Link to new pack(s):
How would this benefit the server (will it help events or is it purely for decorations and how?):
I think this would be an interesting addition for things like FS and ARC and IC as it would be entirely unique in no one else would have it and it would give a valid chance at boosting activity for all 3 battalions. While I will admit this is purely a want over a need this weapon is rarely used on most servers (I've only been on one server that used it, and it was incredibly popular). I do believe this will be used quite a lot from the battalions that would have it as it has its own animation and is different entirely from the Z-6. (As for adding to jobs within the 3 battalions/sub battalions I would suggest inferring to FS-1, Purge Commander, IC Commander, ARC Lead, and 501st Commander). I have talked to all of the highest people in the sub battalions/battalions who think it would be cool and good to have as well.
Do you believe the benefits exceed the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?:
I do believe this weapon exceeds the risk of adding new content as it isn't large overall being 15mbs and the required addon with it is already on the server as it is required for the current weapon packs that we have on the server itself (shooting sounds, reloading sounds, empty mag sounds, blaster round sounds, etc.). It would have an incredibly high chance at renewing/gaining interest in the battalions involved.
How would this benefit the server (will it help battalion/server activity and how?):
This would benefit the server by adding something new within battalions to have, it would add something for people within the battalions/sub battalions themselves to be excited about and look forward to trying to get/use. It would also add something that people outside of the battalions/sub battalions to envy and want and attempt to join in order to use and gain access to the weapon itself. Overall, it isn't an inherently large pack so risk to the server itself in non-existent if not minimal and it would only add more things for the players of the community and server to look forwards to using.
8/20/24 Edited to add tags not sure if they are important or not I completely forgot they existed, apologies.