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Posts posted by FusionThunder

  1. 3 hours ago, FeaR x Green Pikachu said:

    I love the idea a lot and it would be great for RP, however, This would make server performance already worse than it is right now, so, 

    -Support (If it doesnt hinder performance then easy +support)


  2. 8 hours ago, Pankyeatspancakes said:

    + Support

    The current 2191 Meta teaches 2191 to run into any group and just suck away 
    Its stupid, All of Nu7 went on BHM one time and 2191 ran into all of them and actually tried to fight. Ofcourse he died, and he got mad that it didnt work
    Its just dumb how a 2191 can kill entire squads of mtf due to the insane regen with no cooldown.


  3. Just gonna give a few key things here that were ignored

    Firstly, this first clip the exploit wasnt even used all i was doing was clicking as fast as i could. The exploit comes when you would hold down as the cooldown gets rapidly reset.


    Secondly, The second clip cant be considered concrete evidence due to the fact there was hardly any bullets fired and right clicking normally i blocked it from time between bullets being so great


    Thirdly, I am actively trying to get this sword nerfed/reworked. I see no reason to witchhunt me over this especially when i didnt exploit.

    Fourth,  The way the exploit works according to your clips seem to either be hyperbolic or not even shown

    Finally, this post should be in the staff reports section i believe so someone please move it if im right

    • Like 3
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  4. Just now, Caroline said:

    We all know and love the current forums reactions, but I think one crucial emote is missing from the reactions list.

    And that is the 💀 emote. 

    I suggest that the skull emote is added to the reaction list to the forums. It would be a neutral reaction so it doesn't affect forums users' reputation on the forums.

    Use this version though; 



    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Piller said:


    Clear powergaming and what we've sadly come to expect from this individual. Regarding it not being specifically mentioned in the rules, this is irrelevant as the MOTD states that not every situation can be accounted for and this is very obviously against the spirit of the MOTD.


  6. 5 hours ago, phrog said:

    i love sniffing glue



    +support, while he do be kinda slow sometimes. he's shown signs that he has changed, although if this happens to get accepted, i suggest the same treatment diz got ( permanent 2 strikes for a month or 2).

    This is basically what Kevlar and I are going to do.

    Shadow, I personally have seen a huge improvement for you and I think you are indeed ready to come back. However, You will be on a 1 Strike period for 2 months. If you fuck up at all, You will promptly be removed and reblacklisted. I hope this decision is the correct one.


    But yea, This appeal has been accepted.

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