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Everything posted by Noshow

  1. + Support - Active - Dedicated - Nice & Respectful - Understands Duties/Rules of Shock
  2. + Support - Easy to Work with - Nice Person - Trustful - Active - Good Application
  3. Mission 3 : Sand Saber Mission Overview: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1t2QX6LFpQfBvQdT_xK7k1O1Q2Z3gPCLTKpKTdjOB0-U/edit?usp=sharing Outcome: Stalemate HVT Status: General Hemlock - Killed in Action Mission Report The Imperial Forces landed in a Small Town with a Deployment Shield Dome to protect them while Imperial assets were set up. The Imperial forces then pushed through the storm in the Rebel funnel walls while being heavily podded. They first wiped out all of the forces at the Tibanna Gas depot and after it was clear pushed towards the Communications Center. Tank Troopers & Imperial Commandos went to the Vehicle Depot a Small Force split from the Main force that went to the Mining outpost and the Main force with Fire Team Spectre went to the Rebel Communications Center. The Mining Operation was cleared first and they regrouped and blew up the Communications array. The Main force moved to the Rebel Security outpost and took it over as an Imperial Command FOB. Once they set up the Imperial Command FOB they all gathered up after IC Finished destroying the Vehicle Outpost. The Imperial Forces then pushed into the Rebel Military Compound and cleared out all of the Rebels on the exterior, they moved in the Command Bunker where they found 3 rooms, the Left & Right room was filled with Rebel Special Forces and the back room had Heavy Engine bombs in it with General Hemlock an ARC Trooper, Imperial Commando, and ISB:IA Operative then tried to negotiate were and Imperial who Krennic has decided to keep unnamed shot the Bomb. The Imperial regrouped after the explosion, move back to the Command FOB and evacuated easily as the Rebels had nothing left to fight for. Assets Loss - 2x Ground Vehicles - 1x Air Vehicle - 1x Command Fob - 42x Troopers HVTs Unlocked - General Luke Skywalker - Executive Researcher Marso Idelo
  4. Mission 2 : Ion Skies Mission Overview: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1heW2iiSZ1tmJC_X3eoIm8rDHwqYkXfPGwwI2jpFPpfQ/edit Outcome: Imperial Victory HVT Status: General Hemlock - Escaped Admiral Tycon - Captured Mission Report Vice Head of Intelligence Wolverine was designated Ground Commander, Wolverine split his forces into a Main Force, Scouting Parting and Special Operations. All three split with Scouts Pushing North towards the airfield, Special Operations pushing East towards the Shipyard, Supply Depot and Command Center and the Main forces following the road to the Supply Depot. The Main force faced the heaviest resistance from the Rebel Alliances from Pods to Turbo Lasers and Ground Armor. The Scout went fairly easily reaching the air field then pushing east, after they reach the each grid border they wiped out the Command Center. Special Forces then crossed the river while Scout Troopers cleared the Supply Depot and Special Operations cleared the Command Center. Neither of the HVTs where located in the Command Center, Special Forces moved North found nothing then pushed back to the Supply Depot. Once the Special Forces and Scout Troopers cleared the outside of the Supply Depot. The Main force then meant up with the Special Forces and Scout Troopers at the Supply Depot and capture the HVTs after hacking the building's ray shields. After they captured them they pushed back to the Evacuation Point/Command FOB where they safely brought the HVTs back to the Evacuation point. While transporting the the General was able to escape his AT-TE after the Rebels destroyed the AT-TE he was being transported in. After the General Escape the Troopers continued to push back to the Evacuation Zone and safely evacuated with the Admiral and all of the Imperial Forces. Assets Loss - 7x Ground Vehicles - 13x Air Vehicles - 1x Command Fob - 179x Troopers
  5. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Senior Gamemaster+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  6. - Support - Regularly Causes Issues - Constantly Minging - Immature - Disrespectful to Server Members
  7. Mission 1 : Coldfront Assault Outcome: Imperial Victory HVT Status: Not Found Mission Report Commander Antonoff was assigned ground command, the Imperial Forces where placed in a dome at C-01 and stayed there for 10 minutes. The dome then dropped and Storm Troopers headed to destroy the Crashed Imperial Cruiser to prevent the Rebellion from capturing it. Shock Troopers went to the Rebel Outposts where the Rebel Special Operations where stationed at. Inquisitors and the Imperial Navy went to Disengage the Rebel Communications and the 501st went to Destroy the Rebel Anti-Air. After everyone had completed their objectives the Ground Command ordered the Imperial Forces to move to A-01, the Imperial base. They then blew down the Base Door and moved in and cleared out the facility. Special Operations then sliced into the Imperial Databases and recovered information on the Rebel Army Forces. [ Information Gathered ] After the Information was gathered and all Imperial objectives were completed the Ground Command orderd that all forces report to the Evacuation point which was the Imperial Landing Zone. The Imperial Forces then went back to the Evacuation Point with heavy Rebel Resistance, but after intense fighting they made it back and evacuated.
  8. Free Stars Campagain Tracker The Free Stars Campagain will be a series of organized attacks against the Rebel Alliance. This campagain will have a total of 34 missions, 33 will be basic off-maps the 34th mission will be a large scale Operation. There is 11 HVTs, each HVT is linked to 3 missions 1 of those missions is where the HVT can be captured or killed. Killing or Capturing the HVT will unlock 2 HVTs and 6 Missions. Updates will be posted after each event debriefing what happened and what was gained. At the end of each map switch the Kills and Deaths of every battalion members online will be added to a spreadsheet that can be found above. At the end of the campagain the K/D will be calculated and the most valuable battalion will be rewarded.
  9. +Support + Cool Concept + Adds Roleplay - Would be very Annoying to redo every hour maybe 4-5 Hours after they get on an Imperial Job
  10. + Support - Has Good Communication - Serious & Follows Guidelines - Active - Works well with People - Listens Well - Has Experience
  11. + Support - Adds more reasons for people to join heavy - Makes sense for the Role of 501st being on the Front Lines - Reasonable Health & Armor for its Kit
  12. Unfortunately at this time you have been denied. Thank you for your interest in applying. You may reapply in 2 weeks.
  13. 1 Real 32 False from Frog
  14. Application Accepted. Please reach out to a Gamemaster V+ to get trained. Welcome to the Gamemaster team.
  15. Noshow

