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Everything posted by Warthog

  1. Warthog

    Face Off

    It’s about drive it’s about power we stay hungry we devour
  2. Uh Oh the trainees are going to escape. Best thing we can do for now is to make sure we keep the main door closed.
  3. +Support riot control should’ve gotten a riot shield though
  4. I only +support for a different gun. I do play the DClass Pro sometimes and the 1911 has some poor hit registration. However, I -support giving dclass anymore health/armor.
  5. Almost killed Dr. Maynard yesterday because someone in E11 called out that the CI Heavy was an error so I see an error and shoot it (I was in EZ while CI were supposedly on site) and turns out I almost killed Maynard so this needs to get fixed before someone gets in trouble.
  6. +support Joshua (or how he spells it) is a pretty good maintenance member and I see him around quite a bit.
  7. -support for this reason Security already has trouble keeping Dblock in check with the cc’s and mobsters running amuck. Buffing all dclass would just make a bunch of security resign and create more problems for MTF to deal with.
  8. 1. What is your Ingame Name: Phill 2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it): STEAM_0:1:123911451 3. Rank: Medic 4. Time on server: Been playing since August 31st, leaderboard says 1 week. 5. Total strikes ever received: 1 FTO strike in security. Another in maintenance but idk what that one is for since there is no note. 6. How many warns do you have on GL: 0 7. Who gave you permission to apply: Medical Manager Bison and Assistant Head Nefario 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: 8 9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words): I think I am fit for the Advanced Combat Medic class because I wish to be able to support the foundation and have the ability to fend for myself. I would be able to help the security at dblock without needing to run away at the first sign of trouble. I do have good combat experience since I am a MSGT in E11 and Security. Being an ACM would mean I could protect my fellow medics if the CI were to ambush us. Then after we have fought of any attackers, I would be able to heal those around me so we can push on and secure the site. 10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do? I would tell the A1 (referring to them by their callsign of course) that if he can spare to wait, I can get the CPL healed up and then heal him. Then the 3 of us could move in to fight the CI.
  9. In Game Name: Phill Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:123911451 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Engineer Current RP Ranks Held: MTF E11 JFTO SGT / SEC JFTO SFC / MJ / CI RND IA / RFM MEDIC / How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) : 0 (although I did break NLR my first day as security because I thought clock minutes would work instead of timing exactly 2 minutes with a stopwatch.) Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I wish to join the Red Right Hand team because the idea of a redacted task force has always peaked my interest. I love playing games like Black Ops where you are sent on secret missions. I also like the menacing presence the Red Right Hand establishes onsite. I find myself speechless when I bump into a Red Right Hand due to how legendary they are. Maintenance has to be my favorite branch due to how creative I am allowed to be, but being restricted to LCZ is an obstacle I do not like. Being in a branch that is considered very serious would also suit my personality I believe. Why should we accept you: You should accept me into Red Right Hand because I am a respectful and honest player. I am consistently coming up with ideas whether it be a design for an armor station or a path to flank the CI. I know many of the server rules since I have had experience in a lot of branches. I know I am not the greatest at combat, but I am always watching how others play to improve my skills. I am always trying to help others out which is why I am a FTO in Security and E11. My activity isn't the best, however this is simply due to me trying to balance work and school.
  10. Name:Phill Rank:IA Call Sign:IA70 Discord#1234: Pigboy13#8264 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: could y’all add some information about EOI in the sop or somewhere unless it’s redacted then oops Do you wish to remain apart of R&D:Yes
  11. Lore Name: Phill Rank: Experienced Researcher SCP:066 Question / Idea:Will distorting an audio recording of someone saying “Eric” cause 066 start playing the symphony? Background Research:SCP-066 is a ball of yarn that will play Beethoven’s second symphony at 140 decibels when it hears the word “Eric” Hypothesis: 066 will recognize that the audio recording is the word “Eric” despite the distortion. Observations (What Happened During Test):I made sure to wear proper ear protection before coming into contact with SCP-066. When I entered the containment area, I pulled out a tape recorder and played the distorted audio. SCP-066 seemed interested in the recording, but it did not start the symphony. After a minute, I got up and left the containment chamber. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Audio recording I used for the experiment (it seems to have gotten quite loud when converting to mo4 format I apologize.) : Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-066 appears to have non-anomalous intelligence due to it not recognizing the audio is saying “Eric” Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:My hypothesis was not correct.
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