearance is unknown. It is not indescribable, or invisible: individuals are perfectly capable of entering SCP-055's container and observing it, taking mental or written notes, making sketches, taking photographs, and even making audio/video recordings. An extensive log of such observations is on file. However, information about SCP-055's physical appearance "leaks" out of a human mind soon after such an observation. Individuals tasked with describing SCP-055 afterwards find their minds wandering and lose interest in the task; individuals tasked with sketching a copy of a photograph of SCP-055 are unable to remember what the photograph looks like, as are researchers overseeing these tests. Security personnel who have observed SCP-055 via closed-circuit television cameras emerge after a full shift exhausted and effectively amnesiac about the events of the previous hours. Who authorized the construction of SCP-055's containment room, why it was constructed in this way, or what the purpose of the described Containment Procedures may be, are all unknown. Despite SCP-055's container being easily accessible, all personnel at Site 19 claim no knowledge of SCP-055's existence when challenged. Special Containment Procedures: Object is kept within a five (5) by five (5) by two point five (2.5) meter square room constructed of cement (fifty (50) centimeter thickness), with a Faraday cage surrounding the cement walls. Access is via a heavy containment door measuring two (2) by two point five (2.5) meters constructed on bearings to ensure door closes and locks automatically unless held open deliberately. Security guards are NOT to be posted outside SCP-055's room. It is further advised that all personnel maintaining or studying other SCP objects in the vicinity try to maintain a distance of at least fifty (50) meters from the geometric center of the room, as long as this is reasonably practical. Document #055-1: An Analysis of SCP-055 The author puts forward the hypothesis that SCP-055 was never formally acquired by ████████████ ████████ and is in fact an autonomous or remotely-controlled agent, inserted at Site 19 by an unidentified third party for one or all of the following purposes: to silently observe, or interfere with, activities at Site 19 to silently observe, or interfere with, activities at other SCP locations to silently observe, or interfere with, activities of humanity worldwide to silently observe, or interfere with, other SCP objects to silently observe, or interfere with, ████████████ No action to counter any of these potential threats is suggested, or indeed theoretically possible.
  18. Snarlax

    SCP 207

    SCP-207 Object Class: Safe Description: SCP-207 refers to a crate containing 24 Coca-Cola brand cola drinks. The bottles are designated SCP-207-A to -X. SCP-207-B is currently the active bottle for testing, and no other bottles are to be opened without authorization from two Level 4 researchers. All bottles have been clearly labelled to aid identification. The liquid held inside these has been confirmed to be identical across all of SCP-207, and should not be ingested outside of supervised testing. The liquid has been classified as SCP-207-1, and is to be treated as a Class 2 chemical hazard. SCP-207-1 does not appear to alter with age; however, the active testing bottle should have its protective cover kept on outside of removing liquid for testing. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-207 is to be stored in a waterproofed locking metal container measuring 1 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m. The key is to be issued to the current head researcher of Site-██'s bio-containment area. SCP-207 is to be retained inside this area at all times, and all personnel entering the area should be checked for any food or drink items, in addition to any other searches required. Any staff seen ingesting SCP-207-1 are to be retained for future study, with all Foundation clearance levels removed. All vending machines in Site-██ are to only dispense clear carbonated beverages; any variation from transparent is to be investigated immediately. Addendum: SCP-207 was recovered from ███████ College, after reports of student ████ █████ moving from failing grades in all areas (including physical sports) to top percentile marks, and record-breaking performances in physical areas. Agent ██████, embedded in the local police force, brought ████ █████ in for interview. Subject revealed the existence of SCP-207 during the interview; however, escape attempt while Class A Amnestics were being administered resulted in the subject violently [DATA EXPUNGED]. Cause of death: organ failure due to massive internal hemorrhage. As SCP-207-A was empty on recovery, it is believed ingesting a full bottle [REDACTED]. SCP-207 recovered from subject's home, SCP-207-A already empty. ████ █████ reported to local police force as missing person; no further cause for surveillance of ███████ College required at this time.
  19. Snarlax

