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The Real Slim Nova

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Everything posted by The Real Slim Nova

  1. I see, the logs show you killing a D-Class, but it could have been glitched. For know I am +support.
  2. Name: Nova Rank: SEC SM. SteamID (Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602):STEAM_0:0:554693485 Current Sub-Branches your in: FTO, CCU, Jugg, Warden, Sniper, Riot Control, and RIG Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:
  3. +Support Lafleur is a very active person, as I see him on Nu7 almost every day; and medical too.
  4. This too, I am not 100% sure, as I am just back to Staff after like 5-6 months. Lafleur informed me to warn him, and then Kevlar came in after to ban him.
  5. My side: I was being shadowed by Lafleur for an RDM sit. We found out that you LTAP'd, and I was told to warn you, and Kevlar later banned you. I was doing what I was specifically told to do by an higher-up. Although, if this is true, and you did NOT LTAP, and you did not understand that you were getting punished, than +Support.
  6. MASSIVE +Support My experiences with Boomer have been amazing. Hes always been helpful, and is an amazing command. Hes on ET every once in a while, and is overall a kind person. I think he fits the criteria of the Trial Moderator AKA Trail Moderator position.
  7. that looks like the fortnite battle pass
  8. Personally in my opinion, I believe that a PT shouldnt determine the supportance of an RRH Application. PTs are personally based off opinion, and is not truly made of what one person thinks. Boomer IMO is a great, active command member, the best mute, and everything else you can think about. +Support
  9. Said the N-Word in TS, I also quite literally see you minging almost 9/10 of the time. -Support. Why do you "Kinda" regret saying stuff like that, its highly offensive to religions/races and im sure they wont appreciate it.
  10. Tazza seems, as of what the other guy said, like a nice person. Even though I have never seen him (Probably because timezones) I think he would be a perfect fit for this job, especially since hes active, and helpful. +Support
  11. To add on to this, I would also love to see more creativity, because normally I am seeing Activity, and Kindness as a main source of why they should get accepted, but its not always bad to use topics like that.
  12. What is your in-game name?: Nova What is your steam name?: Da OG Nova What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:554693485 What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667): Novaa#4216 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I was a Moderator for around three weeks, until I globally resigned due to school. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Feburary / MArch of 2021, and I have 5 weeks of playtime, What date did you make your forums account? May 29, 2021 How many warnings do you have on all GL servers? None. What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc) None. Are you a staff member in another community? Nope. Have you read the staff handbook? Yes. Timezone: EST, if on vacation, GMT. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I should become the rank of Trial Moderator because first off, I am very active. I try to average atleast 2-3 hours on the server in a day, maybe even more. I am always on every day, and I mainly play on Security. I am also very kind, and can keep my calm. I understood at the moment of reading the Staff Handbook that calmness is needed at all times in sits, so I abide by that rule, and make sure that I do that. Being active is a perk, Ive learned about in Staff. As we need more people actively taking sits. If I were accepted into Trial Mod, I would always be on, active, and ready to take sits for the day. Especially on weekends. I am also very attentive, as I listen to anybody who is allowed to give me orders, and I never not follow orders. I would love to actively answer questions, help newcomers, and many other things that attribute to the community and help it grow. Overall I think I am a great fit because I am active, kind, calm, and attentive. Scenario questions: Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Please note, in the scenario questions we are not expecting perfect answers. We are accessing your critical thinking skills, your ability to use the staff handbook, and come to reasonable conclusions. Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First off, I would ask them to stop cursing, or I will have to gag/mute them. If they do not stop, I will be required to do so. Then after that, I will explain the situation they are going through in the sit. In this certain case, I have logs to prove the Mass RDMing. I will use those logs, and see if it was done. In this case it was, so I would warn them, and get an Admin or higher to ban the player for five days. Before so, I will inform them about the ban, and why they are receiving it, the date of how long it will be, and that continuous actions such as that after a ban will result in a longer period of a ban. Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving? Well firstly, I will explain the punishment, and how if it is to be repeated, they will get an even harsher punishment, such as a warn, or a ban. But most commonly with people who dont care about the punishments they may LTAP, which I would get someone who can ban for three days, and warn them.
  13. I didnt wait four days to buy the trench knife because the free credits for it to be nerfed +Support
  14. Even if it is a joke, imagine him as a command, saying it in the chat, as the newer ranks were told, they should listen to higher ranks, so whenever someone says "die, kys" anything like that, they will follow that and believe its ok because he hasnt gotten banned for it yet, so I think before he becomes a command, he should work on maturity, and toxicity, and I believe he will be fit.
  15. Thought it was common sense to check a song to make sure it doesnt got the N-Word... -Support
  16. Not everything works out. If you decided to be racist, homophobic, and leave during a sit, then you maybe not love the server after all. You can spend money, but that wont revive your chances to returning. I believe it would've been easier to just not act that way, and behave properly. And also, those punishments aren't minor at all. Those are serious actions that in Gaminglight, they will not tolerate in any way. Trust me, I have not seen a singular person with punishments like this return at all. -Support for reasons stated above
  17. +support did his time and is very cool 2lt now we also love him
  18. 1. What is your in-game name?: Nova 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:554693485 3. Current Rank in Security: MSGT 4. Time on the server: 4 weeks 5. Current level: 70 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 10 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: Nope, I am a good boi 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: ZJ, Stabby, Cardigan, lots of other people 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yep. 10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes. 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): I believe I deserve the Security Jugg Job, because first, I can be really active on it. I know command really loves Juggernaut, so I believe if I was chosen for this job, then I would easily play on it alot. Next, a no-brainer, I used to be one. Back before I resigned from SM, I was a Jugg. I was experienced with the job too, so I believe I could easily adapt to the new stuff within the job. I am also very good at PVP. I always used to play PVP, or Co-op games. I already got really good at PVP in this SCPRP server, so I believe I would be fit because of that too. I have a high knowledge on the SOP of many jobs, so I believe I would be able to keep my word on following the rules. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?:Personally for me, I have the best aim with shotguns, its kinda for me how you only gotta shoot 1 time or twice to kill them, and for crowd control, I usually use shotguns for that.
  19. Honestly thought stonks would become a big brain during my break, but guess he didnt... +Support
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