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Posts posted by Rose

  1. 11 hours ago, Smoke said:


    - Good application seems you really want to be staff

    - Havent seen you on much

    - The only times ive seen you you have been mingey

    - Improve activity and get more well known on the community


  2. In-Game Name: Rose

    Steam Name: KingCorps

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:185900587

    Are you a Moderator+?: Yes

    How often are you on TeamSpeak?: Very Active, Usually on everyday and I'm always in the Teamspeak regardless of what I'm playing.

    Do you have a working quality mic?: Yes, I have an AfterGlow

    What timezone are you in? EST

    Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) I want to join support because I have had the role in the past when I was staff a while ago and enjoyed the change of pace of helping out on teamspeak as opposed to only helping out in game. I enjoy helping out and would like to do so as staff to the best of my ability and joining support is an important step on that mission. I also can use support and help out while I'm doing other things like my work or playing other casual games that I can have teamspeak open while playing. I believe I can put in additional work as staff on the support team and I look forward to it.

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I believe I could effect support in a positive way with my activity and friendliness and have a positive impact on those on our server who require assistance.

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would Greet anyone that has a problem with respect and calmness as we address and resolve the Issue.

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? I Rose, Have read the rules and promise to uphold all the rules to the best of my ability.

    Note: This is a repost because I had to go on LOA shortly after posting the first one so I removed it until I was off LOA.

  3. Name and Callsign on roster: Rose SAF9

    Your activity: Just got of of LOA today, So everyday now

    Why we should keep you as a SAIC (50+ words): I should be kept as SAIC due to my Loyalty to the unit, ability to lead in situations, and my daily activity. I am also more then willing to help out newer members in need, host things that need to be hosted, and help out command in anyway they need. Lastly I have made good friend here in FBI with several members and I plan on being here for quite sometime.

    3 Things you should be doing as a SAIC (20+ words): Three things that I should be doing as an SAIC is helping newer members learn the ropes, taking charge of situations when I am the only one available to do so, and helping out command whenever they ask.

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, GhostlyNinjaDude said:


    •No posts, except for this one.

    •Didn't answer questions #12-16 (Missing) Also didn't answer question #8

    •Haven't seen you online at all 

    •No poll

    This App is missing all of the key components and it seems little effort was put into making it

  5. On 1/4/2019 at 1:05 AM, Joe Mama said:


    • Has Increased Activity
    • Mature
    • Friendly
    • Great Guy
    • Knowledgeable of Rules
    • Great Application

    Good Luck! ~ Joe Mama

    Agreed I see Bryce on everyday and hes extremely helpful

    +support from me

    • Like 1
  6. 14 hours ago, Timmemes said:

    Huge +Support

    About time! Tim is an all around nice, mature, active, caring , and great guy. He has shown his dedication to policeRP and GL as a whole and deserves the chance to be a TMOD! Good luck! 

    I Agree with this entirely

    Good Luck!

    • Thanks 1
  7. - Support

    No Poll

    Last Two Questions Seem Rushed

    Have Seen Being On the Receiving end of many sits

    A Bit Mingy

    But to end on a possitive note:

    Is an Active Player

    Should work on reading the MOTD a little bit more carefully and put more effort into your staff application.

  8. 7 hours ago, Jeff Junior said:


    -Chad has been admin for 2 months now i Think and he has been super Active under the 2 months he has been admin i can be mature when he needs to be and Always hop on staff when s-admins+ asks for it 

    good luck Chad!!

    I agree with this ive seen him on all the time and hes always willing to get on staff when needed to

    Huge + Support from me!

    • Like 1
  9. Today we had over 3 different gangs on the server, I know at least two of the gang's were infiltrated by FBI and had uncovered drug rings, prostitution rings, and illegal money printing. We had at least two massive raids today, all thanks to the FBI, and the FBI were the leaders in the raids.


    But not the Gambinos "gang gang" 

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