    SCP 666

    SCP 666 Object Class: Euclid Description: SCP-666 is a medium-sized Tibetan yurt, made of tied wooden branches and covered in yak leather. The interior ceiling is 2.44m (8ft) high and the base of the yurt is 9.14m (30ft). The hut is circular in shape. The interior of the yurt has a dirt floor and appears to be as crude as the outside to the majority of observers; the branches that make up the yurt frame are wrapped in rabbit fur and tied with yak leather thongs. Periodically, SCP-666 will change its location within the confinement area; this will happen only when not under direct observation, but remote viewing gives the impression of an entity inside the structure lifting it wholly and moving to its new position. To date, it has not made any attempt to escape confinement. SCP-666 was discovered in 1973 by SCP operatives searching the mountain regions on reports of several missing persons having returned from the area giving similar explanations: seeking shelter during harsh weather, the individuals would happen upon SCP-666 by seeming happenstance. Having gone out in similar conditions, the exploration team was also able to discover the yurt. Of the three operatives present, two experienced no ill effects. The third entered a stupor, experiencing vivid hallucinations and muttering incoherently to himself. Upon retrieval of the team, the yurt was recovered and taken to nearby Site 73 for further investigation. When an individual with no history of significant addictions enters the yurt, the yurt remains dormant and seems to have no ill effects. Class D Personnel without a history of alcohol or narcotics abuse were able to sit inside the yurt for days at a time if provided proper nourishment, and did report a greater intensity in their dreams. Individuals who have a history of substance abuse, however, will experience a hallucinogenic effect when inside the structure. In all instances, the subjects report being in a location either from their memories or a corollary thereof, specifically a spot where their addiction was at its most intense. Thus far, there have been reports of a nightclub bathroom, a 1973 Volkswagen Vanagon, a filthy alleyway, the [REDACTED] Casino in Las Vegas, etc. One subject reported finding himself in a dirty apartment with a prostitute named "Chloe" with whom he frequently indulged in narcotics abuse; another reported being in his own bedroom with a computer setup significantly more intricate than he owned before his arrest for distribution of child pornography. If the subject gives in to SCP-666-1's temptations, the entity becomes increasingly hostile. There is no set time-table nor degree of indulgence, but if left unchecked, SCP-666-1 will invariably begin assaulting the subject and forcing the subject's vice upon them to levels of extreme overdose. If the subject is not forcibly removed from SCP-666 during this period, they will die; cause of death is typical of their addiction, whereby an alcoholic will suffer extreme kidney or liver failure, a cocaine user will develop cardiac dysrhythmia, a subject addicted to video games or television will suffer extreme muscle atrophy and health issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, etc. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-666 is to be stored in a monitored, closed vault at all times at Site 73 in the Tibetan mountains. Guards are to be changed weekly, must pass a background check before being assigned to their post, and proven free of drug and alcohol addiction. SCP-666 is to be entered only by D-class personnel in approved testing procedures or by approved Foundation researchers with level 4 or higher security clearance. Non-D-class personnel who enter SCP-666, whether or not they have revealed a prior history of addiction, must be observed by a guard at all times. If they show any sign of being affected by SCP-666, they are to be removed immediately. Addendum SCP-666-1: Nearly identical stories have recently arisen in remote areas of northern Canada describing a "Wendigo Hut"; while unconfirmed, their similarities point to at least one additional instance of SCP-666 at large. Addendum SCP-666-2: Interview log with Test Subject D-14390, regarding experiences in SCP-666 (audio only) Test Log 1: SCP-666 is introduced to SCP-131 SCP-666: (crawls towards the Eye Pods) SCP-131-RED: (sounds of worry) SCP-666: (overhears SCP-131-RED getting attacked by SCP-131-GREEN) SCP-666 speeds over to the green Eye Pod and waits there. SCP-131-RED knows what is going to happen, and switches to “Lock” mode to prevent itself from moving. Static starts to sweep over the camera as SCP-666 gets closer to SCP-131-GREEN. SCP-131-RED then jumps up when SCP-666 lunges at SCP-131-GREEN. The camera goes off as soon as SCP-666 hits SCP-131-GREEN.
  20. Snarlax

