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Posts posted by Rose

  1. 4 hours ago, jackrhyssull said:


    but there is one thing there are other battalions that need their stuff added first that’s waited months and I will under stand if they add the other updates to other battalions first due to they have had the issue for longer and it would make sense but your suggestion is very good tho 👌👍

    -Grand Moff Tarkin


  2. In-game name: Rose


    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:185900587


    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Rear Admiral/Death Trooper Major


    Have you donated to the server?: Yes


    Have you been banned on any GL server before?: Never


    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: Never


    How much time do you have on the server?: Several Months on Imperial RP, 5 Years With Gaminglight as a whole.


    How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I know a reasonable amount about Star Wars lore and know lots of somewhat obscure facts and Lore about small and specific parts of the Star Wars universe.


    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I have been a Gamemaster before and have been seeing lots of complaints about current events that have been going on or a lack of events happening in general and the best way to improve the server as a whole is to sign up myself and actively do something about it. I have also been asked by several people to rejoin The GM team so I guess popular demand is a reason aswell.


    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I have been a Gamemaster on Clonewarsrp I am currently staff and have been a trusted and active member of gaminglight for about 5 years.


    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes Very.


    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Yes Very


    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: 

    As a Gamemaster I am very proficient with acting and using actors efficiently to enhance and add to my events as opposed to NPC overloads. So an example of an on ship event would be: Naval Receives an imperial distress signal from an imperial prison frigate. Upon choosing to investigate scans show no living life forms aboard the vessel and the proper course of action would presumably be to tractor beam the ship and pull it in for investigation were up one searching the ship they will find a singular apparently humanoid who appears to be nervously twitching and very confused as to what is going on and where they are. However the players decide to handle the situation with RPing back and forth with the individual eventually they will say something to trigger a response with him revealing that he is in fact a humanoid droid and is rebooted by the sudden change. This then activated their fight or flight response and they attempt to flee the ship by any means nessecary and evade imperial recapture. 


    An example of an off ship event would be naval receives a holo briefing from ISB informing them of the recent escape of a highly dangerous imperial prisoner Rosko Barkley illegal smuggler and highly intelligent engineer that was last sighted in their current system and their aid is requesting in reprehending the fugitive. Upon investigating the scene they can ask around to other playing acting as civilians in search of a lead on the location of the fugitive and once information has been figured out and the fugitives hideout is discovered the trooper will get engaged by mercenaries attempting to protect Rosko until they presumably overpower the defenses and recapture the prisoner.


    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes

    !give ^ [Item Name]


    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes

    !model ^ [Model_Path]


    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes

  3. 7 hours ago, _Alpha_ said:

    Also adding on it would be interesting to see Director Orsen Krennic or some sort of Director research and what not.

    Krennic was the ISB Director and he’s dead lol 

  4. 16 hours ago, Toxic Venom said:

    Only problem with that is that vading doors won't really work with a button once the person DCs you can't perma prop a fading door and button that'll work together. 

    Yes you can I’ve done it before on multiple servers that I was a head builder on it just required Door Keypads and not normal keypads

  5. 10 hours ago, jackrhyssull said:


    knows how to lead

    can improve the department 

    can train


    follows orders 

    always willing to help others

    not interested in self gain 

    a role model to the community  

    -Fleet Admiral Shadow 


  6. + Support

    Knows what his job is supposed to be and knows how to do it



    However I think if accepted you shouldn’t be in Shock and be a SO at the same time since you’d be your own higher up which we like to avoid if at all possible 

  7. -Support

    Stun Sticks are not a took that anyone needs you have arrests sticks and unarrest sticks if someone isn’t listening to shock you give them their verbal warning and then if they continue you arrest them

    Personally and I mean no offense by it I have seen specific shock members that I know for a fact would abuse this weapon if given it and I don’t believe the entirety of the battalion can be trusted with it

    its also a redundant tool that is pretty much used for nothing that isn’t abuse related

    Sorry I’m sure it’s something that would be cool giving the police beating sticks but it’s not something that is needed or would do anything but circulate more issues between shock and other battalions 

  8. On 12/27/2019 at 9:32 PM, Flameyboi said:

    +Support only for the scout trooper


    To be honest I completely understand why JT is only made for donations but scout trooper? Seriously? so many people wanna become that job but you gotta pay 15 bucks to only play that one job people wanna play? Yeah it can spawn speeders but entrust the people that can make sure who are preformed in these jobs don't mess up.


  9. + Support 

    Another alternative to editing the map is locking the cells open and using fading doors in their place connected to buttons that shock can have access to if the doors can’t be changed themselves

  10. -Support

    The Mod no longer has any support attached to it so any problems with it cannot be fixed

    the mod will most likely cause lag

    I think it is usually best to shy away from large mods that only affect 1 battalion Becuase that broken limb and disease issue might get very annoying to troopers when no medics are online to do it and even so when they are

    + Support

    would increase rp heavily

    would improve interest in medical 

  11. + Support

    Only + Support if Version 2 is used version one looks horrible:


    Its a decent looking map

    In my own personal testing it seemed well optimized, I could build plenty of props on it and overrun the place with npcs and vehicals and didn’t experience any harsh lag

    We Definitely need a change of pace that ISD is getting bland and it’s basically the basic map for every single IMPRP server and it would be better to stand out from the rest

    I’d prefer the base looking empty on lower player counts then playing on that cramped ISD on low player counts and not being able to walk through the halls.

    It would make On base events way more realistic because anyone attacking an ISD is rare as they are so powerful alone.

  12. -Support

    Good Concept but seems redundant

    I don’t really see it taking off or ever getting actually used

    Medical can do research on their normal class as is already their jobs they don’t really need a special class for it

    + Support

    Could be a cool sight 

  13. In-Game Name: Rose

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:185900587

    Rank: Moderator

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 12/28/19 - 12/31/19

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Christmas events with friends and family will not be home

  14. + Support

    Has Proper Experience From Other GMod Servers

    Serious Rper

    Great Guy 

    Genuine want to help revive and better the battalion

    His attitude, past experiences and determination I feel overrule the lower rank and believe it can be looked over in this scenario as the battalion is in real desperate need for good leadership so it’s a fat +support from me 

    • Like 1
    • Gaminglight Love 1
  15. In-Game Name: Rose

    Steam Name: [GL] Rose

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:185900587

    Are you a Moderator+?: Moderator

    How often are you on TeamSpeak?: Very Active, Usually on everyday and I'm always in the Teamspeak regardless of what I'm playing.

    Do you have a working quality mic?: Yes, I have an AfterGlow

    What timezone are you in? EST

    Why would you want to join our Support team(150 words+) I want to join support because I have had the role in the past when I was staff a while ago and enjoyed the change of pace of helping out on teamspeak as opposed to only helping out in game. I enjoy helping out and would like to do so as staff to the best of my ability and joining support is an important step on that mission. I also can use support and help out while I'm doing other things like my work or playing other casual games that I can have teamspeak open while playing. I believe I can put in additional work as staff on the support team and I look forward to it. I also know the rules very well and I do a large amount of of training cadets on imperial rp and being able to independently be able to get someone into teamspeak get them trained and get them whitelisted will make the process a lot easier and ensure even if I’m the only person on the server cadets can still be fully trained and ready to go when more people start to get on.

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I believe I could effect support in a positive way with my activity and friendliness and have a positive impact on those on our server who require assistance.

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would Greet anyone that has a problem with respect and calmness as we address and resolve the Issue.

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? I Rose, Have read the rules and promise to uphold all the rules to the best of my ability.

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