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Sean Johnson

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Everything posted by Sean Johnson

  1. Accepted! Join the Discord, then go to #member-self-roles. Click on the far-right reaction for the "Requesting CI Tags" role. Go into #Requesting-FTO and follow the format and you will get a FTO as soon as possible to train you If you need any help DM me on Discord Cian#7929, Good Luck!!
  2. Accepted! Join the Discord, then go to #member-self-roles. Click on the far-right reaction for the "Requesting CI Tags" role. Go into #Requesting-FTO and follow the format and you will get a FTO as soon as possible to train you If you need any help DM me on Discord Cian#7929, Good Luck!!
  3. +support you can just limit how many times you can crouch / jump Seen it done on other servers Hitreg is shit enough without fucking it with crouch spamming
  4. Name - Sean Johnson Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:77333802 Discord Name - Ming1123#4294 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - CI SM and SFTO - Military List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - https://gyazo.com/c250474e916d5533761d9c8fd68c9866 Why do you want to join Delta-5? I want to join D5 because I want to try out the other side of the server. I main Chaos and want to try out D5 as I always run into them on raids. Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) You should let me in because I am able to listen to orders, am active pretty much every day, and always remain positive. I would rather be positive then criticize someone, even if the intent is good, it will make them not want to play with you. I am experienced in the server, however, I hope to gain experience here if I am accepted. Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes
  5. Accepted! Join the Discord, then go to #member-self-roles. Click on the far-right reaction for the "Requesting CI Tags" role. Go into #Requesting-FTO and follow the format and you will get a FTO as soon as possible to train you If you need any help DM me on Discord Cian#7929, Good Luck!!
  6. +Support It should be a priority to ensure the new player has somewhat a chance to over power security forces. Just remove that lower D block all together and have some cells in upper If the map needs to be optimized they could remove the useless forest to the right of CI base when you are coming out. Also if you want to go with the 'realism argument' there are tons of things on this server that go against lore. 106 Cant tp through walls, SCPs having out of bounds areas, Mobile task forces and CC that dont exist. The point is there has to be changes to lore strict things for things to actually be fun.
  7. They have their own job to do which requires them to be in their own TS When they go onto an NU7 job say they no longer have access to CI comms.
  8. Accepted! Join the Discord, then go to #member-self-roles. Click on the far-right reaction for the "Requesting CI Tags" role. Go into #Requesting-FTO and follow the format and you will get a FTO as soon as possible to train you If you need any help DM me on Discord Cian#7929, Good Luck!!
  9. What are you suggesting? - Hard code a green crosshair when someone is EOI. I don't know the coding side but maybe it would work if the player recently changed from EOI to something else. How would this change better the server? - I often see EOI complaining about friendly fire (and rightfully so). This means they either have to be researchers and still run the risk of friendly fired, it also limits their disguises. If they disguise as a combatant CI aren't waiting to read the name, because if they aren't EOI you are dead or close to dead by the time they start shooting. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Might be hard to code but I have seen other servers do this. Who would this change mostly benefit? - EOI Operatives and other R&D aspiring to join EOI. E4 and other CI who wont be malded at for shooting EOI. Also could be added to new Research job when they get disguise kit. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/a
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zceRZubq0zesahhvjk6jPfKWy9ueg1Hm69Ls7E6O3Xc/edit?usp=sharing
  11. +1 Proven himself trustworthy in CI command
  12. -Support RRH seem good enough conducting orders from O5 . Ethics aren't active enough to command LLH.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dENYJbN1z4
  14. Accepted! Join the Discord, then go to #member-self-roles. Click on the far-right reaction for the "Requesting CI Tags" role. Go into #Requesting-FTO and follow the format and you will get a FTO as soon as possible to train you If you need any help DM me on Discord Cian#7929, Good Luck!!
  15. This may be a coincidence but the day call card addon got removed because it broke hitreg was much better. Hit reg is definitely worse than any gmod server I have played, despite what people will try gas light you to believe. It is not just gmod. This literally affects every person on the server and should be the number 1 priority for SMT. If this got fixed/improved it would be better than any branch update or feature change.
  16. Accepted! Join the Discord, then go to #member-self-roles. Click on the far-right reaction for the "Requesting CI Tags" role. Go into #Requesting-FTO and follow the format and you will get a FTO as soon as possible to train you If you need any help DM me on Discord Cian#7929, Good Luck!!
  17. Please edit your application to meet the 75 minimum word count.
  18. Accepted! Join the Discord, then go to #member-self-roles. Click on the far-right reaction for the "Requesting CI Tags" role. Go into #Requesting-FTO and follow the format and you will get a FTO as soon as possible to train you If you need any help DM me on Discord Cian#7929, Good Luck!!
  19. Are you sure you are being killed by EOI because they aren't insanely active? Also I might be wrong here as I am not in EOI, but I do not believe they can kill non combatants, also they generally don't disguise as D class as they would be KOS outside of D block. If we didnt have this system, foundation would look on the score board and find reasons to ID check them. The EOI would then have to try prove meta game which is hard to do.
  20. As the title says, remove limb damage, Just have body shots and headshots damage. I am very tired of my guns doing 13-18 damage when fighting 200, 200 people. I'm not sure if this is the issue, but every other server I have played the TTK has not been this long. The Barrett shouldn't be doing 48 damage shots.
  21. In Game Name: Sean Johnson Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77333802 Discord ID: Cian#7929 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst) Guardians Current RP Ranks Held: : PD CI, in E4 for about 3 weeks. (Applied sooner but applications were closed and still are) Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): Victor 1, Indiana 17, Delta 40 If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I want to join RRH as I want to get a feel for the foundation forces. I was in D5 before however did not enjoy the enlisted guns. I want to try RRH as I am have an idea of what they do, however, I am still curious about them. I would like to protect the O5 when they are on, so I don't have to main the job. I an looking for working with other people in this different role. I mainly play CI but I want something else to do, if I am feeling burned out of playing CI. I would like to help the foundation and face some of the people who I normally raid with. I am also interested in helping the Analysts with utils and seeing what they can do. I enjoy what I am doing in E4 and I envision that I would be doing similar things if I get into this role. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because I am dedicated to the server. I have shown this due to being selected for my roles within CI. I have been shown to be a competent member of Chaos, and I will prove to be competent in RRH should I be selected. I can follow orders from my command without question, and can remain calm in stressful situations. I do not rage at other people and just accept things as they are. I do not like to play with angry raging people, I hope I will find people in this branch that are calm and collected, as I have found with Chaos Insurgency. I am always willing to learn new ways of doing things, I can adapt to many different situations. I can fit in with many groups, I never cause conflict and try to solve my issues with the person individually, I try to solve issues in a fast and effective manner.
  22. Application accepted Contact me for training at Cian#7929
  23. No I only record when required to by command. Unfortunately the message containing the slur gets automatically removed for the offending word, that is why I could not get it in the screen shot. Perhaps someone on the staff team can pull what was said that triggered the ban.
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