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Average Pipebomb enjoyer

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Posts posted by Average Pipebomb enjoyer

  1. On 1/21/2022 at 3:18 PM, STONKSMAN said:

    somehow feel like they can act like total assholes

    Honestly sometimes things come off colder than they should since most SF cant speak you cant hear the tone in their voice so something very normal can come off wrong

  2. Fuck you and your: Broken fridge that works over heaven, king crimson, star platinum over heaven, Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, chariot requiem, alternate universe the world, killer queen, hierophant green and, the hand, The world over heaven with Lvl 1000 ultimate lifeform is better

    On a real note 
    Hit up payday 2 wit me and thin 

  3. 2 hours ago, Igneous said:

    I'm going to leave my two cents on here, as I have watched this report get discredited by invalid points, and at this point I feel it necessary to speak up. I've debated heavily with myself whether or not I was going to comment on this report, but given the circumstances and my own personal ethical and moral beliefs, I have decided to share my opinions on the matter. 

    I'm first going to ask that for any of you that read this comment, to take a second to actually think about what this report means. As far as I can tell, This report is not a personal attack against hotshot nor is it a witch hunt or a scheme to get back at him. To the best of my ability I can interpret this report as a genuine report where the concerned party is worried about the future of ImperialRP.

    I've read the entirety of this report, multiple times, and read every comment on this post, and I myself (obviously) have more experience than anybody else on this matter. With that being said, I fully agree with the report, and I will explain why. For the sake of the length of this reply, I'm not going to comment on everything, just the things that I find to be the most important.


    Regarding the Situation with Spectre:

    I'm not familiar with the reserves part of this complaint, but what I am familiar with is the fact that Spectre was outed as an alt account of a member with 40 warnings, and only received a temporary staff restriction as a punishment. Many many many different SMT members that I have asked about this situation stated that Spectre should have been blacklisted for that. Its been our policy for years that you simply cannot do that, and we've banned countless others for doing the same thing. Why should Spectres situation be any different? I firmly believe that Hotshots decision to keep Spectre and minimally punish him was a direct result of bias, and should have not happened.

    Regarding the situation with Chico:

    I read what Hotshot stated about this "Certain ranks don't get access", and that is simply just not true. Hotshot could have given Chico the permission to help him, he just didn't. I have seen this happen countless times where Hotshot has refused help from people who wanted to do more, and for someone who claims to not have any time, he sure does turn down help. I firmly believe that part of the reason there is/was a lack of SMT on ImperialRP is because of this.

    Regarding Hotshot Promoting River:

    Even if River was doing his job was JMT, I firmly believe that promotion should have never happened. While sometimes people do "slip" through the cracks, there is absolutely no excuse for that in my eyes. It was so blatantly obvious that river was doing sketchy shit, I myself found out about it in literally minutes. River was not properly vetted for that promotion, and I feel that had Hotshot put in a little more time and asked for others opinions, it wouldn't have happened.

    Regarding the lack of content/updates:

    I more than anybody in this community can understand how hard it may be to get out updates sometimes, as I managed a server alone for over 2 years. However, that is not an acceptable excuse in this scenario. The only acceptable excuse that I could accept is Zeus gaming, but for the months that followed after Zeus gaming? That is unacceptable in my opinion. From what I am told hotshot had opportunities to ask for help, but refused them. Not only that, but especially with something as simple as branch updates and job code. I understand Hotshot stated that it was low priority, but the question I ask then is what was high priority at that time? The report states that basically no updates were done for over 2 months, so if that wasn't high priority then what was? Also regarding the lack of a map additions/removals, Hotshot stated that the reporter has no knowledge of the progress on that. I find that frankly to be straight up BS. If there are broken maps on the server, they should be removed as soon as possible, especially if they break the server beyond repair until restart. Not only that, but the lack of map additions as well? How does that have anything to do with the reporter not being able to see the progress of those tasks. Its common knowledge what maps are/aren't on the server, and they havent been updated in months, so that doesnt make sense.

    Regarding Hotshots responsibilities in Real Life:

    This is by far the most important rebuttal that Hotshot made, and that others are making in his defense. Nobody in this entire community will fault Hotshot for having a life, having bills to pay, and having shit to take care of. Every single one of us does. That isn't the important part. If Hotshot does not have the time to handle his responsibilities here, then I pose the important question, why would he not resign? If you all are not aware, there was a time in my life where I was in a similar position as Hotshot. I was mostly unavailable, unable to perform updates and duties, and I felt like absolute shit about it. I felt like I was letting my server down, and instead of sticking around for months and months being unavailable, I resigned. That is the mature thing to do. I took an LOA, and when I came back I still found myself unable to perform, and therefore I took it upon myself to leave for the betterment of the server. At this point, this is the thing that bothers me the most. I find it INCREDIBLY disrespectful how Hotshot has continued to let the server go astray while being majorly unavailable to do his tasks. 

    I will never fault somebody for what they have to do in real life. But if Hotshot knows, (and has known for months), that he cannot perform his tasks, he should not still be here. He has a responsibility to the server, and to this community, and if he can no longer perform it due to in real life responsibilities, then this should not be dragged out any longer.

    Side note, in no way should Hotshot have responded to this report, as I find that incredibly immature and borderline predatory.

    Thank you for reading, 



    • Thanks 1
    • Laughing 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Demon Dice said:

    I have seen this guy a fair amount and every time I've talked to him its been a swell time, why yea his activity isnt the best at times I do believe that if he gets this position he will step up to the plate and deliver. Through many conversations ive had with atlas he definitely has the right kinda altitude and drive to really help RND come back to life and its pretty clear how much he cares for the branch look how long he has been in it.



  5. What are you suggesting? - An actual ID card item

    How would this change better the server? - it would allow more immersive RP and it would just be a quality of life change

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Foundation members

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2484281292 
    Path: weapon_pass_sb

    Screenshot (2416).png


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