    ISD NEWS #1

  16. + Good Leader + Friendly Person + Follows Rules + Gives 501st Fun Things to Do - Very Short Application - Lacks a Ton of Effort
  17. + Support - Good Application - Friendly Guy - Follow Server & 501st Guidelines - Good Leader
  18. + Support - Droid is Cool - Models Look Nice - Models work Better
  19. + Support - Time System is cool for the Different Environments they face such as open areas, hallways, and those sorts of things. - Turning off the Squad Shield would be great for things such as forward pushes and anything movement related
  20. + Support To reset regeneration you have to reset everything else which takes around 4-5 minutes each time you want to relevel your skills, as 60% of the server uses it and faces issues during Simulations, Tryouts, and Trainings I think this would a be a great thing and save sooooo much time.
  21. + Support - Model Looks Way Better - Matches Rest of The Battalion - Cool Addition with Head & Removable Capes - Droid Actually Works
  22. + Support - Cool - Will add a New Aspect to Events
  23. In-Game Name: 501st ARCLT CPT Hammer 58 | ISB Operative Diamond Steam Name: [GL] Noshow SteamID: STEAM_0:0:496055290 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Super Admin | Imperial Roleplay How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community? I first joined Gaminglight in late 2020, I came back in 2022 Summer, Left, and now I have been back for 7 months. How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight? I have been an Imperial RP staff member for 208 days. How often are you online on the forums? I check the forums multiple times a day. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe that I am qualified to server as a Forum Diplomat because I have been able to reach the positions of Assistant Head Gamemaster and Super Admin. As well I have held many positions such as IC Vice Commander Sev, DT LTCOL SV02, RG SHG SHGO Vancander Jax, and I am currently 501st ARCLT CPT Hammer and a ISB:IA Operative. I was a former Gamemaster VII from 2022 Summer under Kio, Sanity, Daze, Anomaly, and Azerial. I believe that this shows I am a qualified member of the Community and can handle the responsibilities that come with Gaminglight Forum Diplomat. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? Yes, I would consider myself to have good judgement. One incident I have ran into recently is two staff members ran into a Issue on the bridge which ended up with one killing the other for disrespect of his superior. What I did in this situation was first take the ticket and listen to both sides of the stories, after I listed to both of their arguments I then looked over the clip were the one person did kill the other for disrespect. As the person was not IPO and disrespect of a superior is a arrestable offence I told him that it was RDM and he should've been arrested for disrespect of a superior and not killed. After that I went on to explain the rules, how the situation should've been handled and went in on how loitering warnings work. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? The first things that I would do in this situation is delete the spam messages, after I delete them I would tell him to stop spamming messages as it won't fix anything. I would then redirect him to the proper ban appeals area so that he can attempt to appeal his ban. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? I would send a Forums Diplomat Message to firstly be kind to each other and tell them both to stop arguing, in that message I would also include for them to keep the messages to +support and -support messages.
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