    SCP 914

    SCP 914 Object Class: Safe Description: SCP-914 is a large clockwork device weighing several tons and covering an area of eighteen square meters, consisting of screw drives, belts, pulleys, gears, springs and other clockwork. It is incredibly complex, consisting of over eight million moving parts comprised mostly of tin and copper, with some wooden and cloth items observed. Observation and probing have showed no electronic assemblies or any form of power other than the “Mainspring” under the “Selection Panel”. When an object is placed in the Intake Booth, a door slides shut, and a small bell sounds. If the knob is turned to any position and the key wound up, SCP-914 will “refine” the object in the booth. No energy is lost in the process, and the object appears to be in stasis until the Output Booth door is opened. Intense observation and testing have not shown how SCP-914 accomplishes this, and no test object has ever been observed inside SCP-914 during the “refining” process. Containment Procedures: Only personnel who submit a formal request and receive approval from site command may operate 914. SCP-914 is to be kept in research cell 109-B with two guard personnel on duty at all times. Any researchers entering 109-B are to be accompanied by at least one guard for the entirety of testing. A full list of tests to be carried out must be given to all guard personnel on duty; any deviation from this list will result in termination of testing, forcible removal of personnel from 109-B, and formal discipline at site command’s discretion.
  21. Snarlax

    SCP 610

    SCP 610 Object Class: Keter Descripton: Initial reports of SCP-610 came direct from the Russian government through undisclosable channels. These reports consisted primarily of disappearances of farmers in the region and were not considered until the local police, followed by the regional police, and finally a government dispatched agent all failed to report in within a 72 hour period. A small military contingent was dispatched to the area and quickly withdrew at which point The Foundation was contacted to investigate. The area SCP-610 affects is close to Lake Baikal in Southern Siberia. Areas of known infection are marked on a map provided to us here. Containment perimeters are marked in blue surrounding these infection areas and as of present no further locations have been identified. Incursions into the perimeter must be reported prior to conducting, confirmed during exploration, and debriefed on immediately following return. Special Containment: Due to the vast area of 'infection' SCP-610 covers, containment is impossible. Isolation of the area has proved far more effective and permission has been granted by the Russian government to establish a perimeter to keep people out of these areas under the guise of military operations.At present the known infection vectors for SCP-610's spread seem to be focused on physical contact. Drone movements within heavily infected areas have returned air samples containing minute particulate which when exposed to organic compounds will result in the spread of SCP-610. The results of these particular tests have revealed that most require several days to manifest if at all, with the exception of direct contact with exposed lung and liver tissue. These particular tests show a rapid rate of growth which requires incineration of the testing environment no more than twenty-four hours after initial exposure, with even a two-hour mishap risking a compromised facility event. Given that this kind of rapid growth only occurs in organic material existing outside the human body, this form of infection is currently considered a minor concern.
  22. Snarlax

    SCP 053

    SCP-053 Object Class: Euclid Description: SCP-053 appears to be a small 3-year-old girl. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely seems upset, becoming agitated only in the presence of groups of people. Any and all humans over the age of three who make eye contact with, physically touch, or remain around SCP-053 for longer than 10 minutes will rapidly become irrational, paranoid, and homicidal. Most, if not all, of these feelings will be directed at SCP-053, and afflicted subjects will attempt to kill SCP-053 after first killing or driving off all humans visible to them. Those attempting to kill SCP-053 will suffer massive heart attacks or seizures and die seconds after doing any physical damage to SCP-053. SCP-053 will regenerate almost instantaneously from any wound, regardless of severity. SCP-053 appears wholly ignorant of these effects, and ignores any and all subjects affected. When questioned about the effect, SCP-053 is incapable of response. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-053 is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m (16 ft x 16 ft) and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three (3) months. Proper bedding, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained at all times. Food should be provided three (3) times daily, and two (2) snacks are allowed if requested. No physical contact is to be made with SCP-053 without full atmosphere-containment suit and eye shield. No eye contact is to be made with SCP-053 for any reason. Any objects given to personnel by SCP-053 may be removed, but must be given to quarantine for examination. Only one (1) member of personnel may be present in the room at any given time and must be secured by a safety line of steel cable. All personnel must be removed from SCP-053's containment chamber within 10 minutes of entering. Any personnel who begin to act erratically, scream, or attempt to grab SCP-053 are to be removed and quarantined. Any personnel attempting to remove their suit are also to be removed and quarantined. No sharp objects or firearms are allowed in SCP-053's containment room. Source
  23. Snarlax

