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Average Pipebomb enjoyer

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Posts posted by Average Pipebomb enjoyer

  1. 12 hours ago, Chombos said:

    I've known Dano for a decent amount of time and I'd really think it is appropriate for a +support
    Dano has been nothing but kind, respectful, respectable, and generally a good guy.
    I see no other reason for this guy not to deserve the Forum Diplomat title.
    He has my all around respect and I believe he is one of the best candidates by far.


  2. 3 hours ago, Chombos said:

    By far more professional then most of the people I've seen in the RP branches
    on SCPRP. He is a swell guy and I know for a fact he is trustworthy.
    Not only reaching the rank of Admin but also Decently high up the RP rank ladder.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3.                                                                                                                                     DENIED

    Unfortunately, this application into the Mech whitelist has been denied. This can be due to Inactivity, Behavior Issues, or generally being unfit for mech at this time.

                                                                                                                                             don't reapply

    • Dislike 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Yato Sensei said:

    Now this would be a good point but people can buy levels sooo, yeah.

    - Support

    Absolute pain in the ass to do and just adds unnecessary work. Having to whitelist every single person that wants to play on X job sounds tedious and useless. If someone is minging on a job on X branch, just report them to HCMD and they can blacklist said person from the job. It's way easier to pick out the bad ones than to have to be asked over 10000 times "Hey can I play on your job?"


  5. 3 hours ago, Demon Dice said:

    I feel like this isn't needed pretty much every DMR got a buff and they all do pretty comparable dmg to one another so if you wanna nerf the g3 then all of them would need to be nerfed aswell, I understand they are strong but this change just happened give it some time for people to get used to it. And besides normal snipers are alot stronger like the barret can 2 tap 225/225 jobs so guns having a high ttk isnt a bad thing in my book if anything I wish more guns killed as fast as the g3 does, sorry for the rant hehe but -SUPPORT


  6. +Support 

    Yea i understand that its fun to call someone trash or say get fucked when you kill them seeing as i do it sometimes too and so do alot of other people but you really gotta watch who you say it to since some people are soft as fuck

  7. 2 hours ago, Tydrix Weeb said:

    Work on your activity on both forums and in game I understand being GMT may make you play on off times but thats alright we are always looking for staff that are GMT and EST anywhere really we love having people that play early in the morning for EST and late at night for EST

    No perms to ban as a Trial mod but I can understand the reason in which you did answer how you did do read up on the staff handbook and answer the questions as if you were a Trial-Mod

    Other than that its a decent enough Application


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