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About AD0llA.AD

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  1. Name - January Steam ID - 76561199208165551 Discord Name - Cinthia#6952 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - none List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - none Why do you want to join Delta-5? I would like to join delta-5 because I would like to play as an MTF on the side while I am not playing as d-class. Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) Because I think that I would do well in delta-5 as I have the ability to shoot people with strong guns and kill them very nicely so we would always quite frankly be catching the dub and I think that is something that would be very valuable to this team of people and I love shooting CI Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes Sir!
  2. Name - Cinthia Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:623949911 Discord Name - Cinthia#6952 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - CI LCPL List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - I have none Why do you want to join Delta-5? - because i want to play an mtf as well but I don't really want to play nu-7 or e11 at the current moment and so i just want to play d5 because it sounds like the best mtf option to me atm. Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) - I mean I am decent at the video game and I think that I would do well in D5 now that it is one of the branches that I actually want to play so I think that's pretty good and I grind the game a lot I am very active most of the time as long as i don't have work I will be flagged up for either d5 or CI so to summaries decent at game and active that's about it Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? of course
  3. In Game Name: Cinthia Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:1:623949911 Discord Name (Ruby#0001): Cinthia#6952 When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): October 2021 Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): I want to join NU-7 because I was in it before under the name AD0llA I really enjoyed it, it was very fun it was my favorite thing to do and grind on the server I made is to SM before I got 200% burnt out and just stopped playing scp rp all together for a couple months I just want to join back because it was very fun and there's really no other branch like it to me so I would like to rejoin and regrind to experience it all again If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): Ive been in NU7 SM Ci pfc CI rnd, sec, e11 pvt, and D5 pvt. Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: yes I do understand
  4. + support has been balling and i respect it on the plug
  5. + support very short application but I will let that go as tazza is actively one of my favorite people to talk to and play with on the server is a little bit mingy but can be serious when is serious and do think he deserves it as he has played every single branch like in the video game which I also respect he a grinder
  6. + support haven't interacted much because loa but the few interactions i have had he seems like a cool dude
  7. + support is a cool dude to interact and talk to and does good
  8. + support rose through the mud together is active overall very cool guy
  9. + support love playing with the dude and is great
  10. + support I think if he most definitely deserves it love playing with this brother and he pushed through the mud when times where tuff so I think deserves it
  11. Your name on the roster: AD0llA Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): MSGT You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no: Yes Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: I have zero warns Questions Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): I have never broken rules before If don't Ming, power game, rdm, etc. I follow rules in general im not incredibly hard to get along with and all my interactions I am as friendly as can be I treat everyone as equals where they are commander of dclass or some high up guy everyone gets the same respect with no favoritism i don't abuse rank power which there really isn't anyway but I don't do that and that's about it I think I am just a trustable person who doesn't do anything that would put the branch in a bad light as I love nu7 and want to make sure that everyone looks at it and goes wow that branch seems really fun to join. Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words): I don't really like this question as I don't really believe that I should be I don't think I really deserve it either its extremely god complex mode but to answer I would say because im extremely active like a lot and I hate giving that answer because mi literally just playing the video game for a long period of time anybody could do it im not special in that regard but that is one reason I like to think I am a good fit I don't do bad things I am active I love combat and shooting and doing a little bit of research escorting every now and then I play the game correctly / for why I would want the position really just boils down to I think I would just like to be a higher ranking member even more involved then just some activity logs maybe doing promos and stuff I think would be pretty cool I just think I would enjoy it overall. Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words): I don't know other than I just put a lot of time in I grind a lot and I will keep grinding WO or not I just think in terms of activity that i might be a potential option to pick for to become a WO that's about all just that Scenarios You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take : I respectfully ask him to chill it out because at the end of the day it is not that serious and that he should chill out maybe recommend hopping off if he is that heated so he doesn't get in trouble but if action needs to be taken and he wont stop then i would take action if i could. You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?: Take it to DMs nobody else needs to be involved in it we can settle it out like two mature people and if its truly a situation that cant be resolved in dms take it to someone higher than me and ask for advice on what I should do about the situation.
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