    SCP 076

    SCP 076 Object Class: Keter Description: SCP-076 consists of two components: a stone cube (SCP-076-1) and a humanoid entity contained within (SCP-076-2). SCP-076-1 is a 3 m cube made of black speckled metamorphic stone. All surfaces outside and within SCP-076-1 are covered in deeply engraved patterns corresponding to no known civilizations. Radioisotope analysis indicates that the object is approximately ten thousand (10,000) years old. A door is located on one side, sealed with a lock 0.5 m in width, surrounded by twenty (20) smaller locks in a circular pattern. As of yet, none of the keys have been found, making the door impossible to lock once closed. Containment Procedures: Containment Area 25b is to be located 200 m below sea level, tunneled out of solid bedrock in a seismologically stable area. Sole access to the containment facility is to be through a vertical elevator shaft separated every fifty (50) meters with a reinforced blast door, constructed of 20 cm thick material shielding. Elevator shaft shall be flooded with seawater when not in use. Containment Area 25b is to be constructed with the following components: An Outer Security Perimeter against outside threats, staffed by security personnel trained in close quarters battle and counter-intrusion tactics. An Administrative and Support Area (ASA) consisting of support facilities and living quarters for on-site personnel. A Primary Containment Zone (PCZ), consisting of a 7 m cube encased in 1.5 m of reinforced material. PCZ is to be designed to be flooded and drained as needed, and should remain filled with seawater unless access to contents is required. A 150 m "killing corridor" which is to be the sole access to the PCZ from the ASA (including water, power, drainage, and ventilation lines). The walls and floor of the corridor are to be reinforced in a similar manner to the PCZ, with the addition of an electric deterrence system capable of delivering a 20,000 volt shock.
  24. Snarlax

