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Posts posted by FusionThunder

  1. Name: Fusion
    Rank: MAJ
    SteamID:(STEAM_0:1:0000000) STEAM_0:1:24668105
    Reason for leaving: D5 HCMD

    Hey Yall I know this may be wacky but i got D5 HCMD! So im going to devote my time to that for now. You will still see me though!

    Heres some mentions i think


    Toasty: Bro you are one of the chillest mfs and i enjoyed my time with you in Nu7
    Soul: One of the chillest mfs ive ever met. Please keep in contact with me
    Yato: get hcmd already smh! Nah but fr i enjoyed my time as DHBHM and my time with you. Please keep in contact!
    Pure: Inactive COL Pure
    Ignis: Man y u bulli me
    Savagery: Shut up furry
    Jolt: Blueberry lemonade sounds good tbh
    Gray: Who are you?
    Cardigan: My Favorite Shirt
    Island: Bro is one of my favorite mentors frfr but get active
    Yamato: A better DHBHM FR
    Vuit: Inactive also Ratio
    Shadows: Funny man who has promise for D5 and Nu7
    Nyde: Fucking nerd
    Caroline: Minge
    Gyara: Fuck you

    Thats all folks! Have Fun!

    Dont let Jolt have fun while im gone!

  2. 14 minutes ago, Demon Dice said:

    Lovelock is probably the most serious person I've seen on the server for a while and is respectful from all my experience with him.

    The application is pretty well written and he seems like he wants to help



  3. 9 minutes ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:


    He was already banned. If he continues to be an issue, WHILE being banned then yes we should consider extending. He's already being punished for the incident. 

    Well said

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