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Everything posted by Anderson-Surpant

  1. People lags, (I do) so I mean you can't always trust pd
  2. Part 1: Massive +Support Part 2 +Support Reasons: photon has a great fan base and also it kinda looks better than vcmod and works better to it would be great to have it back
  3. Major +support Could bring a Division in police TSU (Traffic Service Unit)
  4. MSGT Anderson Surpant???????? also good luck!
  5. [wait this is not the dentist !!] ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  6. (This is from police) So I got in a 10-80 (Police pursuit) with a lifted GMC truck and it went in suburbs in the mansion and the suspect barricaded them selfs inside the building so I call for backup waiting for SWAT and then I hear shoots from the building so I get behind my cruiser with my m4 and wait for backup, well then SWAT arrived on scene, so they went first, I told all my officers to stay back until SWAT said for us to go, so we waited, and then Swat yells over the radio "ALL POLICE RUSH" so me and the other officers rushed in.there was heavy gun fire, officers were down (legit all of them)so all of the pd put their panics so that we could go back, this shootout legit was 10 mins long not even kidding, so after they were finally took down we found out that the suspects were the YUKIS (or how ever you spell it) I was really surprised at how the yukis were killing everyone so A+ in my book Asuna inspired me to Wright this also strider did to thank you for reading Have a nice day !!!!! Or good niteee!!!! I cany spell good on phones :)
  7. Hmmmm Idk if I should make an app I mean I don't wanna change my last name ;)
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