    SCP 166

    SCP 166 Object Class: Euclid Description: SCP-166 is a European female human in its late teens with ungulate features; possessing antlers, hooved feet, and a short tail reminiscent of Rangifer tarandus (Common reindeer). Despite these obvious abnormalities, DNA analysis reveals no abnormal genetic traits. Within a fifteen-meter radius of SCP-166, artificial objects gradually return to an unworked state. Higher complexity objects like electronics or vehicles are affected quicker, with degradation of their metallic components causing catastrophic structural failure in a matter of hours. Rudimentary materials, such as stone buildings or products made of organic materials, decay at a virtually imperceptible rate. Within the same radius plant life will begin to sprout, often growing in improbable places such as out of security cameras or ID scanners. Containment Procedures SCP-166 is contained in Biocontainment Zone C at Site-19, which has been modified to include a hermetically sealed antechamber and an industrial-strength air purifier. Containment staff must wear the specially designated 166 biohazard suits at all times when inside SCP-166's containment area. Due to SCP-166's unique physiological needs, a variety of loose fitting organic cotton clothing has been provided, to be rotated monthly. All meals are to be cooked according to the guidelines provided, with as little inorganic additives as possible. Reasonable requests for personal items and modifications to the containment suite may be granted upon approval by a Level 4 or higher authority. Update: All requests by SCP-166 must be approved personally by Site Director Light. To date, SCP-166 has requested: A copy of the Holy Bible (Douay-Rheims, Challoner Revision) (granted). A Catholic rosary (granted). Access to a Catholic priest for confession, mass, and other sacraments. (denied) (Chaplain Davis has been scheduled to meet with SCP-166 on alternating Sundays after a thorough decontamination process) Various books and magazines, mostly religious in nature (granted, pending review and approval of contents). A telephone with which to contact the Abbess of the Our Lady of Mercy Convent in County Galway, Ireland (denied) (granted) (overruled by order of the Site Director, denied) Discovery SCP-166 was discovered at the Our Lady of Mercy Convent in County Galway, Ireland, where it had lived since infancy. SCP-166 was confirmed by a defecting Global Occult Coalition agent to be the child of Threat Entity 9927-Black ("The Goddess"), also known as SCP-████, who was terminated by a GOC strike team in what would be known as the Cornwall Incident. Note from 05/08: On 05/08/2013, the following note was discovered within SCP-166's containment area. ████, I first met your mother when we were little more than children. She had hooves for feet and starlight in her eyes. She was beauty and nature incarnate, and I killed her with my own two hands. Eden isn't a place. It's a state of being. They wanted to take us back to it, and I stopped them. I took paradise away from us for a second time. I have never regretted my actions on that day, except one: that when you first met me on that day, you saw your father put a bullet into the head of your mother. I make no excuses, only explanation. You may not have even remembered it, but I'm telling you now in the hope you understand why I did what I did. I hope you forgive me. I love you. I wish I could have done more for you. The best I could do was leave you in the hands of kind and loving people and hope they would raise you in my place. From what I've seen, they did well. I'm sorry you couldn't stay with them. I'm sorry they've brought you to this place. I promise to do my best to make sure your stay here is pleasant. I promise to keep you safe. Happy sixteenth birthday, From your loving father. Addendum 166.1: Chaplain Davis biweekly interview Davis: Good morning, child. SCP-166: Good morning, Father. Davis: As usual, I have to remind you that due to our environment, the seal of confession will not take place unless specifically invoked. Even then, details of our conversation can be unsealed if they're determined to be essential. Understand? SCP-166 nods. Davis: Excellent. Now, how are you doing? SCP-166: Good. One of the staff told me about Benedict yesterday, is that true? Davis: Ah, yes, that was rather unfortunate, but it does make sense. He was rather old even when he first took up the position. Now he can rest, knowing he served the Church well. SCP-166: Do you know who's going to replace him? Davis: Speculation has abounded, but it could be anyone. These are difficult times after all, with all the recent… controversies. They may want a fresh face to represent the church, or they may go with a man who's dedicated years of his life. Who knows, they may even pick a working-class man. It certainly would give people something to talk about. SCP-166: I guess so. SCP-166 and Davis sit in silence. Davis: I'm sensing a question arising, child. SCP-166: Sorry. Davis: No need to apologize. That is what I'm here for, after all. What is it? SCP-166: It's just, I wanted to ask you something, thought it might be a little personal. I was just wondering, do you have a good relationship with your parents? Davis: My mother, yes. Before she passed away, I visited her once a month at the retirement home, plus her birthday and holidays. Told her I was a chaplain serving in the military, which I suppose is somewhat close to the truth. SCP-166: And your father? Davis: That is a rather more complicated question. He was a good man, a soldier who held three things dearly: God, Country, and Family. Unfortunately, he held those convictions rather severely, which resulted in some… heated discussions. I love him still, but this way is best for everyone. Davis sighs. Davis: And what about your parents? I know you lived in the convent, but before that? SCP-166: I never really knew them, I got dropped off when I was a baby. I mean, I guess they must've known the sisters if they put me there, but I don't remember them. Just what I picked up. They mentioned my mother a bit, before they realized that they should watch what they say about me. I think they said something about her being a goddess? Which obviously wouldn't be true, she must've been some sort of spirit, but she must've been something if I ended up looking like this. SCP-166 gestures to herself. SCP-166: I remember eavesdropping on the Abbess, she was talking to one of the other sisters about how she had done something wrong, something about a ritual that someone else stopped. They said she died. Davis: I'm sorry for your loss. SCP-166: Not like I knew her. Davis: And your father? SCP-166 hesitates. SCP-166: I don't know. He must've been the one who dropped me off at the convent, but why there? Why didn't he take me with him? Davis: I'm sure he had his reasons. SCP-166: Maybe. You know, they never talked about him. Not once. I must've asked the Abbess a thousand times, but she never even mentioned a hint of him. SCP-166 pauses. SCP-166: If my mother was so horrible…what did my father do? \ Credit to Informational: SCP 166 Wiki
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