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Bailey Zappe

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Everything posted by Bailey Zappe

  1. Thank goodness, I really hope New Lakeside can incorporate a lot of Rockford into it so its not completely lost
  2. So… no dispute Then you should take your 4 day ban to read and understand the rules like you should have done when you joined the server in the first place -support
  3. -support You clearly don’t learn your lesson based on how many warns you have and posting ban appeals monthly won’t change that. Gaminglight is better without players like you.
  4. The map itself is pretty much already a racetrack with how few route choices there are lol Bring back Rockford but with a racetrack per this suggestion
  5. Need to see log records before I decide on + or - given the player’s history of racism warns/bans, seems unlikely this was an accident.
  6. -support you were banned automatically for saying the n word in text chat, which regardless of your skin color, is against GL rules on all servers. take the week to review the rules so you don’t make the same mistake when your ban is up.
  7. Yeah thats just unnecessary brown-nosing +/- because you seem genuine but also seem like you’re just saying whatever you have to in order to get unblacklisted.
  8. You can’t say the N word on any GL server for any reason. Doesn’t matter if it’s the hard R or not. -support since there is video evidence of using a racist word
  9. This definitely could have been handled better, agreed. However, GL staff represent the community regardless of how a situation was handled so this staff member should take responsibility for how their choice of words. +support
  10. uh… sorry your staff report was denied? cya
  11. +/- support can you explain your issue with the admin better? it seems like this was just a messy situation and he was trying to figure it out? also you caused a shootout with police as a member of government and ur only punishment was demotion? seems like you got off easy on this one so not sure why ur making this into a bigger deal... need you to explain your side of things not just post clips
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