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Posts posted by Rose

  1. 9 hours ago, aDaddy said:

    Mega+ Support

    Divide has always been a great commander he has stayed loyal towards medical since the first days on the server and he's always been a great leader and active for his job he always makes sure his troops are in line and other troops to he helps every branch out as much as he can even he cant help them out he gives some of the best advice and he would be amazing at senior command spot he deserves it so much he's worked hard for everything he has and he is known by everyone and everyone that i know really enjoys divides presence I feel like he would be a great Senior Commander.



  2. What do you want to see? - The removal of the Nova section on the forums and the addition of a Death Troopers Section and Purge Troopers Section

    Why should we add it? - These 2 Battalions have no section on the forums to be able to post their SOP and do Forum Roll Calls ECT.

    What are the advantages of having this? - It gives these 2 battalions a place to post topics on the forums and adds fairness since every other battalion has a section

    Who is it mainly for? - Death Troopers and Purge Troopers

    Links to any content - N/A

    Side Note: I’m aware purge could be included in the IQ section but it’s its own battalion with its own CMDR and VCMDR so it deserves a forums section 

  3. On 1/4/2020 at 10:39 PM, Pooders said:

    - Support

    Terrible written application.

    Question 15 describes things you can already do such as training, as a normal player. And you basically only talk about making peoples experience better.

    16 needs a lot more improvement.

    You have 2 posts, 1 being your application.

    I haven't seen you in game.

    Your not ready as a staff member sorry


  4. -Support

    Needs to improve forum activity to take a more active role in the community

    Has been known to be hotheaded, egotistical, and not able to maintain a calm composure which could be an issue during staff sits.

  5. On 12/27/2019 at 8:51 PM, Jeffe said:


    From what I have seen, or more haven't, you are not active on the game and when you DO get on the server you tend to be very mingy and whine about things. I don't see you active on your own regiment or even the server and this is why I am going to have a put a -support. Frankly I would like a Super Admin that puts effort into improving the staff team and the first step to that is being an active participant in staffing and the server itself.


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