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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Leaky

  1. -Support, Clearly did not use the R word.
  2. Leaky

    LOA + 500th post

    Good to know you haven't left us!
  3. +Support Very active Well known/Lots of playtime Tons of staffing experience Friendly/Respectful Mini is an Excellent member of the staff team and is Well-Regard by the community, with his experience and overall knowledge I believe he will be a great Senior Admin. Good luck!
  4. +Support Active Helpful Very Fair Knowledgeable of the server and how things generally work. Good luck!
  5. +Support Very Active Knows the rules very well. Extremely helpful Good luck!
  6. +Support Rob is dedicated and willing to learn and I think he'll be a fine addition to the staff team. Good luck!
  7. Your time in SWAT was well spent. We will miss you. Until next time!
  8. Love being able to slap some sense into my friends. W update.
  9. The new Government raid system is excellent so far. W update
  10. I’ll never forget taking down bad guys with you my homie.
  11. My guy I asked you to make a player report on forums because I didn't want to be biased, No other staff was on. Saying "Leaky basically told me to fuck off" Is a huge understatement as I gave you every resource to make a proper report, please don't discredit me and make it out like I didn't try to help you.
  12. Ayyee. Glad to get the chance to roll with the cool kids
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