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Everything posted by Connor64

  1. - support Short app though you are MSGT I would love to know what branch you are in due to me guessing myself.
  2. are you talking about MTF branches or Gensec Branch?
  3. No longer CI LCPL AND JFTO. but now NU7 RCT
  4. +support Good ranks Experience has been RRH before.
  5. In Game Name: Walker Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85605170 Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): Connor3462#3260 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian. If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: 05-3 (To me, it really just depends on which Site Administrator / O5 council is on.) Current RP Ranks Held: Gensec LCPL, CI LCPL. Has anyone recommended you apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): no If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: no How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 1 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2827113694 (put the wrong screenshot) Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: To be honest the Red Right Hand looks very interesting according to lore and roleplay wise as well as knowing how important they are escorting those who are SITE ADMINSTRAION and O5. To me the Red Right Hand only recruits those who are trustworthy and very loyal to the foundation, betraying the foundation could mean removal of their job or worse blacklist, i would love to join the RRH because to me, I feel like that i could help and protect those who are in the O5 council as well as protecting the council from any threats, INCLUDING but not limited to SCPS, D class, GOI, CI, Anything that poses a threat to our most value members from the O5 council. Why should we accept you: you or others should accept me because i try my best to do everything that I can to help Foundation/O5 to deal with threats and escort the council from massive threats from the foundation and surface including raids, breaches, D class riots, ETC against our site and to help to maintain control of the site, the last thing we need is a code nuke to remove threats such as 610 or 682. I feel like I should be accepted due to the amount of hard work and the amount of trust of me having such for a high position as well as being the most loyal Guardian squad member to the council. though while there are no 05 council on, i will be still on RRH Guardian if there is a site administration flagged on. Thank you for taking your time and reading this application. I hope you all have a pleasent evening, night, day, whenever you are in the world. sincerly, Walker.
  6. {don't attack me for this} I think it really depends on what the community's history past, what they done, and what will do in future. Sure, they have a lot of things that are overpowered or stupid to the point of being unplayable but what I feel like is happening is that new users dont get a friendly welcome to the community. when i say that i mean that when i joined the server it was nothing but toxic people everywhere, I really didn't care about it then before leaving the community entire after and quote me on this "A Single Day." Another thing is the whole donator weapons, i have been in servers before and i see that people just want more weapons, models, ETC. Due to content demands, after all this server has been active from 2008 to 2022 soon being to 2023 so its no Suprise they shit out a new weapon and everyone goes ham on it, Then the people complain about it next day, i really think that it should be tested out on a dev server before reaching to the public.
  7. Just get good at the game sure he can be annoying but to me its a challenge. also please work on your aim.
  8. +support Lovelock is that guy you want to be on the staff team although he can be sometimes "Serious" I do see him as an excellent Staff member.
  9. Name: Connor Adams Rank: SGT SteamID (Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:85605170 Current Sub-Branches you're in: sniper, riot control Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: negitive
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