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Posts posted by FusionThunder

  1. On 4/15/2022 at 6:09 PM, Coltable said:

    Imo ppl just get breached by dclass anyways so i dont think this is needed at all, Also sounds like a shit tone of early morning sits which probably wouldn't be taken as id say 90% of the staff team is EST based which would just end up frustrating for those players trying to breach. 

    This pretty much. I breached 610 076 and 354 as a d class just yesterday in early hours and it took THREE HOURS to get them all back in their cc and kill straggler 610s


  2. 31 minutes ago, Fool said:


    Known this guy for a long time he did well as Nu-7 and E11 CMDR 

    Also worked along side the og A1, I know mike will do well as A1

    Hoovy if you don't accept this man I'm 1v1ing you at cowshed


    Oh shit fool is supporting this man? Thats how you know he’s good. 
    great application as well so overall 


    -Xray 21

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  3. The 3 MTF branches that struggle with activity? The ones that rarely get over 10 people on weekdays?


    Like don’t get me wrong nobody likes being nerfed, I get that, but you have to look at things from more than one POV

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